Hematology Flashcards
4 Sites of hematopoiesis
Yolk sac, liver, spleen, bone marrow
2 heme precursors
Succinyl CoA
Source of energy by the RBC
Anaerobic glycolysis
Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia
Last stage of RBC with a nucleus
Orthochromatic erythroblast
Premature RBCs, increased in hemolysis
Hemoglobin with 2 alpha, 2 beta chains
Adult hemoglobin
Hemoglobin with 2 alpha, 2 gamma chains
Fetal hemoglobin
Transfers iron in the blood
Stores iron in the liver
For additional iron storage
Release histamine and heparin, involved in allergies
Process that requires glycoprotein 1b and von willebrand factor
Platelet adhesion
Process that requires glycoprotein IIb-IIIa and fibrinogen
Platelet aggregation
Smallest Ig
Largest Ig
Ig involved in allergies and parasitic infections
Patches of dilated endoplasmic reticulum that appear as sky blue cytoplasmic puddles
Dohle bodies
Distinctive needle-like azurophilic granules found in myeloblasts
Auer rods
Small lymphocytes disrupted in the proces of making smears
Smudge cells
Large cells with multiple nuclei or a single nucleus with multiple lobes
Reed-sternberg cells
Cells found in adult T-cell lymphoma which appears to have multi-lobulated nuclei
Cloverleaf or flower cells
Deatructive plasma cell tumors involving axial skeletons
Fiery red cytoplasm
Flame cells
Pink globular cytosplasmic inclusions
Russel bodies
Blue globular cytoplasmic inclusions
Dutcher bodies
M proteins causing RBCs to stick in linear arrays
Rouleaux conformation
Erythroblasts with iron-laden mutichondria visible as perinuclear granules
Ringed sideroblast
Neutrophils with only 2 nuclear lobes
Pseudo-pelger huet cells
Megakaryocytes with single nuclear lobes or multiple separate nuclei
Pawn ball megakaryocytes
Premature release of nucleated erythroid and early granulocyte progenitors
Cells that were probably damaged during the birthing process in the fibrotic marrow
Teardrop cells or dacrocytes
Pentalaminar tubules, often with a dilated terminal end (tennis racket-like appearance)
Birbeck granules
Small yellow brown, brown or rust colored foci in the spleen
Gandy-gamma nodules
Dohle bodies
Severe infection