Heme-Onc Lab Flashcards
Why are tumor markers tricky?
certain tumor markers can be elevated in multiple types of cancer; tumor markers are not always elevated; tumor markers have not been identified for all cancers
Cancer HPI:
Weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, pain, cough, blood in stool
PET Scan
Injecting someone with radioactive sugar and if it lights up, it means they have Cancer
Tumor markers don’t diagnose a cancer, a _____________ diagnoses a cancer
% of people who DO have cancer and WILL have an abnormal test
% of people withOUT cancer who will have a NEGATIVE test
What are the 5 general categories of tumor markers?
Antigens, Enzymes, Hormones, Oncogenes, Tissue Receptors
What is an antigen?
Protein found in larger amounts during fetal development; sometimes cancer cells will have high levels of fetal antigens
Antigen examples:
AFP, CEA, PSA, Ca-125, Bence Jones Proteins
Malignant tissue might cause the blood to have increased enzymes. How do you measure them? / Examples
Immuneoassay / Prostatic Acid Phosphatase, all ase’s
What are common hormones that indicate cancer?
Beta-HCG, Human Calcitonin
Examples of Oncogenes you could look for
BRCA1, BRCA2, Philadelphia Chromosome
Tissue receptors can be helpful in guiding:
Therapy choices
Most tumor markers are used to monitor:
Recurrence of cancer following treatment
What is AFP?
Antigen: Alpha Fetoprotein; found in fetal GI tract; increased in 80-90% of pts with hepatocellular carcinoma; used to screen patients with cirrhosis/hepatitis
What is Bence Jones Proteins?
Antigen; used to detect and monitor Multiple Myeloma; found in urine; 2-20% don’t produce this
What is HCG?
Hormone. Usually absent except in pregnant women. Presence otherwise is due to germ cell tumors in men or cancer of the uterus
What are BRCA1 and 2?
What risk do men with BRCA 1 or 2 have?
risk for prostate or breast cancer; can pass mutation on to daughter
What is Ca-19-9?
An ANTIGEN; useful in diagnosing hepatobiliary cancer.
What is CA-125?
ANTIGEN. Elevated in 80-90% of women with ovarian cancer; after 2 cycles of chemo is a good prognostic indicator.
What is CEA?
ANTIGEN: useful in diagnosing GI, colorectal cancers.
What is the PSA antigen?
Antigen for detecting prostate cancer
Sensitivity and specificity of PSA?
High sensitivity, LOW specificity.
Tumor markers generally make _____ screening tests
Tumor markers are helpful for ______________
following a known Ca / evaluating therapy
Surgical Needle Biopsy:
Can be either incisional (take part of the tissue & test it) or Excisional (take all of the suspicious tissue)
Endoscopic Biopsy
Lighted tube w/lens is used to look inside body and take tissue samples
Frozen Section:
Think Moh’s: tissue sections are prepared during surgery. Frozen –> sliced –> stained