In 2011, the committee, ___________, published a performance measure set for PBM that focuses on transfusion appropriateness and clinical decision making regarding blood component transfusion, as well as optimization of patient clinical status to reduce blood transfusion requirements.
Joint Commission
What are the three methods of blood utilization review, which can be used by the institution individually or in combination depending on the need, as per AABB guidelines?
Prospective (in real time in relation to tx event),
concurrent (w/in 12-24 hours of tx event),
retrospective (days to weeks after tx event)
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Request for multiple doses of plt without checking post transfusion platelet counts in patients without acute hemorrhage
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
A. Prospective
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Orders of inadequate doses of plasma components or cryoprecipitate
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
A. Prospective
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Reviewing transfusion appropriateness based on patient’s discharge Hgb value
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
C. Restrospective
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Auditing cryo requests based on fibrinogen levels, presence of bleeding, or factor XIII deficiency
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
B. Concurrent
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Orders for CMV neg and irradiated components
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
A. Prospective
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Daily plasma audits including PT/INR and APTT levels
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
B. Concurrent
The ff situation falls on which method of blood utilization review?
Daily review of platelet transfusion w/ pre and post platelet counts
A. Prospective
B. Concurrent
C. Retrospective
D. None of the above
B. Concurrent
The _______________ ratio is one of the metrics used for assessment and benchmarking, which reflects overordering of blood as compared with actual transfusion.
crossmatch/transfusion ratio
-high overordering represents waste of transfusion service resource
Which of the ff is the two most common metric used by institutions to measure transfusion rate, based on an AABB survey?
A. Crossmatch/transfusion ratio
B. Total number of RBCs, plt and plasma transfused
C. Transfusion reaction tracking
D. Total number of components transfused
B. Total number of RBCs, plt and plasma transfused
D. Total number of components transfused
_________ is a set if surveillance prod¡cedures of the whole transfusion chain intended to minimize adverse events or reactions in donors and recipients and to promote safe and effectie use of blood components.
_______ is a database used by countries whose mission is to unify the collection and sharing of donor and recepient hemovigilance information with the intent of harmonizing best practices among hemovigilance systems around the world.
International Surveillance of Transfusion -Associated Reactions and Events (ISTARE)
True/False - Hemovigilance reports are usually retrospective, while reporting to the FDA (ex. Adverse event or fatality due to RBC transfusion) occur closer to real time.
________ is a more cohesive, coordinated approach not only to blood recipient and blood donor hemovigilance but also tissues, organs and cellular therapy components.
Which of the ff network system is used to report recepient hemovigilance? A. WMDA B. CIBMTR C. NHSN D. NMDP
A. World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA)
C. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
D. National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)