Hematoxylin - Ehrlich’s Flashcards
staining solution most commonly used for routine
histologic studies
The mordants used to demonstrate nuclear end cytoplasmic structures are (2)
- alum
- iron
forming lakes or colored complexes
Aluminum salt lakes are usually colored ___
ferric salt lakes are colored _____.
most commonly used staining system is called ___
Hematoxylin can be considered as a basic dye
Hematoxylin is used to stain acidic (or basophilic) structures a purplish blue.
(Hematoxylin is not strictly a basic dye, but it is used with a ‘mordant’ that makes this stain act as a basic dye)
n acidic dye: it is negatively charged (general formula for acidic dyes is: Na+ dye-). It stains basic (or acidophilic) structures red or pink.
stains are recommended for progressive
staining of tissues, (i.e. staining for a predetermined time to adequately stain the nuclei but leave the background tissue relatively unstained, to be later
counterstained with eosin, Congo red or safranin)
Aluminum (alum) hematoxylin
Aluminum salts give a ___
blue lake
Alum or potassium aluminum sulfate, when used as the mordant, usually dissociates in an __________,
alkaline solution
In the presence of excess acid, aluminum
hydroxide cannot be formed, with ultimate failure of aluminum hematoxylindye-lake to form, due to lack of -OH ions. Hence, acid solutions of alum
hematoxylin become ______
During staining, alum hematoxylin stained sections
are usually passed on to an alkaline solution (e.g. 1% hydroxide) in order to neutralize the acid and free the OH group, to form an insoluble blue aluminum
hematin-tissue-lake. Such a procedure is known as
For blueing of alum-hematoxylin -stained sections, _______ is commonly used
warm (40° to 50°C) tap water
has more rapid action (about 15, 30, and 60 seconds respectively), compared to the 5 to 15 minutes required for warm tap water to “blue” hematoxylin. (3)
Blueing with
- ammonia
- lithium carbonate
- Scott’s Tap Water Substitute
may be “hard” on delicate tissues and may loosen and cause sections to fall off the slides during staining
Ammonia (0.5 to 1% in 80% alcohol)
has a tendency to form crystalline deposits unless the slides are agitated in it and washed well afterwards.
Lithium carbonate
__________ slows down the process while warming
accelerates it. In fact, the use of very cold water (below ____ ) for blueing sections may even produce ____ artifact discolorations on the tissue.
very cold water ; 10°C ; pink
________ a type of alum hematoxylin that natural ripening takes about ____ to ripen
Ehrlich hematoxylin ; 2 months
________ acts as a stabilizer, retards evaporation of the solution, and appears to slow down ripening, so that it may be added 4-6 weeks after the initial preparation
It is suitable for tissues that have been subjected to acid decalcification, and is especially useful for tissues that have been become acidic during prolonged
storage in formalin.
Ehrlich’s hematoxylin
Ehrlich’s hematoxylin is generally used for regressive staining, and differentiated with _________
I % hydrochloric acid in 70% alcohol (acid-alcohol)
Mucopolysaccharide substances such as cartilage and cement lines of bones are also stained intensely ___