Electrolytes (MR) Flashcards
What is an electrolyte?
Substance that ionizes when dissolved in an ionizing solvent like water.
What are the most common types of E-lytes? Less common?
Salts, Acids & Bases Gases (HCl), Synthetic Polymers- Polystyrene (Charged Functional Group), Biologic Polymers - DNA & RNA
How do E-lytes exist in the body?
What are the most important E-lytes in the body?
Na+ Cl- K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ PO4- HCO3-
How are E-lytes acquired?
Eat it Iatrogenic - Fluids & Meds Tissue Breakdown False Elevations on Biochem
What is a concern with feeding alfalfa?
High Ca2+
What is very important to give a ruminant?
Salt Block
What is a concern with Buffered Penecillin G? When is this a concern?
It has K+ too! Neonates
What is an example of a false elevation on Biochem panel?
Blood sample left in car and hemolysis occurs - False ↑ K+ !
With tissue breakdown, what elevations can be seen?
Ca2+ , K+ , Mg2+
How does the body get rid of its electrolytes?
Kidneys GI Tract Sweat Saliva Milk Respiratory System
What E-lytes are most commonly lost with Dxa?
Na+ (Cl- ), HCO3- , K+
Which E-lytes are most commonly lost in reflux?
Which E-lytes are most commonly lost in saliva?
HCO3- & K+
How much can a horse sweat out in an hour?
What is the main E-lyte in hose sweat? How much compared to plasma?
Cl- Double
What acid/base situation can sweating put a horse into?
Hypochloremic Alkalosis or Contraction Alkalosis
What is “Thumps”? What is the doctor name for it? Which E-lyte imbalance is most responsible?
The diaphragm may contract synchronously with the heart to produce loud thumping noises on auscultation and usually visible contraction in the flank area. Due to stimulation of the phrenic nerve by atrial depolarization and occurs primarily when there is a marked electrolyte or acid-base imbalance, particularly with hypocalcemia. It is most common in horses and dogs and occurs frequently in eclampsia. It is seen most commonly in dogs in association with electrolyte disturbances induced by GI disease. Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter HYPOcalcemia
Who is a good salivator?
Dzs that inhibit swallowing in cows?
Rabies Botulism Tetanus
What are the main E-lytes lost in milk?
K+ Ca2+ NaCl Mg2+
If diet is short on E-lytes what will balance does it affect?
DCAB Dietary Cation Anion Balance
How are E-lytes lost from respiratory system?
CO2 Evaporation
Who loses a lot of E-lytes from respiratory system? How? Why?
Sheep Panting Don’t Sweat