Helicopters Flashcards
Name the helicopter training areas on the airfield
Echo, whiskey, X-ray, Quebec, runways, sloping ground
What restrictions apply to multiple helicopter circuits on whiskey?
A maximum of 2 helicopters may operate in the W circuit and others may transit W (dep/arr) provided that they move on asap.
a) Both helicopters have instructors on board.
b) Both instructors agree to the presence of the other.
c) Neither helicopter is larger than a “light” wake turbulence category.
d) The prevailing conditions allow the ATCO to see both helicopters and the pilots can see each other.
e) Both helicopters must conform with the same circuit direction are not permitted to carry out any manoeuvre which would adversely affect the circuit of the other, or cause unnecessary workload for the ATCO.
f) The ATCO reserves the right to limit the HTA W circuit to one helicopter in the interests of workload or complexity, such as wind direction making crossing and recrossing of 02/20 approach a higher possibility.
g) No hover/general handling details are to be approved whilst the circuit is active.
h) A landing helicopter moves to the upwind end to facilitate a landing behind.
i) HTA Q is still available provided all parties are aware of the situation.
j) Passive R/T is to be used although an ATCO may request positive downwind/final calls dependant on the traffic scenario.
Describe how the helicopter training areas Echo is used.
- Used for hovering or holding. Extended operations on E should be avoided unless a strong easterly wind prevails.
Describe how the helicopter training areas X-ray is used.
- Used for field manoeuvres, holding auto rotations and for circuits when R06/24 is in use.
- Circuit is not above 600ft Left Hand on R06 and Right Hand R24.
Describe how the helicopter training area Quebec is used.
- Used for confined area training only - no circuits/student/solo pilots permitted.
- Helicopters using HTA W must be notified that HTA Q is in use and visa versa.
- Not to be used if the RFFS deem that access for vehicles is not possible.
Describe how the helicopter training areas Whiskey is used.
- Used for holding, field manoeuvres and circuits.
- Circuits are Right Hand when R13/20/24 are in use.
- Circuits are Left Hand when R31/02/06 are in use.
- Opposite direction (downwind) circuits shall not be permitted whilst R20 is active due to being opposite direction to other helicopters and any go around traffic from the runway. However individual downwind circuits may be approved subject to positive R/T rather than the normal passive R/T.
- This area is serviceable all year round regardless of surface condition.
Describe how the sloping ground helicopter training area is used.
If required for use simultaneously with circuit traffic from HTA W then both pilots must be in agreement to each other’s presence.
Describe how the runways are used for helicopter training.
- Helicopters may use runways/taxiways for aerodrome operations subject to fixed wing traffic.
- A helicopter may also use the fixed wing circuit for the runway in use.
- Extended helicopter operations on R24 numbers should be avoided unless a strong easterly wind prevails.
Describe the departure and arrival points for Helicopters and the areas of the airfield they may use to depart and arrive.
- The entry and exit routes are based on compass points; North, North East, South East, South West, North West.
- These routes are to be flown not above 600ft QNH whilst in the ATZ unless specifically authorised to do so by ATC.
- Helicopters shall only land/takeoff from the manoeuvring area and taxi to/from their parking area.
- If the parking area is not visible from the VCR the instruction must contain the phraseology, “lift/taxi/land at your discretion…”
What rules that apply to helicopter operations at night?
- Helicopter operations are only permitted using lit areas at night i.e R02/20 and the hard taxiways.
- Helicopter circuits are to use the fixed wing circuit pattern.
What are the noise abatement procedures for helicopters?
- Helicopter pilots are advised to avoid overflying built up areas outside the aerodrome boundary at low level.
- Departures from R24 eastbound must either cross R20 or depart via R20 climb out to avoid the buildings and hangers.