HEMA Flashcards
Most common anemia
Normocytic and Normochromic RBC with inappropriately low retic response( <2 -2.5)
Hypoproliferative anemia
Most common Hypoproliferative anemia
early IDA
Mechanism Of Hypo proliferative anemia
- Abnormal iron metabolism: IDA, anemia of inflammation
2. Suboptimal erythropoietin response to anemia: renal disease, inflammation, cancer, hypometabolic states
Determines the turnover ra+e of transferrin iron
Plasma iron level and the activity of the erythroid marrow
Conditions associated with decreased clearance time of transferrin iron
(inc clearance /fast turnover)
Increased erythropoieSis
Average RBC lifespan
120 days
One ml Of RBC is equal to how many mg of Iron
Amount Of iron needed to replace the RBC lost through senescence
20 mg/ day
For pregnant women on their last- two trimesters, how much iron is required per day
increased to 5-6 mg /d
Primary location for iron absorption
proximal small intestine
principal iron regulator hormone
Increased iron absorption despite normal or inc iren stores with associated inappropriately Low hepcidin
Erythroid hyperplasia
Indicators Of decreased iron stores
Decreased Serum Ferritin
Decreased stainable iron on bone marrow aspirations
Represents the amount Of Circulating iron bound to transferrin
Serum iron ( NV: 50 to 150)