Hemodynamics and Vasculature Flashcards
Explain the relationship between pressure, flow, and resistance in the circulatory system (Flow Equation), and describe how changes in vascular resistance determine the distribution of cardiac output among tissues
• Q = DP/R
o Q—flow, DP—pressure difference, R—resistance.
o Analogous to Ohm’s law (V=IR).
o Flow requires a pressure difference.
o Flow is inversely proportional to resistance.
o Changes in vascular resistance can increase flow (↓in resistance) or decrease (↑in resistance) flow through a particular vessel. Orchestrated changes in vascular resistance can change the distribution of cardiac output among different tissues.
Poiseuille’s Law:
o Expanded version of the flow equation: F—flow, DP—pressure difference, r—radius, h–viscosity of blood, l—length.
o The extra term is a more detailed description of resistance.
An increase in the radius decreases resistance and increases flow.
The radius of a vessel has a huge effect on flow (r4), so doubling the radius increases flow by 16-fold.
Vessel diameter is the major mechanism by which flow is controlled (vasoconstriction and vasodilation).
An increase in the length of the vessel results in increased resistance and decreased flow.
An increase in viscosity results in increased resistance and decreased flow.
Pulsatile flow:
the heart pumps intermittently, creating a pulsatile flow in the aorta. Pulsatile flow requires more work (analogy: stop and go driving requires more gas)
Steady flow:
once blood reaches the capillary beds, there is no pulse variation, pressure (and thus flow) is constant and continuous
the conversion of pulsatile flow to steady flow is achieved via _______ in the main arteries
Vascular compliance:
the elastic properties of vessels (or chambers of the heart) by describing the change in volume (DV) that results from a change in pressure (DP)
o The degree of compliance in main arteries contributes to transformation of pulsatile flow in microcirculation
loss of compliance caused by thickening and hardening of arteries. Some arteriosclerosis is normal with age
LaPlace’s Law:
o T—tensions/wall stress, DP—transmural pressure (pressure across the wall), r—radius, m–wall thickness.
o Tension in the vessel wall increases as pressure and radius increase. Thus, hypertension increases stress on vessel walls.
weakened vessel wall bulges outward, increasing the radius, thus increasing the tension that cells in the wall have to withstand to prevent the vessel from splitting open. Over time, cells become weaker, allowing the wall to bulge more so that tension increases further, until the aneurysm ruptures
Fick’s Principle:
Xtc=[Xi] – [Xo]
• However much of substance X was used in the capillary (Xtc)—the transcapillary efflux—is the difference between the amount of substance X that went into the capillary and the amount of substance X that came out of the capillary.
• X=Q[conc], where X is the transport rate (mass/time), Q is the flow (volume/time
Hydrostatic pressure, P:
fluid pressure.
o The net hydrostatic pressure in the capillary bed is the difference between capillary pressure and interstitial pressure. Solvents move from high pressure to low pressure.
o Hydrostatic pressure promotes filtration (movement of fluid out of capillaries)
Oncotic pressure, p:
osmotic force created by proteins in the blood and interstitial fluid.
o Alpha-globulin and albumin are the major determinants of oncotic pressure.
o Solutes move from high concentration to low concentration. Solvents→high concentrations of solutes.
o Oncotic pressure promotes reabsorption (movement of fluid into capillaries).
o pcapillaries > pinterstitial fluid.
Starling’s Equation for transcapillary transport:
o Flux = k [ ( Pc – Pi ) – ( pc – pI ) ]
Flux—net movement across capillary wall; k—constant; Pc—capillary hydrostatic pressure; Pi—interstitial hydrostatic pressure; pc—capillary oncotic pressure; pI—interstitial oncotic pressure.
Pc – Pi: net hydrostatic pressure; tends to be outwards→filtration.
pc – pI: net oncotic pressure; tends to be inwards→reabsorption.
Factors that increase _______ or reduce _______ tend to promote filtration. Excess filtration causes _______
- blood pressure (hypertension)
- oncotic pressure (liver disease)
- edema (swelling) in tissues, such as pulmonary and peripheral edema in heart failure
capillary hydrostatic pressure is higher on the ______ side
arterial side
capillary oncotic pressure is higher on the ______ side
venous side
there is a tendency toward filtration on the ______ side and reabsorption on the ______ side
- arterial
- venous
net flux is regulated primarily by
control of capillary hydrostatic pressure (vasodilation and vasoconstriction)