Herpes virus infections Flashcards
Describe herpez simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV1 and HSV2)?
- Viruse multiplies in epithelial cells of mucosal surfaces
- Producing vesicles or ulcers
- Lifelong latent infection when virus enters sensory neurones at infection site
A 20 year old woman who is 16 weeks pregnant presents with pain passing urine and an irritating rash. On exmination she has a tender, red, vesicular rash on her vulva. A urine dipstick shows both blood and white cells. What is the best treatment?
Oral aciclovir
Describe the presentation of HSV1 and 2?
- Sensory tingling prodrome -> vesicles -> ulcers
- Systemic symptoms are possible
- Reactivation is usually less severe unless immunocompromise
Describe Herpes labialis?
- Cold sore lesion at lip border
- Predominantly HSV-1
Describe Genital herpes?
Usually HSV2
Describe Gingivostomatitis?
- Fever, sore throat -> tender oropharyngeal vesicles
Describe Herpetic whitlow?
- Painful vesicles on distal phalynx
- Innoculation through break in the skin
Derscribe Herpex encephalitis?
- HSV1 in immunocompromised
- Transfer of virus from peripheral site to brain via neuronal transmission
- Prodrome: fever, headache, malaise
- Then: encephalopathy
Describe the diagnosis of a herpes simplex virus?
- Clinical diagnosis
- Viral PCR of CSF, swab or vesicle scraping
- Also culture, immunofluorescence, serology
Treatment for herpez simplex viruses?
- Aciclovir
- Reduces symptoms and viral shedding
- Does no prevent latent infection
- IV aciclovir for HSV encepphalitis
Management of a woman with primary genital herpes in her third trimester of pregnancy?
- Oral aciclovir until delivery
- Delivery by caesarean section
Describe varicella zoster virus (human herpes virus 3)?
- Primary infection transmitted via respiratory droplets
- Invades respiratory mucosa, replicates in lymph nodes
- Virus containing vesicles = chicken pox
- Dermatomal reactivation of dormant virus = shingles
Describe Chicken pox?
- 2 day prodrom: fever, malaise, headache
- Then rash: pruritic, erythematous macules
- Complications in immunosuppressed:
- Encephalitis, VZV pneumonia, transverse myelitis
Describe shingles?
- Painful, hyperaesthetic area
- Macular, vesicular rash in dermatomal distributiion
- Infectious until scabs appear
Complications of shingles?
- Post-herpetic neuralgia
- Ramsey hunt syndrome
Describe the diagnosis of Varicella zoster virues?
- Clinical unless immunocompromised
- Viral PCR, culture, immunofluorescence
Treatment for VZV?
- Oral aciclovir/valaciclovir for uncomplicated adults
- IV aciclovir if pregnant, immunosuppressed, disseminated disease
Describe the prevention of VZV?
Vaccination at age 70 to prevent shingles reactivation
A 54-year-old woman who is currently receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer presents for advice. Her granddaughter has developed chickenpox, with the pox first appearing yesterday whilst she was looking after her. The patient has never had chickenpox herself and is concerned about developing it, although she is asymptomatic at the current time. What is the most appropriate management?
Arrange varicella zoster immunoglobulin
Describe Epstein-Barr virus (human herpesvirus 4)?
Virus targets circulating B lymphocytes and squamous epithelium of oropharynx
Describe the presentation of EBV?
- Asymptomatic infection in childhood
- Infectious mononucleosis in primary infection of adults
- Sore throat, fever, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, palatal petechiae
- Hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice
- Prominent malaise
Describe the diagnosis of EBV?
- Blood film
- Lypmhocytosis
- Heterophiles antibody tests
- Serology
- IgM to EBV viral capsid antigen in acute infection.
- IgG if past indection
- Reverse transcriptase viral PCR
Treatment for EBV ?
- Supportive
- Seek expert help if immunosuppressed
Presentation of CMV (human herpesvirus 5)?
- Asymptomatic in most
- Symptoms mimic infectious mononucleosis
- Sever disease in immunsuppressed:
- Oesophagitis, gastritis, colitis, pneumonitis, retinitis
- Infection during pregnancy associated with congenital abnormality
Describe the diagnosis of CMV?
- Primary infection in immunocompetent
- IgM
- Immunosuppressed
- Quantitative nucleic acid amplification testing (QNAT)
- Invasive disease:
- Tissue QNAT
- Histopathology
Describe the treatment for CMV?
- Given in severe infection
- Ganciclovir, valganciclovir
- Foscarnet, cidofovir
Describe human herpesvirus 6?
- Roseola infantum
- Febrile illness without rash
Describe human herpesvirus 8?
- Oncogenic
- Castleman’s disease