Henry VIII & Wolsey Flashcards
What’s the common view of Henry VIII’s reign before 1529?
It was aimed at demonstrating a break from his father
Which two of Henry VII’s advisors did Henry VIII execute upon his ascension to throne?
Edmund Dudley and Sir Richard Empson
Who was Henry VIII’s first wife? Why this marriage useful for Henry?
Cathrine of Aragon, it restored the Anglo-Spanish alliance
What did Henry VIII want to experience to show he was a valiant king?
Why was War hard for Henry to achieve in the early years of his reign?
Many of his advisors favoured his father’s peaceful policies and were good at inaction
What was Henry tricked into doing in 1510? Who tricked him?
Renewing a Truce with France, Archbishop Warham and Bishop Fox
What did young Henry learn about Maximilian and Ferdinand or Aragon?
Both were unreliable, they would accept French bribes
When was Henry’s first invasion of France and what was the aim?
1512, it’s intention was to take Aquitaine
Who did Henry organise the 1512 invasion with? What happened as a result?
Ferdinand of Aragon, he used English presence as a distraction for the French to take land in the Pyrenees
Was the 1512 invasion successful?
No, it achieved nothing but was costly
When did Henry invade France for a second time? Where would the invasion focus on?
1513, The area around Calais
What did France realised about Henry’s 1513 invasion?
The English could inflict little damage if they weren’t confronted
Which town and which city did Henry capture in the 1513 invasion? What happened to these?
- Therouanne, it was given to Maximilian and burnt down
- Tournai, nothing happened to it but it gave Henry recognition as it was internationally recognised
Which two Battles took place in 1513?
1- The Battle of the Spurs
2- The Battle of Flodden
Which was more significant a victory, the Battle of the Spurs or the Battle of Flodden? Why?
Battle of Flodden, it was fought while Henry was away and got rid of the Scottish threat for many years
What did the 1512 and 1513 French invasions do the English economy?
The invasions exhausted the economy, Henry couldn’t finance a third campaign in 1514
What did Henry seek in 1514 with France? What happened as a result?
A Peace Policy: the French were to pay the arrears for the French Pension; Henry got to keep Tournai; Henry’s sister would marry Louis XII
Was the 1514 peace policy between England and France advantageous compared to the campaigns of 1512/1513?
Not particularly, advantages were minimal and Henry had lost the ability to use his sister in the marriage market
What happened to Henry VIII’s court compared to Henry VII’s?
It was more vibrant and lively
Why were the nobility less a threat to Henry VIII as they had been to Henry VII?
He reestablished the traditional relationship between nobility and King
What three factors made Wolsey able to rise to power?
Luck, talent and dedication
What would Wolsey tell Henry VIII?
Exactly what Henry wanted to hear
When did Wolsey originally make his mark for Henry?
The 1513 French Expedition, he organised the logistics and defied his superiors so Henry’s wishes were granted
What did Wolsey become in 1515?
Lord Chancellor and a Cardinal
What was Wolsey appointed as in 1518?
Papal Legate
What was made lifelong in 1524 for Wolsey?
His Papal Legate status
Out of Wolsey and Henry, who dictated English politics?
Henry, Wolsey had power undoubtedly but could be over-ruled by the King, Wolsey used his power to please the King, not himself
What did Henry want from his early foreign policy?
The assertion of English power on the continent in the name of glory
What did Wolsey give Henry in his early foreign policy to still achieve glory?
A series of treaties and meetings
Why did Wolsey push Henry towards glorious diplomacy?
England lacked the finances and the resources to compete with Spain and France
Was Henry VIII concerned with trade?
Not to the degree of his father but did ensure good relations with Burgundy because of the cloth trade
Was Henry trying to unite Scotland?
No, he was most likely trying to subdue them to limit the threat of a backdoor invasion
What happened between 1515-19 that made Foreign affairs for Wolsey hard to navigate?
Francis I became King of France, Charles V became Holy Roman Emperor. Both were young and wanted to assert power like Henry.
What Francis encourage the Duke of Suffolk to do that undermined Henry’s position as ruler?
He encouraged him to marry Henry’s sister Mary, this marriage to a non-royal without permission was disrespectful and it took Mary off of the marriage market which was of no benefit to Henry
What happened in 1515 that furthered weakened England’s position in Europe?
The French victory at Marignano gave France control of Milan
What did Henry order in response to the French Victory at Marignana?
He ordered Wolsey to build an Anti-French alliance
Why did the Anti-French alliance in 1515 never happen?
The accession of Charles I resulted in a peace treaty between France and Spain, HRE Maximilian joined this, leaving England sidelined
The papal initiative to raise troops to fight the Turks was spun by Wolsey into what?
The Treaty of London
When was the Treaty of London?
October 1518
Why was the Treaty of London pivotal for Henry looking powerful?
Each involved country signed the treaty with Henry separately
What sacrifice was made by Wolsey for the Treaty of London?
The English returned Tournai to the French
What happened in 1519 that further undermined the Treaty of London
Charles I was elected Holy Roman Emporer
When was the Field of Cloth of Gold?
When did Henry meet Charles and Francis? What did these meetings mean for Henry?
May 1520, June 1520, it meant England stayed at the centre of the European stage
What was Henry’s meeting with Francis named?
The Field of Cloth of Gold
Was the FoCoG advantageous?
No, it cost more than a years income and had no diplomatic benefits
Was Wolsey an adequate counter-weight between Francis and Charles following the FoCoG?
No, by 1521 they were at war
What did Wolsey agree with the emperor in 1521? Under what treaty?
To invade France if France didn’t make peace with Charles, it was made under the Treaty of Bruges
What were England forced to do as a result of the Treaty of Bruges in 1523 and what happened?
Send a force into France. Charles abandoned England so they returned in disarray having cost £400k. It also showed England could not play peacekeeper
What battle took place in February 1525? Who captured who?
Battle of Pavia, Charles Captured Francis
What did Henry do as a result of Francis’ capture at the Battle of Pavia?
Ordered Wolsey to raise the funds to assert his claim to the French throne
What happened as a result of Wolsey’s attempt to raise the funds to invade France in 1525?
The plans were abandoned, Charles refused to attack France and annulled the marriage between Mary and himself
What did the 1525 attempted invasion of France and marriage annulment demonstrate to Henry VIII?
England lacked the finances to compete in Europew
What happened in 1525 as a result of England failing to get Charles’ support for a French invasion?
England were forced to seek peace with France
When did England and France make peace? Under what treaty?
August 1525, the Treaty of the More
What alliance did Wolsey seek in 1526?
What league was established to try and reverse the French Defeat at Pavia?
The League of Cognac
What treaty was signed in 1527 that reinforced the treaty of the More?
The Anglo-French Treaty of Westminster
What followed the Anglo-French Treaty of Westminster?
The Treaty of Amiens, the Anglo-French agreement to attack Charles
When was the English declaration of war on Spain? What contingency was put in place?
1528, Henry made sure to make agreements to protect to cloth trade in Burgundy
When did the war between Charles and Francis end? Under what treaty?
1529, the Treaty of Cambrai
What did Henry’s late invitation to the Treaty of Cambrai negotiations show?
Englands influence was in fact limited in Europe
What began to dominate Henry’s policies in late 1529?
The desire for an annulment for his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
Who captured the pope in 1527? Why was this difficult for Henry?
Charles, he was the Nephew of Catherine of Aragon so had the pope decline the annulment requests
What was the only available route to free the pope from Charles?
The alliance with France and military victory
Why did the policy of Anglo-French conflict with Charles fail?
It provoked protests due to the cloth trade suspension
When did the Pope and Francis make peace with Charles?
The Treaties of Barcelona and Cambrai respectviely
What did the treaties of Barcelona and Cambrai mean for Henry?
He was diplomatically isolated, Wolsey faced an impossible task to grant the annulment
What were Wolsey’s five key domestic changes?
1- Legal reforms 2- Financial reforms 3- Social reforms 4- Administration 5- Relations with the Nobility
What did Wolsey change in the Legal system?
Wolsey ensured justice was given impartially, and made sure poor people were represented adequately
Did Wolsey use the Legal system to punish people who opposed him?
Yes, he often removed himself from cases that incriminated himself but heavily punished those he had vendettas against
What limitation did Wolsey’s legal reforms carry?
He put nothing in place to ensure they’d continue once he’d left office
What did Wolsey change about the tax system?
He replaced the old system of fifteenths and tenths with a tax system based on accurate land valuations
What did Wolsey order in 1523?
The subsidy of four shillings in the pound, it’s intention was to bring in £800k but in reality only bought in £300k
What did Wolsey order in 1525?
The Amicable Grant
Why did the Amicable grant not work?
There were two forced loans in 1522-23 to fund the war in France that were still being repaid, the subsidy of 1523 was also still being collected. Wolsey was forced the back down
What unrest was caused as a result of the Amicable Grant?
10,000 men raised in East Anglia, Henry had to intervene
What was the consequence of the unrest resulting from the Amicable Grant?
The King was forced to step down, he claimed he had no knowledge of such grant and used Wolsey as a scapegoat
What did Wolsey pass in 1515 that tried to increase revenue from crown lands?
The Act of Resumption
What did Wolsey try and do to Enclosures? When did this stop happening?
Wolsey attempted to reduce enclosures, charging 188 land owners with crimes. However, in 1523 Wolsey was forced to overturn this.
How did Wolsey’s relationship with Parliament effect their influence on the king?
Parliament were only called twice during Wolsey’s time in office, he was trying to exclude them from influencing the King
What did Wolsey introduce in 1526? Who did it effect and what was its intention?
The Eltham Ordinances, it aimed to improve the finances of the privy chamber
Why was Wolsey likely to want to manipulate the Privy Chamber?
He could limit the influence they had on the king
What did Wolsey announce in 1516 regarding the nobility?
He announced they shouldn’t consider themselves above the law
What happened between Wolsey and the Duke of Buckingham?
The Duke of Buckingham proposed a plot against Wolsey, so he had him executed
Was Wolsey a good churchman?
No, he personified most things wrong with the church
Where did Wolsey hold officies? What is the term for holding more than one?
Archbishop of York and Bishop of Lincoln, Pluarlist
What did Wolsey intend to build under the name of the church as Papal Legate? Was this successful?
He intended to build churches, by his downfall only one school had been constructed
When did Henry and Catherine of Aragon marry?
In what years did Henry’s desire for a divorce dominate English policy?
What were the three main proposed reasons Henry wanted a divorce?
1- Believed the marriage was against god’s will
2- He needed a legitimate heir to the throne
3- He had fallen in love with Anne Boleyn
Why did Henry doubt the legitimacy of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
The marriage of Henry to his dead brothers wife goes against the bible, he also doubted whether or not the Pope was actually at liberty to issue such papal dispensation
When did Henry begin the process of divorcing Catherine of Aragon?
May 1527
Why did Henry appoint his bastard Henry Fitzroy as the Duke of Richmond?
Mary’s legitimacy was in dispute, Henry Fitzroy would have made a better illegitimate heir
Why was it unlikely that Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon would have another baby?
Catherine was over 40, he last pregnancy was 1518 and Henry stopped sleeping with her in 1524
What happened in 1528 that made Henry further want a divorce from Catherine?
Henry’s visit to France in 1528 led to Mary’s legitimacy being questioned
Why did Henry VIII desire Anne Boleyn?
It was either out of pure love or Anne Boleyn being the one woman in England who wouldn’t put out solely because Henry was King
What was Wolsey’s first approach to grant Henry a divorce? Why didn’t this work?
He attempted to persuade the Pope the marriage went against divine Law as stated in Leviticus, this didn’t work because it meant the current pope would have to admit the previous pope had made an error
What was Wolsey’s second approach to grant Henry a divorce? Why didn’t this work?
Henry claimed there was an error in the dispensation itself, this would be put down as a clerical error. This did not work as Catherine’s advisors found a version phrased differently that worked in their favour
What was Wolsey’s third approach to grant Henry a divorce? Why didn’t this work?
The third approach was to allow the divorce hearings to occur in England, whereby a papal legate, Wolsey, would be able to pick what happened. This didn’t work because it was agreed Wolsey and Campeggio would have to decide but Campeggio delayed his visits to England. Court was suspended in 1529 on the premise such a break existed in the courts of Rome
Why did the delay on the Divorce anger Henry so much?
Wolsey had assured Henry that it would be quick given his influence with the papacy, but it had been two years to no avail
What did the Boleyn faction influence the king into thinking about his divorce?
That Wolsey was deliberately slowing down the process
Why was it probable that Wolsey stood against the Boleyn family?
Anne was far more involved in politics than Catherine, there was potential Wolsey’s influence would diminish if the King had a political wife
Why was Henry desperate for the divorce by 1529?
Anne Boleyn refused to be his mistress and the more time passed, the less likely Henry was to have a male heir of age upon his death.
What did Henry charge Wolsey of?
Praemunire, the upholding of papal law without the King’s permission
When did Wolsey die?
November 1530, died before execution