Hematology and Anemia (MR) Flashcards
Is anemia a disease?
NO, just a Cx
What is the proper progression of diagnostic testing?
PVC, CBC w/ Retic Count
+/- BM Aspiration or biopsy (bx)
+/- Advanced ClinPath Testing
Who can handle Anemia really well?
Anemia grading for Dogs?
Mild (30 – 36%) Moderate (18 - 29%)
Severe (<18%)
Anemia grading for Cats?
Mild (20 – 24%) Moderate (15 - 19%)
Severe (<14%)
What about MCV and MCHC helps us to determine Regenerative vs Non-Regenerative?
Patterns within species that are associated with different conditions
What are rule outs for Regenerative Anemia?
Hemorrhage, Hemolysis
If Anemia is Regenerative what will MCV & MCHC tell me?
Macrocytic Hypochromic
What can it mean if you have Normocytic & Normochromic (Homogenous)?
Not Anemia or Anemia
If Normocytic & Normochromic but Anemic what are the possible causes?
- Non-regenerative 2º to Chronic Systemic Dz 2. 1º Bone Marrow Dz with failure of Erythropoisis
What are causes of Non-regenerative Anemia 2º to Chronic Systemic Dz?
Chronic Kidney Dz,Chronic Inflammatory Dz/Anemia of Chronic Dz - cytokines flying around inhibiting BM
Heterogenous look but still Normocytic Normochromic, what should you think?
Could be recent and regeneration has not really begun. Early Hemorrhage
Early Hemolysis
Chronic Hemorrhage
Early Fe Deficiency
Macrocytic & Normochromic is Regenerative or Non-regenerative? Caused by?
Regenerative - just not there yet. Caused by:Post-anemic period - Cats
Hyperthyroidism - Cats
Defective erythropoiesis - delayed nuclear maturation BM Dz
What are possible causes of Microcytic, Hypochromic?
Fe Deficiency Cu Deficiency
PSS – Puppies
What are possible causes of Microcytic, Normochromic?
PSS - Adult Dogs & Cats Healthy Akita Healthy Shiba Inu
When bloodwork doesnt make sense who should you be?
Skeptical Dog
If you dont have central palor in your red cells then what are they?
If Anemia is regenerative and/or platelets are large is there any reason to biopsy BM?
NO, it is working. Hence, regeneration/large
What if you have a Normocytic, Norchromic, Non-regenerative Anemia with a Normal CBC, UA, no signs of Infection what should you do?
BM Aspirates/Biopsy
What is needed for BM core Biopsy?
General Anesthesia
How can you analyze BM?
Aspirates – Cytology. Biopsy (bx) – Histopathology
What can be evaluated by performing a BM Aspirate or Biopsy?
Precursors, Normal Development,
Maturation Process of all cell lines,
Abnormal Processes
Advanced Tests: What does Coombs test Dx? How?
Hemolysis & Agglutination from IMHA. Antiserum against Ab bound to RBCs
If agglutinating in tube, should you confirm dx with a Coombs test?
No, theyre agglutinating and that is the end result of the Coombs test.