Helsepsykologi Flashcards
General adaption syndome
general adaption syndrome
flight or fight
Cannon; absolutte stresssituasjoner fremprovoserer
adrenaline and noradrenaline
harmful effects of stress
were produced by the prolonged secretion of glu- cocorticoids. Although the short-term effects of glucocorticoids are essential, the long-term effects are damaging.
Some people show little, if any, risk of becoming ill during or after chronic stress. refers to these people as hardy individuals.
The immune system
kommer fra hvite blodceller som utvikles i ryggmargen og i brusselen.
To typer spesifikke immunreaksjoner:
Kjemisk mediated cell mediated.
proteiner som hjelper itl med å gjenkjenne antigen og hjelper til med å drepe invaderende mikroorgansimer.
En type mottar deres navn fra fakta som har utviklet seg i ryggmargen: immunoglobulins.
r proteiner som dannes av de hvite blodlegemene i en organisme for å motstå skadelige fremmedstoffer, såkalte antigener.
er molekyler som kan fremkalle en immunologisk respons, især dannelse av antistoffer. Antigener er vanligvis proteiner eller polysakkarider, men kan være ethvert molekyl, inklusive små haptener bundet til et bæreprotein.
Friedman and Rosenman
Friedman and Rosenman characterised the disease-prone type A pattern as one of excessive competitive drive, an intense disposition, impatience, hostility, fast movements and rapid speech. People with the type B pattern were less competitive, less hostile, more patient, easy-going and tolerant, and they moved and talked more slowly; they were also less likely to suffer from CHD
Lazarus and Folkman
to strategier for å takle stress: problem-focused (gå til problemet) and emotion-focused (glemme problemet og søke støtte hos venner eller annet)
Meichenbaum’s stress inoculation training programme
is a problem-focused coping strategy that prepares people to cope with anticipated stressors. The programme involves three phases and seven goals. The first phase involves learning how to conceptualise the transactional nature of stress. The second phase entails learning coping skills specific to the stressors in their lives and practising or rehearsing these skills in hypothetical situations. The third phase involves preparing people to implement these coping skills in real-life situations. The seven goals of stress inoculation training focus on specific kinds of knowledge, behaviour and coping strategies central to preparing people to anticipate, confront and reduce the threat posed by stressful situations.