Hematology Flashcards
Hodgkin’s lymphoma - histology?
symptoms associated with poor prognosis?
non tender asymmetrical lymphadenopathy
Reed stern berg cells
complications following a DVT?
A 22-year-old man with sickle cell anaemia presents with pallor, lethargy and a headache. Blood results are as follows:
low reticulocyte
APLASTIC CRISIS secondary to parvovirus
A 4-year-old girl with sickle cell anaemia presents with abdominal pain. On examination, she is noted to have splenomegaly and is clinically anaemic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
sequestration crisis, the sickle cells cause the spleen to become grossly enlarged causing the abdominal pain as present in this case.
reticulocyte is high!
Recurrent tonsillitis in a young person with lymphocytosis and neutropenia
Epstein-Barr virus may result in neutropaenia
underlying glandular fever aka infectious mono
An increase in the number of circulating activated T and B lymphocytes seen in the virus causes lymphocytosis
going for surgery, when to stop the cocp?
4 weeks prior op
medication which increases DVT risk?
raloxifene and tamoxifen
Cant relax with tammy
most common cause for microcytic anaemia?
also thalassaemia- but bloods will be abnormal
patient is presenting with symptoms of DVT. but what inital test? and how do you decide?
If a 2-level DVT Wells score is ≥ 2 points then arrange a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan within 4 hours
woman weight loss, splenomeglay, leucocyotisis, all stages of granulocyates?
Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are granulocytes.
DIC dx?
most common inherited thrombophilia causing PE?
most common inherited clotting disorder i.e prolonged bleeding from tooth extraction?
Von Willebrand’s disease
presenting with symptoms and signs consistent with polycythaemia vera
Pruritis (worst after taking showers or hot baths).
Tingling, burning, and numbness in arms, hands, and feet.
Headaches and lethargy.
Elevated haemoglobin on full blood count.
Phlebotomy or venesection is performed to remove a patient’s blood in order to reduce the haemoglobin levels in patients.
management of polycythaemia vera for prevention of thrombus formation.
Ruxolitinib is a Janus kinase (JAK) 1 and 2 inhibitor
young girl. heavy periods. midly elevated PTT
Von Willebrand’s disease is the most likely diagnosis as it is the most common inheritied bleeding disorder. The mildy elevated APTT is consistent with this diagnosis.
The mild anaemia is consistent with the long history of menorrhagia.
Acute haemolytic reaction presentation during blood transfusion
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)
isolated thrombocytopenia- deficiney in platlets!
Think in VWB the platelets are normal
isolated thrombocytopenia- deficiney in platlets!
potentially deadly condition related to the treatment of high-grade lymphomas and leukaemias…..
triggered by the introduction of combination chemotherapy….
electrolyte disturbance for potassium phosphate and calcium?
tumour lysis syndrome- person with lymphoma being started on chemotherapy
high potassium
high phosphate
low calcium
he most commonly used prophylaxis is allopurinol (either IV or oral)
components for managing sickle cell crisis
analgesia, oxygen, and IV fluids.
2ww rule for microcytic anemia?
Microcytic anaemia in an elderly patient presenting in primary care should be referred under 2 week wait
presenting with features consistent with neutropenic sepsis:?
think– look at plateltes!
First-line treatment for ITP is oral prednisolone
blood film strongly suggests acute promyelocytic leukaemia
auer rods
Which blood product type poses the greatest risk in immunocompromised state?
Platelet transfusions have the highest risk of bacterial contamination compared to other types of blood products
The antidote for warfarin is …..
The antidote for dabigatran is …..
The antidote for heparin is …
The antidote for warfarin is vitamin K.
The antidote for dabigatran is idarucizumab.
The antidote for heparin is protamine sulfate.
what type of crises in sickle cell can be precipitated by infection, dehydration or deoxygenation
the other aplastic and sequestrian needs a reticulocyte count
Recurrent priapism can be seen in
Acute chest syndrome in SS patients presentation?
blood transfusion : Non-haemolytic febrile reaction?
VWD- platelet, APTT, bleeding time?
Behcet’s syndrome increases…?
DVT risk
Behcet’s inflammation of blood vessels
man has ACS- heart attakc confirmed by ECG, HB is 75…. how to tx low hb?
below 80g/L for transfusion of red blood cells for patients with ACS