Why were the commissioners partly responsible for the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Continued to operate in the face of local protests.
When did the ‘pilgrimage’ begin?
October 1536.
Where did it take place?
Broke out in Yorkshire.
Who led the rebellion? How many people joined?
Robert Aske.
What was the main cause of the rebellion?
Resentment over the changes in the Church and the dissolution of the monasteries.
What were the four main counties in the North that got involved?
Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Cumberland and Westmorland.
How did Henry react to the Pilgrimage?
Shocked - for a while the dissolution process was halted.
How did the rebellion come to a close?
Once the situation had settled and the ringleaders were dealt with, the dissolution began again.
What had people generally thought about the Church before the reformation?
That it was too wealthy and too powerful.
Which German Preacher further fuelled these views about the reformation?
Martin Luther.
What did Luther criticise in 1517?
The clergy for selling indulgences which would allow people to pay money in exchange for forgiveness of sins.
Did Henry support the ideas of Luther?
No, but he did agree that the Church had too much wealth and power.
Who was a political figure who refused to recognise Henry as head of the Church?
Thomas More, Henry’s Lord Chancellor.
What two other issues did the break with Rome create?
- Financial: stop paying taxes to Pope, spent too much.
- Foreign: angered many European countries, worry about invasion.
What four factors that came about as a result of the reformation angered people?
- Rising Prices.
- Changes to religion.
- Landowners lost influence.
- Cromwell’s power.
What did Robert Aske assure people?
That they were not against the King and believed the existing social hierarchy and royal authority.
What were the three main demands of the pilgrims?
- Restore the monasteries.
- Recognise the Pope as head of the Church.
- Dismiss Thomas Cromwell and other ministers who they thought gave poor advice.
Where had the Norfolk rebellion began?
Who led the Norfolk rebels?
Lord Hussey, a staunch supporter of Catherine.
Where did the rebels take control of? What castle?
York and Pontefract Castle.
When did the pilgrims and Norfolk rebels meet?
October 27th at Doncaster.
How many men were in Hussey’s army? How many in Aske’s?
H: 8000
A: 30,000
What was the one demand they added when joining the two army’s?
Parliament must meet in York to give the North better representation.
What is the significance of Christmas 1536?
Aske spent the season with Henry at his palace in Greenwich.
What did Henry promise to Aske? While setting up what?
That he had his full support, while setting up garrisons in the North.
What 3 places were attacked by the POG rebels in Jan 1537?
- Hull.
- Beverley.
- Scarborough.
How many rebels were hanged in their own gardens?
Which three leaders were arrested/executed?
Aske, Darcy and Hussey.