Hematology Flashcards
What is the difference between reticulocytes and reticuloblasts?
cytes do not have a nucleus
- kidneys sense anemia and increase erythryopoietien production
2.erythopoitein acts on the cells in the bone marrow to produce RBC - kindey senses increased o2
4.kidney decreases erythopoitein production
Composition of blood
55 percent plasma
45 percent formed elements
What vitamins does blood need?
intrinsic factors
vitamin 12
what else is blood composed of ?
platelets 250-400k
leukocytes 5-9k
erthocytes 4.2-5.8 mil
what are the five types of WBC?
neutrophils (fight bacteria), basophil(fight allergens), macrophages, eosinophil,
what is responsible for homeostasis?
what is erthrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)?
test for inflammation, tests how fast RBC sink
high=inflammation, cancer , autoimmune disease
low= polcytehemia, leukocytosis, sickle cell, abnormal proteins
RBC job?
carry o2 from lungs to tissues and remove co2
Hemogoblin (Hgb) job
combines with o2 and co2
assess anemia blood loss, bone marrow supression
low hemogoblin means> anemia, recent hemorage, fluid overload, trauma, surgery, iron sufficiency
symptoms of low hemogoblin
excercise tolerance is down, dehydrated ,
patients will feel and act different (almost like they dont have lots of o2)
% of rbc
low: anemia, acute blood loss, hemodilution
what is anemia
low RBC or bad quality RBC
symptoms of low hematocrit?
excercise tolerance is down, and very fatigued , heart rate is up
symptoms of high hematocrit?
polycthemia, dehydrated
what is reticulocyte count
immature RBC count
symtoms of high and low WBC count
low: susceptible to infection or leukemia( less than 2.5 k)
high: fighting or just fought infection ( greater thank 30k)
newborn WBC count
9-30 k
toddler under 2 wbc count
adult wbc count
5-10 k
Absolute neutrophil count guidelines ?
less than 500=high risk for infection
500-1k = mod risk for infection
more than 1k = low risk of infection
high and low platelets
less than 20 k =high risk for bleeding
less than 5k = do not work with the PT
more than 1 million = at risk for blood clots
normal adult platelet count
150-400 k
normal rbc count (mil/mm3)
males :4.7-6.1
females:4.2- 5.4
normal hematocrit
males : 42-52%
females 37 to 47 %
normal reticulocyte count
0.5 to 1.5 % of rbc
normal hemogoblin concentration
males 14-18 g/dl
12-16 g/dl
what is the mean cell volume
avg size of a RBC , should be 7microns
if its too big it wont fit in vessel
if too small not enough o2 is on it
what is the red cell distribution width ?
the amount of variation in size or RBC if this value is low it means not alot of variation, if some are too big while others small this value will be high
normal bleeding time
2-9 mins
normal prothromblin time
10-13 secs
longer than 17 seconds is too long of a time to clot
normal activated partial thromboplastin time
26-38 secs
what is the INR
international normalized ratio of count whihc varies lab to lab
what can effect erthocytes
too mcuh excercise will destroy
higher altitude requires increased erthocytes