Diversity Flashcards
3 culture-bound assumptions about mental health and illness (Lewis-Fernandez & Kleinman)
egocentricity of the self
mind-body dualism
culture is superimposed on knowable biological realities
____% of people worldwide use some form of alternative therapy, whereas ___% of Americans
Worldwide: 80% use alternative therapy
US: 33%
which of the following is most important: cultural awareness, knowledge, or skills
they are all equally important
therapeutic surrender
when a client from another culture opens up and trusts the counselor
% of non-White clients who don’t return to counseling after the first session
_____ is the biggest predictor of the ability to be introspective
social disruption
worsening of performance in the presence of others
football player does worse when his gf watches
social facilitation
enhancement of performance when others are present
owner watches dog groomer
____-Americans have the lowest rate of seeking counseling
just-world hypothesis
the tendency to attribute consequences or expect consequences due to a universal force that restores moral balance
“all things happen for a reason”
According to Milgram’s shock research, _____ the distance between teacher and learner results in ____ obedience.
decreasing the distance between them results in less obedience
dispositional vs situational attribution
dispositional - attributes behavior to personality traits
situational - attributes behavior to external factors and the specific situation
___ Americans are the most likely to conform. ___ Americans are the least likely
Asian-Americans are the most likely to conform
White/European Americans are the least likely to conform
… this seems like a stereotype
people engaging in uncharacteristic behavior when in a large group
(fans storming the field)
_____’s work is known as the Stanford Prison Experiment. _____’s work involved participants delivering shocks. ____ studied conformity.
prisoners/guards - Zimbardo
shocks/obedience to authority - Milgram
conformity - Asch
social loafing
people are less productive in groups
diffusion of responsibility
the more people are present, the less likely any one person will take responsibility for helping someone in need
adaptive conservatism
the evolutionary principle that creates a predisposition toward distrusting anything or anyone unfamiliar or different
_____ in his study, called ____ demonstrated that you can get a group to work cooperatively by asking them to work on a shared goal, which reduced prejudices between rivaling groups
Sherif’s Robbers Cave study (1961)
group of 5th graders and divided them into two teams, they competed, then he brought them back together.
special populations
different from minorities (which are usually oppressed/discriminated against) in that members of special populations share related trauma or problematic life situations
they are diverse groups of people whose needs are unique to their situation
(ex: ex-felons)
cultural intuition
the immediate knowledge, sensation, connection, and rapport that a counselor may experience when encountering clients from their own culture
feelings of mistrust that Native Americans may feel towards Whites and the U.S. government is called
historical hostility
cultural racism
the societal belief and customs that promote the assumption that the dominant culture/majority group is superior in comparison to minority groups and cultures
individual racism
one person has attitudes or beliefs that support a personal theory that their race is better than others.
when a group of people is denied access to resources as a form of oppression
which 2 racial groups may avoid eye contact as a sign of respect?
Asian Americans
____ and ____ developed the MMPI
Hathaway and McKinley
in a skewed distribution (but smooth) the ___ is the best measure of central tendency
who developed stress inoculation training?
Krumboltz’s 4 career determinants
Genetic endowment
Environmental conditions and events
Instrumental and associative learning experiences
Task approach skills
scales - which one…
goes Bad ———- Good
asks Agree [ ] or Disagree [ ]
gets progressively extreme
place a mark between two dichotomous adjectives Bad ——- Good = semantic differential
Agreeing or disagreeing with a statement - Thurstone scale
gets progressively extreme = Guttman
KEY DIFFERENCE between experimental and non-experimental designs is the absence of _____
stratified vs. quota sampling vs. cluster
stratified is random
quota is like stratified but without randomization
cluster sampling identifies existing subgroups and not individual participants
correlations may be misleading if the measures used are unreliable. This is known as ____
____ % of first marriages end in divorce
____ % of second marriages end in divorce
50% of first
70% of second
career maturity
the ability to plan, explore, and make decisions about career based on a knowledge of the world of work
career maturity vs. adaptability
maturity - the ability to plan, explore, and make decisions about career based on a knowledge of the world of work
vs. adaptability - coping with transitions/challenges
Ginzberg + Ginsburg + Axelrad + Herma’s theory (career development) stages
Fantasy - play and imagination influence career
Tentative - really considering careers based on many factors
Realistic - make realistic choices