Henry VIII's Foreign Policy Flashcards
What were Henry VIII’s aims?
.Reputation concerns.
.Ambitious/aggressive towards French.
.Honour and Glory.
.Netherland links - cloth trade.
.Europe peacemaker.
.Dynastic/national security.
.Collect pension.
Why was Henry VIII so against the French?
.All Kings since Edward III claimed to be the King of France.
.Emulate Henry V - Battle of Agincourt.
.Auld Alliance.
What problems were there?
What was the position of France, England and the HRE at the start?
.England - £110,000, 2.75 million people.
.France - £350,000, 15 million people.
.Habsburg Empire - £560,00, 23 million people.
At what points was Henry VIII isolated?
.1512 - First French invasion, Ferdinand.
.1517 - Treaty of Cambrai, isolation.
.1525 - Battle of Pavia, had to switch sides.
At what points did Henry not capitalise on other opportunities?
.Scotland - death of James IV and 1513 Battle of Flodden.
.Treaty of London and Field of Cloth of Gold - 1518 and 1520.
.French alliance after Field of Cloth of Gold - Treaty of Bruges with HRE.
Overall what was Henry VIII’s foreign policy like?
.Cost and isolation due to manipulation.
.Inconsistent French policy.
.Changed tactics a lot - no money, land, power, influence gained.
.Charles V immense power.
.Wolsey became Papal Legate - influence, power.
.Gained Tournai and Therouanne, some back, little influence, lost money.
What successes were there between 1509-1529?
.1510 - Etaples renewed.
.1511 - Holy League - England, HRE, Spain, Venice, Pope v France.
.1513 - Battle of Spurs - Therouanne and Tournai.
.1514 - Peace with France.
.Wolsey power rise - Papal Legate later.
.1514 - Mary and Louis XII.
.1513 - Battle of Flodden - Surrey led - James IV killed.
.Albany threat left - Scotland divided.
.1518 - London - non-aggression Perpetual Peace - Ottoman Empire threat.
.1518-20 - Tournai return, Albany left, pension back.
.1520 - Field of Cloth of Gold - festival week.
.1522 - France invaded - gain land, gain Pope’s favour and Mary and Charles V?
What failures were there 1509-29?
.1512 - 10,000 to France - Navarre captured by Spain.
.Tournai sold back.
.Mary marry Duke of Suffolk.
.1512 - Auld Alliance renewed.
.Couldn’t exploit Scotland.
.1515 - Francis I see him as a rival.
.1516 - Charles V wanted peace with France.
.Albany - Scottish heir.
.1519 - Charles V HRE.
.£15,000 on FoCoG.
.1525 - Pavia - no shares to Henry.
.1522/3 - parliament reluctant about ex.rev.
.1525 - Amicable Grant.
.1525 - League of Cognac - against Charles V.
What were Henry’s aims with France, HRE/Spain and Scotland in 1509-29?
.Take over - throne claim.
.Trade/good relations.
.Against but not a focus - Auld Alliance.
What happened with France 1509-29?
.1510 - Etaples.
.Holy League formed.
.1512 - 10,000 men sent under Dorset Marquis.
.1513 - Battle of Spurs - Therouanne and Tournai.
.1515 - Mary + Louis but he dies - Marignano victory.
.Cambrai - allied Charles V.
.Albany of French nobility.
.1518 - London - Leo X to halt Ottoman Empire.
.Tournai, pension, Albany.
.1520 - Field of Cloth and Gold.
.1522/3 - Invade Northern France.
.1525 - More.
.League of Cognac.
.1527 - Amiens - anti-Imperial alliance.
.1528 - Fight Habsburgs and 1529 - Peace - defeated by HRE.
What happened with Spain/HRE 1509-29?
.1509 - Catherine married.
.1512 - Used in Nevarre capture.
.Separate France peace treaties made.
.1516/9 - Charles V takes over.
.Treaty of Cambrai - Charles V allied France.
.Joined London’s non-aggression pact.
.1520 - met at FoCoG.
.Aug 1521 - Bruges - Marry Mary - war with France.
.1525 - Won Pavia - wouldn’t invade North with Henry.
.Failed embargo and 1529 - won Landriano.
.1528 - War with HRE never went through.
.League of Cognac against him - troops sacked Rome.
What happened with Scotland 1509-29?
.Sep 1513 - Flodden - Surrey and army - James IV and nobility killed - James V an infant.
.No money to take advantage of this.
.Auld alliance still strong.
.Albany regent to Scottish throne.
.Scottish nobility divisions.
.Albany removed - more peaceful.
How successful was Henry 1509-29?
.France - Lost Tournai, Peace treaties didn’t last, 1520 plan to turn on them, bankrupcy, secured pension, Albany removed, Papal Legate, £15000 spent.
.HRE/Spain - temporary peace, unemployment, social issues, no marriage annulment support, no French land gained, no military glory, isolated.
.Scotland - weaknesses not exploited as no money, kept at bay and quiet, French taken out of there.
What was Europe like at this time?
.England - Flex muscle.
.Scotland - Auld Alliance.
.Antwerp - Trade.
.HRE - Independent/ protestant princes.
.Burgundy - Charles wanted it.
.Hungary - links to Charles.
.Ottoman Empire - HRE attacks.
.Naples - French invaded.
.Milan - dispute over it.
.North Africa - Ottomans.
.Mediterranean - Ottomans.
.Spain - Charles’ men and money.
.France - Ally Germans and Ottomans - English claim.
.Netherlands - fought over.
What happened 1527-35?
.Great Matter unsolved.
.1527 - Treaty of Amiens - anti-Imperial Alliance.
.Burgundy trade embargo.
.1529 - Battle of Landriano - Charles V wins.
.Pope dominated by CHV.
.Wolsey’s fall.
.1532 - Fragile French alliance - can’t pressure HRE.
.Francis marriage son with Pope’s niece Catherine.
.Henry Rome break, CHV busy with Ottoman Turks.
.League of Schmalkalden alliance - mutual distrust.
What happened 1536-40?
.2 Queens dead - renew CHV alliance.
.CHV and Francis fighting.
.1538 - Treaty of Nice - severed English connections.
.Pope Paul III bull - Henry deposed.
.Pope envoys - Catholic crusade on Henry.
.CHV and Francis busy.
.1539 - Six Articles Act - pressure Catholic opinion and explained Cleves - LOS alliance - insurance policy.
.Marriage redundant - CHV and Francis not fighting.
What happened in Ireland?
.Controlled Pale.
.Gerald Fitzgerald, 9th Kildare.
.English courtier and powerful Gaelic Chief.
.Feud with Butler.
.No rule with/without Kildare.
.1534 - Kildare dismissed - son Thomas rebels.
.No English gov control - drained resources.
.1539 - O’Neill and O’Donnell - Pale invasion.
.1541 - gov control - new Kingdom - English law.
.Peerage titles/equal.
.1534 - No money for reforms - no loyalty and religious differences.
What happened with Scotland 1540-47?
.1542 - invaded - immediate success.
.Won Battle of Solway Moss.
.James V died.
.Diplomatic pressure.
.Rough Wooing - Mary and Edward.
.Arran support but Sadler said suspicion - Mary not be brough up in England.
.1543 - Treat of Greenwich - betrothed but Arran deserted - not ratified.
.Hertford - raided.
.1542 - Didnt secure policy.
.Didn’t heed Sadler’s warnings.
.Hertford as retaliation.
What happened with France 1540-44?
.Alliance with Emperor.
.1544 - 48000 men, head of army.
.Council warned him, health problems.
.Paris march, committed in Imperial alliance.
.In Calais, besieged Montreuil, captured Boulogne.
.Emperor and Francis peace.
.1544 - Treaty of Crepy with CHV.
What happened with France 1545-7?
.Troops in Scotland.
.Won Battle of Ancrum Moor.
.Troops in Isle of Wight.
.Mary Rose sank in Solent.
.Boulogne not recaptured and invasion not materialised.
.Sued for peace - no money.
.1546 - Agreed peace.
.Treaty of Ardres - 2 million, Antwerp loans, monastery money, Crown Estate, coinage debase, inflation increase, ex.rev.
.Ives - followed his heart.