Herbs II: Class Two Flashcards
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
Temperature: Warm
Properties: Sweet
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
- Kills parasites; especially good for roundworms and pinworms
- Reduces accumulation to support spleen and stomach
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
Channels: Spleen, Stomach
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
Special Characteristics:
Shi Jun Zi / Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
Special Characteristics: Used constantly over three days as one course of treatment
Bing Lang / Semen Arecae Catechu
Bing Lang / Semen Arecae Catechu
Temperature: Warm
Properties: Acrid, Bitter
Bing Lang / Semen Arecae Catechu
- Kills parasites; kills various types of parasites, including roundworm, hookworm, pinworm, and fasciolopsis
- Reduces accumulation/food accumulation
- Promotes movement of qi
- Promotes urination
- Checks malaria or malarial disorder
Bing Lang / Semen Arecae Catechu
Bing Lang / Semen Arecae Catechu
Channels: Large Intestine, Stomach
Bing Lang / Semen Arecae Catechu
Special Characteristics:
Aggressive herb. Doesn’t just move the qi, but actually breaks up the qi; using too long can damage qi
Ku Lian Gen Pi / Cortex Meliae Radicis
Ku Lian Gen Pi / Cortex Meliae Radicis
Temperature: Cold
Properties: Bitter, Toxic
Ku Lian Gen Pi / Cortex Meliae Radicis
- Kills parasites; powerfully kills roundworm, pinworm, and hookworm
- Cures tinea infections and sores
Ku Lian Gen Pi / Cortex Meliae Radicis
Ku Lian Gen Pi / Cortex Meliae Radicis
Channels: Liver, Spleen, Stomach
Ku Lian Gen Pi / Cortex Meliae Radicis
Special Characteristics:
Effective component is difficult to dissolve in water, so should be simmered for a long time 1- 2 hours
Guan Zhong / Rhizoma Guanzhong
Guan Zhong / Rhizoma Guanzhong
Temperature: Slightly Cold
Properties: Bitter, Toxic
Guan Zhong / Rhizoma Guanzhong
- Clears heat and relieves toxicity: wind-heat colds or flu, warm-febrile disease with macula, and mumps
- Kills parasites: tapeworm, hookworm, pinworm, and roundworm
- Cools blood and stops bleeding
- Can also be used for burn or scald, leucorrhea, and hypertension
Guan Zhong / Rhizoma Guanzhong
Guan Zhong / Rhizoma Guanzhong
Channels: Liver, Spleen
Nan Gua Zi / Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
Nan Gua Zi / Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
Temperature: Neutral
Properties: Sweet
Nan Gua Zi / Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
- Kills parasites; especially used for killing tapeworm
2. Helps promote lactation
Nan Gua Zi / Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
Nan Gua Zi / Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
Channels: Large Intestine, Stomach
Nan Gua Zi / Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
Special Characteristics:
Do not fry this herb
She Xiang / Secretio Moschus
She Xiang / Secretio Moschus
Temperature: Warm
Properties: Aromatic, Acrid
She Xiang / Secretio Moschus
- Intensely opens the orifices and revives the spirit
- Invigorates the blood, disperses clumps, and unblocks channels
- Alleviates pain; various pain due to blood stasis
- Hastens delivery
She Xiang / Secretio Moschus
She Xiang / Secretio Moschus
Channels: Heart, Liver, Spleen
She Xiang / Secretio Moschus
Special Characteristics:
Can not be used for decoction
Bing Pian / Borneolum Syntheticum
Bing Pian / Borneolum Syntheticum
Temperature: Cool
Properties: Acrid, Bitter
Bing Pian / Borneolum Syntheticum
- Aromatically opens the orifices and revives the spirit
2. Clears heat and alleviates pain
Bing Pian / Borneolum Syntheticum
Bing Pian / Borneolum Syntheticum
Channels: Heart, Lung, Spleen
Bing Pian / Borneolum Syntheticum
Special Characteristics:
Can not be used for decoction; pills and powder only
Su He Xiang / Styrax Liquidis
Su He Xiang / Styrax Liquidis
Temperature: Warm
Properties: Sweet, Acrid, Aromatic
Su He Xiang / Styrax Liquidis
- Opens the orifices and revives the spirit
- Clears away filth and alleviates pain
- Currently used for angina associated with coronary disease
Su He Xiang / Styrax Liquidis
Su He Xiang / Styrax Liquidis
Channels: Heart, Spleen
Su He Xiang / Styrax Liquidis
Special Characteristics:
Only taken in pill or powder form
Shi Chang Pu / Radix Acori Graminei
Shi Chang Pu / Radix Acori Graminei
Temperature: Slightly Warm
Properties: Acrid, Aromatic
Shi Chang Pu / Radix Acori Graminei
- Breaks up phlegm
- Transforms turbid dampness and harmonizes the stomach
- Opens orifices and pacifies shen
- Benefits the throat; can also be used for a sore voice
Shi Chang Pu / Radix Acori Graminei
Shi Chang Pu / Radix Acori Graminei
Channels: Heart, Stomach
Antiparasitic Herbs (Category)
These herbs act to kill and expel parasites, relieve pain, and reduce stagnation. Applications for these herbs include treatment of internal and external parasites such as roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm, and ringworm.
Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices (Category)
Herbs that are said to open the orifices act to dispel any pathogenic blockages in order to resolve sensory function and induce consciousness.
Shi Jun Zi
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Shi Jun Zi
Pharmaceutical Name: Fructtus Quisqualis Indicae
English Name: Rangoon Creeper Fruit
Literal Translation: Envoy Gentlemen Seeds
Bing Lang
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Bing Lang
Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Arecae Catechu
English Name: Betel Nut
Literal Translation: Areca
Ku Lian Gen Pi
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Ku Lian Gen Pi
Pharmaceutical Name: Cortex Meliae Radicis
English Name: Chinaberry Tree Bark
Literal Translation: Bitter Amargosa Root Bark
Guan Zhong
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Guan Zhong
Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Guanzhong
English Name: Dryopteris Root
Literal Translation: Link the Multitude
Nan Gua Zi
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Nan Gua Zi
Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
English Name: Pumpkin Seed
Literal Translation: Southern Melon Seeds
She Xiang
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
She Xiang
Pharmaceutical Name: Secretio Moschus
English Name: Musk
Literal Translation: Musk Aroma
Bing Pian
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Bing Pian
Pharmaceutical Name: Borneolum Syntheticum
English Name: Borneal
Literal Translation: Ice Flake
Su He Xiang
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Su He Xiang
Pharmaceutical Name: Styrax
English Name: Liquidis Styrax
Literal Translation: Awaken Close Fragrance
Shi Chang Pu
Pharmaceutical Name:
English Name:
Literal Translation:
Shi Chang Pu
Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Acori Graminei
English Name: Green-grass Sweet-flag Rhizome
Literal Translation: Stone Acorus