Herbs II: Final Review (Part I) Flashcards
Fu Zi / Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata
- Restores the Yang to rescue collapse and devastated Yang disorders. Can assist with Heart Yang above, warm Spleen Yang in the middle, and supplement Kidney Yang below.
- Strengthens the Yang and supplements the fire. Often used for cold syndromes such as impotence, lack of libido, cold pain of the lower back, epigastrium, and abdomen, frequent night urination, etc.
- Warms the channels; disperses cold and dampness.
Chuan Wu / Radix Aconiti Preparata
- Dispels Wind-Dampness and Wind-Cold or Wind-Damp Bi syndrome. More effective than Fu Zi in dispelling cold, but has less tonifying properties
- Disperses Cold to alleviate pain
- Reduces swelling and treats abscesses and lesions
Cao Wu / Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii
The properties, channels entered, and actions of this herb are similar to Chuan Wu, but it is stronger and more toxic.
- Dispels Wind-Dampness and Wind-Cold or Wind-Damp Bi syndrome. More effective than Fu Zi in dispelling cold, but has less tonifying properties
- Disperses Cold to alleviate pain
- Reduces swelling and treats abscesses and lesions
Rou Gui / Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae
- Supplements fire and strengthens the Yang. Effective in treating various disorders due to Kidney Yang deficiency and vital gate fire wane
- Leads fires back to its source (i.e. upward-floating of deficient Kidney Yang)
- Disperses cold to alleviate pain
- Warms the channels and unblocks the vessels; treats amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to Chong and Ren channels deficiency and cold coagulation leading to blood stagnation
- Can invigorate the growth of Qi and Blood or constitutional deficiency caused by Qi and blood wane
Gan Jiang / Rhizoma Zingiberis
- Warms the middle jiao and disperses cold
- Restores devastated Yang, warms and unblocks the channels
- Warms the Lung and transforms congested fluid (dissolves phlegm)
Wu Zhu Yu / Fructus Evodiae Rutaecarpae
- Disperses cold and alleviates pain, various pain due to cold stagnating the Liver channel
- Warms the Middle Jiao to stop vomiting
- Spreads the Liver and descends rebellious Qi downward
- Strengthens Spleen Yang and stops diarrhea due to Spleen and Kidney deficiency cold
- Leads fire downward
- Activates Qi circulation and relieves pain
Xia Hui Xiang / Fructus Feoniculi Vulgaris
- Disperses cold to alleviate pain; warms the Liver and Kidneys
- Regulates the Qi to harmonize the stomach
Bi Pa / Fructus Piperis Longi
- Warms the middle jiao and disperses cold; helps relieve pain in the middle jiao from cold
Hu Jiao / Fructus Piperis Nigri
- Warms the middle jiao and disperses cold; can also be used externally when placed in the navel for treating abdominal pain and diarrhea due to exterior cold evil attacking
Chuan Jiao / Pericarpium Zanthoxyli Bungeani
- Warms the middle jiao and alleviates pain and helps relieve diarrhea
- Kills Parasites (particularly roundworm)
- Stops itch from eczema or vagina itch
Ding Xiang / Flos Caryophylli
- Warms the middle jiao and descends rebellious Qi; used for addressing vomiting and hiccough due to stomach cold
- Disperses cold and alleviates pain; treats stomach cold with epigastric and abdominal pain
- Warms the Kidney and aids the Yang
- Used for Yin type sores or traumatic injury
Ding Xiang / Flos Caryophylli
Special Characteristics:
Do not combine with Yu Jin
Bi Pa / Fructus Piperis Longi
Special Characteristics:
Can help relieve toothache pain when used as a powder; also good for treating angina due to congestion in the chest (chest Bi syndrome)
Wu Zhu Yu / Fructus Evodiae Rutaecarpae
Special Characteristics:
Primarily targets the Liver and Stomach
Gan Jiang / Rhizoma Zingiberis
Special Characteristics:
Gan Jiang and Xi Xin are the only two herbs that can warm the lung and transform congested fluid
Rou Gui / Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae
Special Charateristics:
When used in decoctions, should be added near the end; should be crushed into small pieces prior to use.
Cao Wu / Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii
Special Characteristics:
Use of powder is not recommended due to its toxicity. This herb is incompatible with Ban Xia, Gua Lou, Bei Mu, Bai Lian, and Bai Ji
Chuan Wu / Radix Aconiti Preparata
Special Characteristics:
Use of powder is not recommended due to its toxicity. This herb is incompatible with Ban Xia, Gua Lou, Bei Mu, Bai Lian, and Bai Ji
Fu Zi / Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata
Special Characteristics:
This herb is incompatible with Ban Xia, Gua Lou, Bei Mu, Bai Lian, and Bai Ji
Ling Yang Jiao / Cornu Saigae Tataricae
- Calms the spirit (heart, shen disturbance), and extinguishes liver wind. Treats spasms and convulsions due to internal movement of Liver Wind. Subdues central nervous system
- Calms the Liver and anchors Liver Yang
- Clears Liver Heat and improves vision. Headache, red, swollen eyes, dues to Liver fire rising
- Clears heat and relieves toxicity
Gou Teng / Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis
- Extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms; treats spasms, convulsions, and seizure disorders due to internal movement of Liver wind
- Clears heat and calms Liver Yang; treats headache and dizziness due to Liver Fire or Liver Yang rising
- Used for children at nighttime when weeping aloud
Tian Ma / Rhizoma Gastrodia
- Calms the Liver and anchors Yang; major herb for treating dizziness
- Extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms; chief herb for treatment of spasms and convulsions due to internal movement of liver wind
- Unblocks channels and collaterals, and alleviates pain; treats headache, wind-damp Bi syndrome and numbness of limbs
Quan Xie / Scorpio
- Extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms; treats spasms and convulsions due to various factors, especially excess patterns
- Attacks toxin and disperses nodules
- Unblocks channels and collaterals, and alleviates pain; used for chronic and stubborn Bi syndrome
Wu Gong / Scolopendra
- Extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms (wind tremors and convulsions)
- Attacks toxins and disperses nodules; treats toxic swelling including sores, carbuncles, scrofula, phlegm, etc.
- Unblocks channels and collaterals, and alleviates pain
Di Long / Pheretima
- Clears heat and extinguishes wind
- Unblocks channels and collaterals
- Calms wheezing: cough in children and respiratory disorders due to heat
- Promotes urination; clears heat from the urinary bladder
- Currently used for treating hypertension, mumps, erysipelas, and psychosis; anchors Liver Yang and lowers blood pressure
Niu Huang / Calculus Bovis
- Extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms; treats convulsions with high fever and unconsciousness in warm febrile disease or childhood acute convulsions
- Transforms phlegm and opens the orifices; used to treat coma with closed mouth among other wind diseases
- Clears and relieves toxicity
Bai Ji Li / Fructus Tribuli
- Calms the Liver Yang; treats dizziness and vertigo due to the ascent of Liver Yang
- Spreads the Liver constraint; facilitates the flow of Liver Qi and disperses stagnation
- Expels wind and stops itching
- Brightens the eyes
Niu Huang / Calculus Bovis
Special Characteristics:
King herb for treating Liver Wind
Di Long / Pheretima
Special Characteristics:
Anti-allergy. Good for parkinsons, epilepsy, Bi syndrome, lesions, and rashes
Wu Gong / Scolopendra
Special Characteristics:
Also used for treating impotence and low libido
Quan Xie / Scorpio
Special Characteristics:
Toxic only in the tail, not in the head
Gou Teng / Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis
Special Characteristics:
Chief herb for treating hypertension. Common function of all teng (vines) is to unblock the channels
Ling Yang Jiao / Cornu Saigae Tataricae
Special Characteristics:
In decoction, must boil alone for at least 2 hours
Shi Jue Ming / Concha Haliotidis
- Calms the Liver and anchors Yang
2. Clears Liver heat and brightens the eyes
Mu Li / Conchae Ostreae
- Calms the Liver and anchors the Yang; dizziness, headache and tinnitus due to Liver Yang rising
- Heavily sedates and calms the spirit; addresses palpitation and insomnia due to restlessness of spirit
- Astringes leakage of fluids and secure slippage disorders (i.e. spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequent urination)
- Softens hardness and dissipates nodules
- Absorbs acidity and alleviates pain; treats stomachache with acid regurgitation
Long Gu / Os Draconis
- Heavily sedates and calms the spirit
- Calms the Liver and anchors floating Yang; addresses dizziness due to Liver Yang deficiency
- Astringes leakage of fluids and secures slippage disorders
- Astringes boils and generates flesh
Ci Shi / Magnetitum
- Sedate the fright and calms the spirit; addresses fright, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, etc. due to restless spirit
- Calms the Liver and anchors the Yang
- Improves hearing and vision
- Grasps the Qi and calms wheezing
Dai Zhe Shi / Haematium
- Calms the Liver and anchors Yang
- Heavily sedates and descends rebellion (commonly vomiting, coughing, and wheezing from Stomach and Lung Qi rebellion); redirects rebellious qi downward
- Heavily sedates the Heart and calms the spirit
- Cools the blood and stops bleeding (bleeding due to heat)
Zhen Zhu / Margarita
- Sedates the Heart and calms fright; settles palpitations, tremors, epilepsy, and convulsions due to Heart heat
- Extinguishes wind and arrests fright and convulsions
- Clears the Liver heat and eliminates nebula (superficial visual obstructions)
- Clears heat and relieves toxicity
- Astringes ulcers and generates the flesh; treats chronic, non-healing ulcers
Dai Zhe Shi / Haematium
Special Characteristics:
This herb is descending- good for treating rebellion
Ci Shi / Magnetitum
Special Characteristics:
More focused on Kidney than Liver
Long Gu / Os Draconis
Special Characteristics:
Raw Long Gu is used for calmign the spirit and anchoring asendant Liver Yang; calcined Long Gu is used for astringing
Mu Li / Conchae Ostreae
Special Characteristics:
Use charred herb for even more astringency; Calcine (char) to absorb acidity and stabilize slippage, otherwise use in raw form
Shi Jue Ming / Concha Haliotidis
Special Characteristics:
Chief herb for treating red, swollen, and painful eyes.
Zhu Sha / Cinnabaris
- Heavily sedates the Heart and calms the spirit; treats palpitation and insomnia due to various factors
- Clears heat and relieves toxicity; topically used to address skin sores, carbuncles, sore throat, ulceration of mouth and tongue due to toxic heat
Hu Po / Succinum
- Heavily sedates startle and calms the shen; addresses tremors, convulsions, epilepsy, insomnia and frightened palpitation
- Invigorates the blood and disperses blood stasis or blood stagnation such as from traumatic injury
- Promotes urination and unblocks Lin
- Reduces swelling and promotes healing; used to treat sores, carbuncles, and ulcers of the skin
Suan Zao Ren / Semen Ziziphi Sinosae
- Nourishes the Heart, augments the Liver, and clams the spirit; addresses palpitation and insomnia due to Yin and blood deficiency.
- Inhibits sweating: constitutional deficiency that leads to spontaneous sweating and night sweats
Bai Zi Ren / Semen Platycladi
- Nourishes the Heart and calms the spirit; addresses irritability, insomnia, poor memory, and frightening palpitations
- Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels; treats constipation due to Yin and blood deficiency, or in senile people or postpartum women
Yuan Zhi / Radix Polygalae
- Quiets the Heart and calms the spirit; treats palpitation, startle, insomnia, and poor memory
- Expels phlegm and opens the orifices
- Dissipates abscesses and swelling; used to treat boils, sores, carbuncles, swollen and painful breasts
Ye Jiao Teng / Caulis Polygoni Multiflori
- Nourishes the Heart and calms the spirit; addresses irritability, excessive dreams, and easy to frighten due to Yin and blood deficiency
- Nourishes the blood and unblocks the channels
- Expels wind and alleviated itching
He Huan Pi / Cortex Albiziae
- Calms the spirit and relieves constraint; treats depression, irritability, and insomnia
- Invigorates the blood; used with traumatic injury and fracture with pain
- Dissipates abscesses
He Huan / Hua Flos Albiziae
- Calms the spirit and relieves constraint; used to treat depression and insomnia, it can nourish the Heart, relieve constraint, and calm the spirit
- Regulates the Qi and whet the appetite; addresses Heart and Spleen Qi constraint marked by stifling sensation in the chest and reduced appetite
- Invigorates the blood and alleviates the pain; soreness of lower back and legs, and traumatic injury with pain due to Qi and blood stagnation
He Huan / Hua Flos Albiziae
Special Characteristics:
More effective at treating the liver
He Huan Pi / Cortex Albiziae
Special Characteristics:
More effective for palpitation, insomnia, and shen disturbance
Ye Jiao Teng / Caulis Polygoni Multiflori
Special Characteristics:
Can decrease blood fat; prevent fatty liver. Can help change the HDL/LDL ratio
Yuan Zhi / Radix Polygalae
Special Characteristics:
Increases production from mucus membrane, making phlegm thinner
Bai Zi Ren / Semen Platycladi
Special Characteristics:
Nourishes the yin and enriches the blood
Suan Zao Ren / Semen Ziziphi Sinosae
Special Characteristics:
Nourishes the Heart Yin and Liver blood
Zhu Sha / Cinnabaris
Special Characteristics:
Do not heat to prevent mercury poisoning. Blow into mouth to treat throat.