Hemoglobinopathies Flashcards
Alpha and Zeta globin genes can be found in what chromosome?
Chromosome 16
Beta and epsilon globin genes can be found in what chromosome?
Chromosome 11
Gamma and delta globin genes can be found in what chromosome?
Chromosome 11
What is the first hemoglobin formed during the fetal life? What globin chains makes the hemoglobin?
Gower 1
Zeta + epsilon
Gower 2 is composed of what globin chains?
Alpha + epsilon
Portland is composed of what globin chains?
Zeta + gamma
Hemoglobin F is composed of what globin chains?
Alpha + gamma
What is the predominant hemoglobin at birth?
Hemoglobin F
Two years after birth, what is the predominant hemoglobin present? What hemoglobin chains is it made of?
Hemoglobin A
Alpha + Beta
Modified true or false:
Hb A migrates differently than Hb S when subjected to electrophoresis
SCD is caused by what type of mutation and where doea it occur?
Point mutation
Nucleotide 17, position 6
What amino acid is replaced in SCD? What is the amino acid present instead?
Glutamic Acid
What causes the hemoglobins to interact with each other in SCD
Due to the exposed hydrophobic regions
How does the increase in 2,3-BPG affect oxygen tension?
Decreases oxygen tension, releases the O²
Other reasons affecting the sickling process
• Level of intracellular hydration
• Rediatribution of phospholipids in the RBC membrane
• microparticles, or “cellular dusts”
What are the clinical features of SCD?
• vasooclusion
• bacterial infections
• hematologic defects
• cardiac defects
• high-risk pregnancy
• stunted growth