hematologic alteratations Flashcards
Primary regulatory hormone for red cell
Organ responsible for red cell production
8 μm in diameter, anucleate, discoid
in shape, and extremely pliable in order to traverse
the microcirculation successful
mature red cells
male anemic
female anemic
10-15% blood loss (500-700ml)
hypotension and decreased organ perfusion
> 30%(1500ml)
postural hypotension*, tachycardia
hypovolemic shock including confusion, dyspnea, diaphoresis, hypotension, and tachycardia
> 40%
Palmar crease – full palm is very pale or is as pale
as its surrounding areas; when this occurs the Hgb is
already ____
<7g/dL or <70g/L
o Acute back pain
o Free hemoglobin in the plasma and urine
o Renal failure
Hemoglobin<70-80 g/L
severe anemia
severe anemia tx
blood transfusion
If the cause of anemia is acute blood
loss, the red cell production rate
increases (positive feedback)
A reticulocyte response less than two to three
times normal indicates an
inadequate marriw response
reflects absolute or relative marrow failure