Hemostasis Flashcards
4 Steps Involved in Primary Hemostasis
- Adhesion of plts to damaged vascular wall
- Activation of plts
- Aggregation of plts
- Production of fibrin
What do each of the 4 steps of primary hemostasis require?
Adhesion requires VIII:vWF
Activation requires thrombin (Factor IIa)
Aggregation requires ADP and thromboxane A2
Production of fibrin requires all the pathways
What is the normal plt count?
Plts have an average life-span of _____ days.
150,000-400,000 cells/mL
8-12 days
Approx. ____% of the plt pool is sequestered in the spleen.
When vascular endothelium is damaged and the subendothelium of the blood vessel is exposed, vWF anchors plts to the _____ layer of the _______.
vWF is synthesized and released by ________.
Endothelial cells
What is the most common inherited coagulation defect?
von Willebrand’s disease
____________ should be suspected in any patient with an increased bleeding time despite a normal plt count and normal clot retraction.
von Willebrand’s disease
What is the first line treatment for von Willebrand’s disease?
DDAVP - causes release of endogenous stores of vWF
Increased plt adhesion in 30 min that lasts for 4-6 hrs
SE in children = hyponatremia
*DDAVP causes thrombocytopenia in type 2B von Willebrand’s disease
Other options: cryoprecipitate, Factor 8
Cryoprecipitate contains which factors?
Factors 1, 8, 13
After plt activation by thrombin (Factor IIa), what 2 mediators are released?
- Thromboxane A2
*These 2 mediators promote plt aggregation by uncovering fibrinogen receptors - fibrinogen (Factor I) attaches to its receptors and links the plts
The fibrinogen receptor is known as…
Fibrinogen (Factor I) _______ plts.
How does aspirin work?
Renders cyclooxygenase I non-functional
Acetylation of cyclooxygenase
Prevents the conversion of arachidonic acid to thromboxane A2
WithOUT thromboxane A2 - plt aggregation is impaired
Persists for the life of the plt (8-12 days)
What is the rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of arachidonic acid to thromboxane A2?
NSAIDs vs. Aspirin
Produce the same effects as aspirin BUT the depression of thromboxane A2 production is temporary (approx. 24-48 hrs) NOT permanent like aspirin (8-12 days)
How does clopidogrel (Plavix) work?
Anti-ADP agent
Persists for the life of the plt (8-12 days)
How does Eptifibatide and Abciximab work?
Anti-fibrinogen receptor (GPIIb/IIIa) drugs
Result - no linking of plts
What is the most common acquired blood clotting defect?
Inhibition of cyclooxygenase production by aspirin and NSAIDs
Most common cause of plt dysfunction
List the synonyms for clotting factors I, II, III, IV, VIII, XIII.
I Fibrinogen II Prothrombin III Tissue factor IV Calcium VIII:vWF von Willibrand's XIII Fibrin-stabilizing factor
All clotting factors are from the liver EXCEPT ____________.
3: vascular wall, traumatized cells
4: diet
8: vascular endothelial cells
Which clotting factors are Vit K dependent?
2, 7, 9, 10
Protein C, S
Explain the role of fibrin in blood coagulation.
After plts aggregate, fibrin is woven into plts and cross-linked
Cross-linking of fibrin strands requires Factor XIII
Now the clot is insoluble and stable!
Extrinsic Pathway
Damage outside of blood vessel
Release of thromboplastin/Factor 3/tissue factor
7 is activated
3a + 7a + 4 = 10 is activated
Intrinsic Pathway
Exposure of blood to collagen 12 is activated 11 is activated 9 is activated 9a + 8:Ca + 4 = 10 is activated
Final Common Pathway
10a + 5a + 4 = 2 is activated (prothrombin to thrombin)
Thrombin (2a) converts fibrinogen (1) to fibrin (1a)
In the presence of Factor 13, fibrin cross-linking occurs
What is the primary physiologic initiator of coagulation?
Factor 3
What helps position clotting factors on the surface of the plt so biochemical rxns can occur?
Coumadin acts on the _________ and final common pathways.
Coumadin is assessed by _____ and _____.
PT and INR
Heparin acts on the _________ and final common pathways.
Heparin is assessed by _______ and ______.
Hemophilia A What is it? Cause? Affects males or females? Is it common? Treatment?
Factor 8:C deficiency Sex-linked recessive genetic disorder Carried by female, affects males 2nd most commonly inherited coag disorder Tx - FFP, cryoprecipitate, 8 concentrate
Hemophilia B
What is it?
Christmas disease
Factor 9 deficiency
Tx - 9 concentrate
What is the most important clue to a clinically significant bleeding disorder in an otherwise healthy patient?
What is the most common reason for coagulopathy in patients receiving massive blood transfusions?
Lack of functioning plts
Plts in stored blood are nonfunctional after how many days?
1-2 days
Abnormalities of coagulation owing to dilution of what 2 factors may also be an issue other than lack of functioning plts in a patient who is receiving massive blood transfusions?
- Factor 5
2. Factor 8
What is the only acceptable clinical indication for transfusion of PRBCs?
To increase the oxygen carrying capacity of blood
What factors are present in FFP?
ALL factors EXCEPT plts
One unit of PRBCs will increase Hct by ____% or 1 g/dL.
*1 mL/kg PRBCs will increase Hct 1%
One unit of plts will increase plt count by ________ mm3.
How does heparin work?
Heparin binds to ATIII
Increases the effectiveness of ATIII 1,000-10,000x
What is the purpose of antithrombin III?
Activated ATIII binds to Factor 2a (thrombin) and Factor 10a (to a lesser degree 9, 11, 12)
After binding, ATIII removes them from circulation
Anticoagulates the blood
Where is ATIII made?
ATIII strongly inhibits which 2 factors?
ATIII partially inhibits which 3 factors?
ATIII is a required cofactor for what?
Factors 2a, 10a (final common pathway)
Factors 9a, 11a, 12a (intrinsic pathway)
Acquired ATIII deficiency states are found in patients with…
Cirrhosis of the liver
Nephrotic syndrome
What is the most common reason a patient is unresponsive to heparin?
What would you do to fix it?
An ATIII deficiency Give FFP (includes all coag and anticoag factors made by the liver)