helminths Flashcards
<p>1. Classification of the helminths by morphology?</p>
<p>-Flatworms: flukes</p>
<p>-Tape worms:round worms</p>
<p>2. What are the most characteristic properties of the flukes?</p>
<p>(3 example)</p>
<p>-leaf shaped</p>
<p>-developeddigestive system</p>
<p>3. What is the most common intermediate host of the flukes?</p>
<p>water snail</p>
<p>4. What is the causative agent of fascioliasis?</p>
<p>Fasciola Hepatica</p>
- Which Flukes can Live in the <strong>Bladder</strong> Venules?
Schistosoma <strong>Haemato</strong>bium
<p>5. What is the treatment of fascioliasis?</p>
<p>6. What is the causative agent of the lung fluke disease?</p>
<p>Para<strong>gonimus</strong> westerMANi</p>
<p>7. What are the symptoms of paragonimiasis?</p>
<p>-chest pain</p>
<p>-Bloody sputum</p>
<p>-night sweats</p>
<p>8. What is the treatment of paragonimiasis?</p>
<p>12. What is the treatment of schistosomiasis?</p>
<p>9. What are the <strong>blood</strong> flukes?</p>
<p>-Schistosoma <strong>Haemato</strong>bium</p>
<p>-<strong>Schisto</strong>soma Mansoni</p>
<p>-Schistosoma <strong>Japoni</strong>cum</p>
<p>10. Which flukes can live in the <strong>intestinal</strong> venules?</p>
<p>-Schistosoma <strong>Mansoni</strong></p>
<p>-Schistosoma <strong>Japoni</strong>cum</p>
<p>13. What is the intermediate host of Taenia Saginata?</p>
<p>14. What is the intermediate host of Taenia <strong>Solium</strong>?</p>
<p>15. What kind of human diseases can be caused by Taenia Solium?</p>
<p>(2 example)</p>
<p>-<b>cystic</b>ercus cellulosae</p>
<p>-tape worm infection</p>
<p>16. What is the treatment of Taeniasis?</p>