Career Flashcards
Super’s theory has how many stages?
5, with 16 sub-stages Growth Exploration Establishment Maintenance Disengagement (or Decline)
Holland’s types are stable/not stable across gender lines, racial lines, and time
stable across gender and racial lines and time
Albert Bandura
influenced Social Cognitive Career Theory
people are more likely to improve their performance in areas in which they are interested and as a result have positive learning experiences
personal characteristics and circumstances influence vocational choice; counselors can help clients overcome the circumstances
Bandura’s ‘destiny idea’
the idea that people with differing self-efficacy beliefs perceive the world differently
people with high self-efficacy have an internal locus of control
people with low self-efficacy have an external locus of control
Bandura’s Triadic Reciprocal Model of Causality contains these elements:
Personal determinants
Environmental determinants
Behavioral determinants
Super, ____, and ____ (along with ___, ____, and ____) are developmental career theorists
Gottfredson, Ginzberg along with Ginsburg, Herma, Axelrad
Gottfredson’s theory is ____ and involves _____
developmental theory
circumscription (eliminating career alternatives)
compromise (adolescents give up dream career alternatives for those that are less compatible but more accessible)
self-creation (people have the ability to improve their career options and integrate their self-concept into decision making)
According to Gottfredson (a developmental theorist), what is the order in which people will sacrifice prestige, interest, and gender roles when making a compromise?
interest goes first
prestige goes second
gender role goes last
____ believed that sublimation was the method by which we choose our career
Roe, Brill, and Holland are ____ career theorists
Ginzberg’s theory is ____ and includes ____ stages
developmental theory
3 stages:
Fantasy (play and imagination influence career ideas)
Tentative (adolescents; 4 substages: interests, capacity, value, transition)
Realistic (age 17-early 20s; exploration, crystallization, specification)
First ____ said career decisions were irreversible; later he said that they were reversible.
dual-income families have ___ income than single-income families
___, ____, ____, and ____ are decision career theorists
Gelatt Katz Hershenson Tiedeman O'Hara
_____ was an adult developmental career theorist who coined the term ‘teachable moment’
chronic hassles
according to Schlossberg’s career transition theory, these are continuous and pervasive hassles (e.g., a long commute)
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
prevented employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion
Roe’s career theory is based on which theorist and is what kind of theory that involves classifying ____’s relation to ______
Freud (and is sort of like Maslow because it involves satisfying needs)
it’s a personality theory that involves classifying parental relationship’s relation to occupations
Roe’s theory has ____ groups and ____ levels
8 groups (e.g., service, technology, business contact, outdoor, organization) 6 levels (e.g., professional and managerial 1 and 2, semiprofessional and small business, skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled)
career counseling was born out of what?
OK, some sources say matching soldiers to appropriate jobs during World War I
(but NOT WWII)
others say it was a result of the Industrial Revolution and social reform movements
Frank Parson’s famous book was called
Choosing a Vocation
Super changed his terminology from career ____ to career _____
changed from career maturity to career adaptability
more important that a person can adapt to changes than master predictable developmental tasks (mature)
Super’s 5 vocational development tasks
Crystallization (setting a general vocational goal)
Specification (set a more specific career goal)
Implementation (get training for a particular job)
Stabilization (using skills to do a job)
Consolidation (ages 35+ - having an established career with experience, status, advancement, seniority)
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Herma, and Axelrad believed these 4 factors influenced vocational choice
the reality factor
educational process
the emotional factor
personal values
____, ____, and ____ created their social cognitive career theory based on the work of ____
Lent, Brown, and Hackett
based on Bandura
in Gottfredson’s idea of circumscription, there are ___ stages. They involve orientation to what?
4 stages orientation to size and power orientation to sex roles orientation to social valuation orientation to the internal unique self
____ describes your “self image” as your “career anchor”
Edgar Schein
“Schein’s Career Anchors” says that insight, competency, and motivation becomes a person’s career anchor
who established the Boston Vocational Bureau in 1908?
Frank Parsons
What was the first career-guidance organization?
National Vocational Guidance Association
(NVGA) which changed to National Career Guidance Association is part of ACA
(NVGA was also part of the APGA when ACA was that)
the Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act of 1917 provided what for career guidance?
provided federal funds for career guidance
called for isolating career information from the rest of the academic cirriculum
What happened as a result of the National Defense Education Act (NDEA)?
expanded K-12 counselor ed programs by giving $$ to grad students
(a result of Sputnick - i.e. ‘defense’)
School-to-Work Act of 1994
allowed students to work and go to school (and use it as credit)
helped students prepare for college
_____ is the “father” of career guidance. ____ is the “pioneer and forerunner”
Frank Parsons = father
George A. Merrill = pioneer & forerunner
____ developed the career maturity inventory and had thoughts about work adjustment
John Crites
who created the theory of vocational choice?
who created the social learning theory of career counseling?
who developed computerized vocational systems, like CVIS, DISCOVER, and VISIONS?
Joanne Harris-Bowlsbey
Career counselors refuse to provide services to a client via the Internet who…
will not self-identify
career counselors don’t use technology to _____ if it has not been solicited
to advertise services
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
established the minimum wage
standards for overtime
prohibited employment of minors
Which Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities?
ADA of 1990
career salience is ___ and involves these 3 factors:
career salience is the importance a person places on the role of career in relationship to other life roles
3 factors:
participation - spending time/energy
commitment - emotional attachment to work role
value expectation - satisfaction gained
expressed interests vs
manifest interests vs
tested interests
expressed interests - spoken
manifest interests - observable through the activities in which people engage
tested interests - reflected by how much a person knows about a topic
who was the first career theorist to consider career adaptability?
occupational stress is the chronic what kind of strain that results from ongoing job stressors?
3 stages of burnout:
- emotional exhaustion
- depersonalization (detach from job; develop cynicism and indifference)
- reduced personal accomplishment (self-efficacy goes down and as a result so does performance)
career _____ is liked to mental, behavioral, and physical symptoms
trait and factor career theory is influenced by ___ and ____
Frank Parsons and
Edmund G. Williamson
what are the 5 basic traits/factors that make up the gaining self-understanding stage of trait-and-factor interventions?
aptitude interests values personality achievement
the Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA) is a _____ theory that was developed by ____ and ____ and involves terms like satisfactoriness and satisfaction
TWA is a trait and type theory
developed by Dawis and Lofquist
correspondence (in career theory)
a term from TWA
the degree to which the individual and the work environment continue to meet each others’ needs
to adjust to work, clients can either engage in activeness or reactiveness. What does this mean?
Activeness - make changes to the work environment
Reactiveness - make changes in themselves
in Holland’s theory, what does congruence mean? What does consistency mean?
congruence means how similar a person’s type is to their work environment type
consistency means how close their Holland letters are to each other on the hexigon
In Holland’s theory, what does differentiation mean?
differentiation is calculated by subtracting the lowest score of your type from the highest score of your type. it shows you how much you favor one type. UNdifferentiated people have a hard time making career choices
who made a values-based theory of career?
Duane Brown
_____ believed that people could engage in _____, or go back to a career stage that they had been in before
Super believed people could engage in recycling, or going back to a career stage they’ve been in before
how many life roles did Super acknowledge?
one of Super’s most important contributions was his emphasis on the role that ____ plays in a person’s career
Which 3 theorists were career transition theorists? (technically developmental)
Nancy Schlossberg - anticipated transitions, unanticipated transitions, chronic hassles, non-events
(being sloshed at work all the time is a chronic hassle!)
Hopson and Adams - 7 stages (added involuntary and voluntary transitions)
(hope to a new career!)