Helping Relationships and Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy Flashcards
bumps on the skull
Fluid in the brain and magnetism (France Mesmer)
Known as the “talking cure”
Viennese Neurologist who relied on catharsis (talking cure) aka abreaction
Yosef Broyer
A patient of Joseph Breuer who coined the phrase “talking cure” and was a major inspiration for Freud.
Anna O
In a dream, this is the literal content and storyline.
manifest content
In a dream, this is the underlying meaning.
latent content
performed face-to-face and is briefer than Freudian Psychoanalysis
Psychodynamic Therapy
Client cannot see analyst
Slow and expensive
Best for motivated individuals
Works best when client is not making major life changes and NOT good treatment for crises
classical Freudian Psychoanalysis
In this theory the mind consists of 3 parts: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego
Structural Theory
The part of the mind that holds dreams, slips of the tongue, neurotic symptoms, and free association
the Id
Part of the mind: instincts inherited at birth, no morals, no organization, no sense of time biological drives
The Id
Part of the mind: attempts to balance forces of the Eid and Superego
Part of the mind: Moral standards the person tries to reach; The perfect person in terms of what the person’s parent’s want
Acts as the conscience
Moral code
Evolves through successful passing through of the oedipus complex
Superego- ego ideal
Says the Psyche is made of 3 parts, conscious, unconscious, preconscious
Topographic Notion
Part of the psyche that can be recalled if you try hard enough
Part of the psyche that is -deep below awareness, only available through analytic techniques
Type of psychology dealing with trying to reach the unconscious mind
Depth psychology
Says behavior is determined by biological drives, instincts, etc.
Conceal or hide the real source of anxiety and keep the Ego from being overwhelmed
Denies or distorts reality (unconsciously)
Ego Defense Mechanisms
Freud’s defense mechanism: Unconsciously staying away from anything that may cause unwanted feelings
Freud’s defense mechanism: Having an abusive mother, so later having difficulty with women teachers
Acting Out
Freud’s defense mechanism: Refusal to believe or accept unwanted reality
Freud’s defense mechanism: Transferring emotions associated with person or event to another less threatening person, object or situation
Freud’s defense mechanism: Dealing with emotional conflict or stress by splitting off or repressing some part of your personality or consciousness from your awareness
Freud’s defense mechanism: Unconscious modeling of another person’s values, attitudes, or behavior
Freud’s defense mechanism: Use of thinking to avoid unpleasant feelings
Freud’s defense mechanism: Separation from emotions from precipitating event or situation
Freud’s defense mechanism: Attributing one’s unwanted thoughts, characteristics, feelings to another person
Freud’s defense mechanism: Attempting to justify one’s behavior by presenting reasons that sound logical
Freud’s defense mechanism: Adopting behaviors or feelings that are exactly the opposite of one’s true feelings.
Reaction Formation
Freud’s defense mechanism: Dealing with emotional stress by forcing out any thoughts, memories, impulses from conscious awareness.
Freud’s defense mechanism: Substituting constructive and socially acceptable behavior for strong impulses not acceptable in their original form
Analytic Psychologist who thought libido was the life force, believed in a collective unconscious, and described archetypes. Also responsible for introversion/extroversion and word association.
Carl Jung
A social mask that hides deep feelings
Feminine side
Masculine side
Myers-Briggs was based on his work
Carl Jung
Father of Analytical Psychologi
Carl Jung
Psychologist famous for Individual Psychology. Believed in significance of birth order, inferiority complex, and that humans strive to become part of a group.
Alfred Adler
A neo-freudian/ego psychologist who emphasized social factors and thought basic anxiety was due to a lack of love in childhood.
Karen Horney
To overcome insecurity, Horney said people do these 3 things in their relationships with others.
Moving toward, moving against, and moving away
The main goal of behavior therapy is to
overcome unwanted behaviors
The idea that even if you cure one symptom, another will take it’s place unless you deal with the root cause.
Symptom Substitution
A behavior you can see
A process or feeling you cannot see
The first thing a behavioral counselor will do with a client is
take a baseline of the unwanted behavior
May also be called a Neutral Stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus
The most efficient amount of time between a conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is
.5 second
The meat and then the salivating in Pavlov’s dogs are
unconditioned stimulus & unconditioned response
The bell and the salivating in Pavlov’s dogs are
conditioned stimulus & conditioned response
The way that after a while of bell with no meat, the response will no longer occur is called
Spontaneous Recovery