hematopathology: anemia Flashcards
disease of red blood cells, white blood cells, coagulation disorders
what hemoglobin value indicates someone should not get out of bed
immature RBCs
mean cell volume (MCV)
measure of average volume of RBCs
mean cell hemoglobin (mch)
measurement of average weight of hemoglobin in individual erythrocytes
mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
average concentration of hemoglobin in erythorocytes
anemic values for MCV, MCH, and MCHC
MCV: 90 fL
MCH: 30 pg
MCHC: 30 g/ 100ml
mechanisms of anemia
blood loss (acute; trauma chronic; bleeding from GI pathology or menstruation
decreased production of RBC
increased destruction of RBCs due to external factors
increased destruction of RBCs to hereditary internal factors
aplastic anemia
bone marrow faliure
sphere shaped RBC vs round
fragmented red blood cells that can take on different shapes
stacks or aggregations of red blood cells that form because of the unique shape of the cells. the flat surface of the discoid give them a large surface to stick to each other
hydrophobic nature= stick together
clinical presentation of anemia
pale skin, fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, chest pain, syncope (passing out), dizziness, decreased o2 carrying capacity
protien molecule that carries o2 from lungs to body tissues
-280 million Hbg per 1 RBC
hypochromic anemia
RBC paler than normal
micocytic anemia
(moat common) small, often hypochromic RBC usually due to low MCV and iron deficiency
anemia in chronic disease
typically from neoplasms, autoimmune conditions or chronic infection
typically iron storage levels are elevated= unable to transfer iron storage form to hemoglobin due to elevated immune system mediators
macrocytic anemia
large RBC, low hemoglobin,
hemolytic anemias
RBC destroyed faster than they can be made = hemolysis
hereditary structurally abnormal hemoglobin: sickle cell anemia
valine mutation causing the hemoglobin to be sticky, less soluble so it sticks to itself
abnormal hemeglobin bc valine replaces glutamic acid leaving it to be less soluble and sickle shaped
anemic levels in make and female
<12 for female
<14 for male