What were Henry’s motives generally, for the break with Rome?
Much more political, and personal, than religious.
What did the English Reformation do overall?
Put the Church firmly under the control of the State.
What was legislation in the period of 1529-36 designed to do?
Put pressure on the church and prevent it from opposing Henry’s desire for a divorce.
What did pressure on the Pope do?
Very little. Limited impact.
What is an evaluation of the Reformation in terms of the general population?
Although there were large changes, ordinary people would have noticed little change.
What Act of Parliament was passed in 1531?
The Pardon of the Clergy.
What three acts of parliament were passed in 1532?
- Supplication against the Ordinaries.
- Submission of the Clergy.
- The Act in Restraint of Annates.
What Act of Parliament was passed in 1533?
The Act in restraint of Appeals.
What Act of Parliament was passed in 1533?
The Act in restraint of Appeals.
What Act of Parliament was passed in 1534?
The Act of Supremacy.
What Act of Parliament was passed in 1536?
Act Extinguishing the Authority of the Bishop of Rome.
What did the Pardon of the Clergy do?
Convocation agreed to accept Henry as Supreme Head of the Church if a clause was added: ‘as far as the law of Christ allows.’
What was the Supplication of the Ordinaries?
A petition which attacked the Church and claimed it was full of corruption.
Challenged the Church’s right to have its own courts and laws.
What did the Submission of the Clergy do?
Made the Church surrender its right to make ecclesiastical laws.
Promised not to issue new laws without royal licence.
Why was the Act of Supremacy so revolutionary?
Made Henry the Supreme Head of the Church.
Sought to re-establish the king’s territories as a ‘sovereign empire’.
What was Cromwell appointed as in January 1535?
What did the Act Extinguishing the Authority of the Bishop of Rome do?
Part of the extinction of papal power.
The Pope could not use his title in England.
What was the overall result of the Reformation between 1536 and 1539?
An attack on traditional Catholic practices.
What year did Cromwell fall?
Who directed religious policy after Cromwell fell from power?
What legislation was passed in 1536? What did this do?
The Ten Articles - rejected four of the seven sacraments.
What else was passed in 1536? What did this do?
Injunctions. Attacked pilgrimages.
What book was established in 1537?
The Bishops’ Book (King’s Book) which reduced the importance of mass and purgatory.
What did the other set of injunctions passed in 1538 do?
Ordered an English Bible in parishes, discouraged pilgrimages and ordered removal of relics.
What year was the Act of Six Articles passed? What did it do?
Confirmed transubstantiation and forbade communion of both kinds.
What Act of Parliament was revolutionarily passed in 1534?
Treason Act.
When did the Pope refuse Henry’s appeal for a divorce?
1534, which was when he passed the Act of Supremacy.