Emergencies Flashcards
What are the weather standby criteria?
- Prevailing visibility 1000 m or less
- Wind 20kts or more in excess of 45° off runway centreline.
- Cloud SCT/BKN/OVC005 or worse.
When would you take overdue action?
- Preliminary; 30 minutes after ETA.
- Full; 1 hour after ETA (unless reason to believe earlier e.g. fuel known to be exhausted).
What is the radius of action of the airport fire service?
- Who incidents up to 1000m outside the aerodrome boundary.
If an accident occurs outside the radius of the action then the RFFS will not normally attend
Depending on which runway is in use what are the assembly points at which the fire vehicles will hold for an emergency?
- R02; north gate and north hanger.
- R20/24; Taxiway C.
- R13/31; east wind sock on access track from gate 6A.
- R06, northern edge of concrete apron.
Where do the outside emergency services access the airfield?
- Due to the low bridge at the southern access road, the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service(WSFRS) and Ambulance Service will access the aerodrome from the A27 and proceed to RVP North.
What actions need to be put in place before any outside service vehicles can access the aerodrome?
- All aircraft movements on the aerodrome shall have ceased and engines shutdown.
- All airborne aircraft shall hold or divert.
- Normal operations will only resume when all non-aerodrome vehicles have vacated the manoeuvring area and the RFFS OIC has notified ATS that the aerodrome has a minimum of Category 1 cover.
What would you do if the Crash Alarm fails?
- During an incident, if it becomes apparent that the ATS Crash alarm has failed then ATS shall broadcast on the ground frequency and also use the direct line.
What would you do if the direct line fails as well as the Crash alarm?
- The Fire service personnel will permanently monitor the approach frequency via the air band radio installed and Fire 1 and the usual ground frequency. Any emergency will be confirmed via RT with ATS and other personal by activating a call point.
- If both ATS Crash alarm and direct line have failed then the OIC should liaise with ATS and consideration given to not opening or closing down/limiting the operation.
What is the radius of action of the airport fire service?
- Who incidents up to 1000m outside the aerodrome boundary.
If an accident occurs outside the radius of the action then the RFFS will not normally attend
Depending on which runway is in use what are the assembly points at which the fire vehicles will hold for an emergency?
- R02; north gate and north hanger.
- R20/24; Taxiway C.
- R13/31; east wind sock on access track from gate 6A.
- R06, northern edge of concrete apron.
Where do the outside emergency services access the airfield?
- Due to the low bridge at the southern access road, the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service(WSFRS) and Ambulance Service will access the aerodrome from the A27 and proceed to RVP North.
What actions need to be put in place before any outside service vehicles can access the aerodrome?
- All aircraft movements on the aerodrome shall have ceased and engines shutdown.
- All airborne aircraft shall hold or divert.
- Normal operations will only resume when all non-aerodrome vehicles have vacated the manoeuvring area and the RFFS OIC has notified ATS that the aerodrome has a minimum of Category 1 cover.
What would you do if the Crash Alarm fails?
- During an incident, if it becomes apparent that the ATS Crash alarm has failed then ATS shall broadcast on the ground frequency and also use the direct line.
What would you do if the direct line fails as well as the Crash alarm?
- The Fire service personnel will permanently monitor the approach frequency via the air band radio installed and Fire 1 and the usual ground frequency. Any emergency will be confirmed via RT with ATS and other personal by activating a call point.
- If both ATS Crash alarm and direct line have failed then the OIC should liaise with ATS and consideration given to not opening or closing down/limiting the operation.
What procedures are in place in the event of a depletion of the emergency services?
- A depletion to Category 1 does not affect the majority of operations.
- During an aircraft accident ATS are to assume that no cover is available for other movements unless the RFFS reports otherwise.
- The current category of fire cover is to be broadcast on the RT and the ATIS and, if the depletion is expected to last more than an hour, a NOTAM is to be issued.
- If there is no cover and the aircraft acknowledge this and their intentions are still to land then they shall be “cleared to land” as normal and any landings/departures made without fire cover shall be logged in the watch log.
During RFFS training what is the phase used to signify that a real emergency has occurred during a practice emergency?
- “No duff”
- In the event of a real emergency occurring during an exercise ATS must follow the normal procedure for alerting the RFFS by sounding the crash alarm and the phrase “no duff” on the radio. At this point the exercise must immediately cease and normal procedure is followed in full. The RFFS must also use the phrase “no duff” if a situation develops during the exercise that requires genuine assistance or local authority attendance.
How can EGKA help if an incident is suspected to have occurred off the aerodrome that requires SAR?
- If a waterborne incident has occurred alert the coastguard at Lee-on-Solent. Alert other agencies accordingly advising that the Coastguard have been notified.
- Pending the arrival of official SAR, ATS mAy request EGKA based aircraft to make an initial search of the area where the information gained may assist the rescue effort. Unofficial participation should be stood down when requested by the official agencies.
- The VCCS is not set up to enable transmit/ receive on the distress frequency 121.5, but the VDF does have the ability to display the QDM/QTE of a transmission made on 121.5, this may be useful in assisting triangulation of a signal with the emergency services.
What action is to be taken in the event of unlawful interference of an aircraft on the ground?
- Inform the RFFS, WSFRS, LACC Watch manager/supervisor.
- Every effort, commensurate with the safety of personnel and other aircraft shall be made to prevent the aircraft from departing. If necessary the fireman may use their vehicles to block the path of the aircraft.
- Every effort should be made to direct the aircraft to a remote area of the aerodrome e.g taxiway B, northern loop or even HTA W. If B is used the companies adjacent must be informed and lancing signal box in case the police require the line to be closed.
- ATS personnel are to stop all movements except for the police and other aircraft operating on behalf of the emergency services or government agencies. Vehicular movements are to be restricted to the RFFS and emergency services responding to the incident.
- Once the emergency services are in attendance the control of the incident shall be transferred to the OIC.
- All restrictions shall be lifted once it’s confirmed by the OIC after consultation with the HOD(Heads of operational departments) that the incident is closed.
What action is to be taken in the event of unlawful interference of an aircraft in the air?
- If an aircraft is believed to be inbound to EGKA, inform the RFFS, WSFRS, LACC watch manager/supervisor.
- ATS personnel shall make every effort to keep other traffic well clear of the subject of aircraft and it’s known or predicted track. This may entail grounding all of the aircraft not yet airborne.
- If possible the aircraft should be isolated on a discreet frequency taking guidance from the LACC watch supervisor/manager whom shall be informed if two way radio contact is lost.
- as EGKA has no radar the responsibility for monitoring the progress of the aircraft shall rest with the LACC watch supervisor/ manager in coordination with the UK air defence authority.
- Any restrictions imposed on flying at EGKA due to the airborne emergency shall be lifted when it has been confirmed by the LACC watch supervisor/manager that the incident is closed.
What action should you take in the event of a pre-notification or free call of an aircraft with the callsign “DOUGHNUT”?
- The SATCO is to be advised immediately.
- The aircraft is to be afforded Category A flight status and the purposes of the flights are not to be disclosed over the R/T.
- Further guidance may be sought from the LACC watch manager/supervisor.
What action should be taken in receipt of a bomb warning?
- A check list to follow when in receipt of a telephone or radio call can be found on the control desk.
- All warnings received are to be taken seriously and the police notified immediately.
- The pilot in command of the subject aircraft shall be informed of the warning and intentions requested.
- The actions taken by ATS and the aerodrome authority is the same as for unlawful interference.
Does EGKA except aircraft carrying counter chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high yield explosives?
- No.
- Any inbound aircraft that declares that it has such a cargo/passenger should be given all assistance in finding a suitable Aerodrome to divert to.
- In the event of such an aircraft landing the aircraft will be directed to park away from inhabited buildings on the aerodrome at either the compass base, the northern loop or R20 threshold.
- No aircraft shall overfly the affected aircraft without permission from the relevant authority in charge of the emergency.
- The ACM(accountable manager) and HOD(heads of departments) must be informed immediately.
What would you do in the event of an evacuation of the VCR?
- The DATSA will have ascertained from the fire warden that an evacuation of the VCR is necessary and will have proceeded to an aircraft/vehicle from which they can attempt to establish radio contact with the aircraft.
- The fire doors and walls around the VCR access stairs afford 30 minutes of protection.
- ATS shall notify all aircraft that ATS will be disrupted for an indefinite period and also notify either Sussex flying club or flying time that an aircraft may be required for communications following an evacuation the aerodrome. Fire vehicles that are suitably equipped may also be available.
- The ATCO will inform network rail, lancing signal box and the LACC supervisor that the VCR is evacuated until further notice.
- The ATCO will switch on all Aerodrome lighting and broadcast a suitable message on the ATIS.
- The ATCO will take the evacuation rucksack which contains an ATS telephone directory, red evacuation file, binoculars, pen/chinagraph and paper pad and the Icom radios.
- As soon as a safe distance has been established in a vehicle/aircraft from the ATS building the DATCO/AGCS is to re-establish radio contact on the approach frequency with circuit and local traffic to provide warnings and aerodrome information as appropriate. Non-essential movements should be held off, diverted or taxi back to parking.
- The aerodrome is effectively closed.
- Do not attempt to provide a control service.
- Once reopened by the police/security services the entries on the paper pads made during the evacuation which constitute a temporary watch log should be affixed to the permanent log.
What would you do in the event of the aerodrome mains power failing?
- Inform RFFS, LACC Supervisor, Farnborough LARS, and SW Coordinator.
- If an aircraft has already commenced an instrument approach then that aircraft should be permitted to complete it, all others will either have to divert, hold elsewhere or join visually.
- When operating under UPS(uninterrupted power supply), movement should be restricted to landing aircraft only, all aircraft taxing for departure shall be returned to parking.
- Inbound visitors should be informed of the situation so that they may return to base or diverted elsewhere.
- After 60 mins the aerodrome should be closed except for emergency traffic.
- The final level of redundancy for radio contact is the hand held transceivers kept at the rear of the VCR. These are not to be used to provide any service, only to inform pilots that the aerodrome is closed.
- Aldis lamps should be ready for use and standard light signals used.