Helping Relationships Flashcards
the 4 general components of wellness
physically healthy
psychologically healthy
mentally healthy
spiritually healthy
The wheel of Wellness model includes the ____ Self, which is empirically validated and is based upon which theorist?
Indivisible self
Adler’s individual psychology
____ is considered the most important predictor of whether clients will benefit from counseling
the therapeutic relationship
Rogers’ 6 necessary and sufficient conditions for client change
psychological contact client incongruence counselor congruence counselor unconditional positive regard counselor empathy client perception of the relationship
Greenson proposed that the therapeutic relationship comprised of 3 elements:
the working alliance
the transference relationship
the real relationship
the majority of research uses ___’s conceptualization of the working alliance, which involves 3 constructs:
agreement on the goals of counseling
aggreement on the tasks that will help the client achieve their goals
psychological bond between counselor and client
therapeutic alliance and client change are ___ correlated
3 possible reasons for client resistance (3 different theories)
anxiety control
negative social influence
anxiety control
a conceptualization of resistance that was proposed by Freud
says that resistance happens because the client wants to repress unsavory, anxiety-causing memories that are part of their unconscious
behaviorists’ conceptualization of resistance
noncompliance, which can be due to different reasons
negative social influence
a conceptualization of resistance
says that resistance is caused by a negative dynamic between counselor and client, or the client desires power or control within the relationship
the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-3) measures ____
the 5 factors (OCEAN) openness conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism
the 3 stages of counseling
- relationship-building stage
- action/intervention stage
- termination
the stages in the transtheoretical model of change
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Termination
in the termination stage of the Stages of Change (SOC) or transtheoretical model of change…
the client no longer needs to take action to prevent the relapse of problem behaviors
the change process resembles what shape?
a spiral
triadic-dependent model of supervision
consultation relies on the interaction between consultant and consultee
consultee relies on the consultant for the answer to resolve a client’s problem, but the consultee actually puts the recommendation into action
collaborative-dependent model of supervision
consultee and consultant collaborate on the solution because they both have unique info and skills
collaborative-interdependent model of supervision
for intricate problems that involve the larger society; participants include community members
no “expert”
ex: reduce # of homeless youth
process consultation model
emphasizes the relationship between consultant and client
behavioral consultation model
the consultant is the authority figure and has the primary responsibility for the outcome
the focus is on behavior modification of the client, the consultee, or the organization
basic counseling skills
attending questioning reflecting paraprhasing (NOT parroting) summarizing empathic understanding confronting interpreting self-disclosure feedback giving information
the two types of encouragers
minimal encouragers ("right") door-openers ("tell me more about that")
summarizing can be used (when in a session)
end - recap important topics
beginning and middle - tie together important themes, patterns, feelings, facts, and plans
which basic counseling skill helps clients become more congruent?
which basic counseling skill suggests possible reasons for client behavior to help clients recognize hidden meanings?
feedback should be given to clients using a ___ statement
“I” statement
the chief goal of psychoanalysis
make the unconscious conscious, which may require a restructuring of the client’s personalities, which may take many sessions over years
the conscious mind, preconscious mind, and unconscious mind
conscious mind - in awareness
preconscious mind - forgotten information that is easy to recall
unconscious mind - memories, instincts, and drives that are difficult to bring to conscious awareness
the id is present at ___ and operates on the ___ principle
pleasure principle
the ego is present at age ___ and operates on the ___ principle
age 1
reality principle
the superego is present at ___ and operates on the ___ principle
age of 5
morality principle
in psychoanalysis, ___ is encouraged because it gives clients an emotional release and allows the analyst to interpret the behavior and raise the client’s self-awareness
in psychoanalysis, dreams can have 2 types of content:
manifest content - symbolism in dreams with meaning that is easily perceived
latent content - symbolism in dreams that is harder to interpret
Freud considered ___ to be the “royal road to the unconscious”
ego psychology, interpersonal psychoanalysis, object relations theory, and self-psychology are ___ approaches
who developed ego psychology?
Heinz Hartman
who developed interpersonal psychoanalysis?
Henry Stack Sullivan
who are some important names in object relations theory?
W. R. D. Fairbairn
D. W. Winnicott
who developed self-psychology?
Heinz Kohut
who developed individual psychology?
Alfred Adler
what are the goals of counseling in individual psychology?
help clients increase their social interest and reduce feelings of inferiority
Adler believed that each person strives for ___
inferiority and superiority complexes
part of individual psychology
in a superiority complex, people’s feelings of inferiority result in overcompensation
Adler thought adults in relationships should pair how, based on their own birth order?
they should pair with people of different birth order (e.g., no middle with middle or youngest with youngest)
According to Adler, a person’s lifestyle is established by age ___
5 - as a result of early life experiences and their perceptions of these events (their perception of events influencing a. person’s life style is part of his phenomenological philosophy)
Adler’s term for people’s false beliefs about themselves and others
Adlerian techniques:
lifestyle analysis encouragement acting "as if" asking the question spitting in the client's soup catching oneself pushbutton technique
lifestyle analysis
an Adlerian technique
interview clients about early life memories (before age 10) and their perceptions of their relationships with parents and siblings, family dynamics, their experiences in school and society, and their beliefs about themselves
asking the question
an Adlerian technique
“How would your life be different if you were well”?
Spitting in the client’s soup
an Adlerian technique
pointing out aspects of client behaviors so that the behavior is no longer as desirable
ex: “You seem to put down your sister to feel better about yourself”
catching oneself
an Adlerian technique
noticing you are doing a behavior that perpetuates the presenting problem
pushbutton technique
an Adlerian technique
teaches clients that they have a. role in maintaining their problems
clients have the ability to focus on either negative or positive thoughts
what does the preconscious mind contain?
both hidden memories and what is happening (elements from both the unconscious and conscious mind)
according to Freud, ____ results when ideal standards are violated
this is a function of the superego
socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse
(e.g., Dexter)
cognitive restructuring is a ___ technique
a behavioral therapy technique
developed by Beck
helps clients adjust their self-talk
according to Adler, when siblings are more than ___ years apart, the child assumes the role of __ child.
when children are more than 7 years apart, each kid is the “oldest child”
psychodrama is a ___ technique
according to existential theorists ____ is the motivational force that helps clients reach their potential
Gestalt therapists see awareness as being on a ___
Gestalt therapists will make you talk about your emotions using which word
helps them stay in the here and now
ulterior transactions
in Transactional Analysis (TA), this happens when people are coming from different ego states but their response is coming from the same ego state. (e.g., a man seemingly harmless but actually making an innuendo, the woman doesn’t notice it)
complementary transactions
in Transactional Analysis (TA)
when people are coming from the same ego state
crossed transaction
in Transactional Analysis (TA)
when partners address ego states other than the ego state their partner is in, resulting in communication failures
in TA, which is the most severe/violent game? first-degree, second-degree, or third-degree
third-degree are most traumatic - might end up in hospital or jain
first-degree are played in social circles and may end up causing upset but not major trauma
in second-degree the stakes are higher, occur in more intimate settings, and are more harmful
TA was developed by who and emphasizes what type of questioning?
Eric Berne, 1950s
interrogation - forcing the client to answer from the adult ego state through a succession of confrontative questions
learning behavior in small steps that are successive approximations toward the desired behavior.
according to reality therapy, the critical time for identity development is
2-5 - learn socialization, how to deal with frustration and disappointment
5-10 - develop identity through socialization and academia
Karpman’s triangle - which of the following corresponds to the attitude:
“Love me no matter what”
“I’m right”
I’m good”
“Love me no matter what” - victim
“I’m right” - prosecutor
“I’m good” - rescuer
which of the roles in Kapman’s triangle is the least productive
trick question - they are all equally destructive! It’s the drama itself that keeps the focus away from the true problems at hand
general leads
verbal or non-verbal indications that you are listening to the client and encouraging them to talk more
should transference be acknowledged?
depends on the situation - only need to acknowledge it when it begins to impair the relationship
otherwise, addressing it can embarrass or humiliate a client and discourage them from returning
3 client factors that increase the likelihood of transference
client with borderline personality disorder
client has anxiety about phyiscal and/or psychological safety
client has frequent contact with workers involved directly in client’s care
movement synchrony
mirroring of body language between two people who are communicating
psychodynamic therapists focus on the ___, while humanistic therapists focus on the ___
psychodynamic therapists focus on the past, while humanistic therapists focus on the present
which type of therapist might use words like “depressing”
reality therapist
the interaction techniques of Motivational Interviewing Open-Ended questions Affirmations Reflections Summaries
does id, ego, or superego govern the personality?
does id, ego, or superego inhibit id impulses?
the Paradoxical Theory of Change states what and is part of which counseling theory?
“the more we attempt to be who we are not, the more we remain the same”
Gestalt therapy
what are 3 examples of Gestalt resistances?
a type of resistance in Gestalt therapy
when a person turns his stored up, mobilized energy back upon himself instead of out into the environment
a type of resistance in Gestalt therapy
when a person doesn’t know how to let go
a defense mechanism or type of resistance in Gestalt therapy
when a child accepts a parent’s, caretakers or significant other’s values as his or her own
a person lets inputs from the environment become a part of himself without discrimination
Shame-Attacking exercises are used in ____ and are ____
assignments to do something bizarre in public to overcome your fear of making a fool of yourself; and you will probably discover that the world doesn’t come to end
Socratic questioning is used in ___ therapy
in which type of family therapy might the therapist have dinner with the family in order to integrate the therapist into the family?
structural family therapy
the therapist becomes involved in the family strucutre in order to assess and treat
strategic family therapy does not go as far to place the therapist in the family environment
people with a ____ locus of control are more susceptible to depression
external locus of control
which theory says that depression is anger turned inward?
psychodynamic / Freud
reminds counselors of proper attending behavior Square Open Lean Eye (maintain eye contact) Relaxed
low-frustration tolerance is a concept of which theory?
REBT (developed by Ellis REBT)
when a person believes they can’t overcome barriers
the person seeks immediate gratification
parallel transaction
in TA, when individuals respond as expected. This means when I address someone’s Child ego state from my Parent ego state, I expect them to respond from their Child.