Aerodrome Operations Flashcards
What restrictions apply to aircraft with a main gear span of more than 3m?
Give examples of aircraft types that this applies to.
- Aircraft with a main gear span of over 3m should only taxi via taxiway A and R20/02, including the northern loop.
- Pilots requesting or stating that they can accept other taxiways are to be reminded of the widths of those taxiways before being given taxi instructions.
- Aircraft holding on taxiway C are not separated from a B350 or a L410 due to their wing spans.
-B90L, BE20, B350, C421, CJ4, L410, PC12.
What are the dimensions of the runways and taxiways?
- R20/02: 1036m X 18m
- R20/02G: 602m X 23m
- R24/06: 799m X 25m
- R13/31: 408m X 18m (R31 has a starter extension of 126m)
- Taxiway A: 11m width
- Taxiways B/C/K: 7.5m width
- Taxiways J/L: 10m width
What are the codes associated with surface condition for the grass runways?
- Code 1: Surface dry.
- Code 2: Surface frozen.
- Code 3: Surface damp and firm.
- Code 4: Surface wet and soft.
- Code 5: Surface waterlogged and/or flooded.
How do the grass surface codes correspond to how the grass runways are used?
- CODE 1: Surface is dry and in good operation.
- CODE 2: The ground is frozen. Hourly inspections will occur and braking action assessed. Only to be used with light aircraft if useable.
- CODE 3: Surface is damp but remains firm allowing all operations to continue.
- CODE 4: Surface is wet and soft but will support some types of light aircraft for a limited time, requiring regular inspections.
- CODE 5: The conditions of the surface are deemed unfit for use with lying water pools and/or soft mud patches throughout.
What is the designated operational coverage of the TWR and APP frequencies?
- Approach 25nm and FL100.
- Tower 10nm and 4000ft
What is the procedure used when the B1 CCTV camera fails?
- Runway 02: A1 used. One aircraft at a time taxied via B1 to line up.
- Runway 20: aircraft asked to report runway vacated if vacating via B.
What are EGKAs the opening hours?
- Winter; Monday-Friday 0800-2000/ Saturday 0900-2000/ Sunday 0900-1900.
- Summer; 0700-1900/ Saturday 0800-1900 /Sunday 0800-1800.
State whom carries out bird control. Briefly describe how the operations are carried out and the effect on ATS.
- Wildlife control has been delegated to the RFFS who will make spasmodic inspections or will make patrols at the request of ATS. they are also responsible for completely birdstrike forms and dispatching any remains.
- Before the arrival/ departure of a jet/turbine fixed wing, a bird run shall be carried put and logged in the watch log.
- At night if flying is very intermittent or if there are periods of no activity then it may be necessary to request a bird/wildlife run, this may be incorporated into a surface inspection.
State the procedures for ground running of engines and responsibilities.
- Engines should not be run prior to 0800 or after 2000 local without specific aerodrome management authority to comply with the noise abatement procedures.
- Pre departure engine runs are made at the relevant holding points.
- Maintenance engine runs are only permitted if the area around the aircraft has been safeguarded, if there is any doubt then inform the RFFS who will attend the area.
- The engineering companies KB aviation and Apollo may conduct engine runs as required outside there establishments.
Describe LVPs and how the aerodrome visibility is assessed.
- There is no facility for measuring the RVR directly. the reported Met vis may be converted to RVR by the following calculation; for low intensity lighting-DAY RVR = met vis x 1.0, NIGHT RVR = met vis x 1.5.
- A vehicle from the RFFS may be requested to make as assessment of visibility.
- Grass runways are not to be used during LVPs.
List the obstructions and heights in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
- Cement works chimney = 310ft amsl.
- Trueleigh Hill = 708ft amsl.
- Trueleigh Hill masts = 863ft amsl.
- St Mary de Huara Church Shoreham (lit by floodlights) = 102ft amsl.
- Southwick mast = 285ft amsl.
- Shoreham power station = 248ft amsl.
- Lancing College chapel (lit by floodlights) = 252ft amsl.
What is the fire category at EGKA?
- Cat 2
What navigational facilities are associated with EGKA and what are they’re frequencies and identifications.
NDB - SHM, 332.000 kHz
DME - SRH, 109.950 MHz
VDF - class B
Aerodrome locator beacon - flashes green “S H”
What is the frequency used by the police helicopters to operate the aerodrome lighting outside the operating hours and they need fuel?
- 155.325
When shall LVPs procedures be commenced?
- When the visibility falls below 1000m and its forecast to fall below 600m.
- Or holding points K1 or A1 or not visible from the VCR at any time.
- At any time at the discretion of the DATCO in the interests of flight safety.
How are LVPs implemented?
- Runway and taxiway lighting shall be illuminated before any aircraft taxies and 15 minutes prior to planned arrival.
- Switch on runway guard lights (wigwags).
- Only runway 02/20 shall be used and all aircraft, including helicopters, must taxi via A.
- The aircraft must be observed taxing in the correct direction for A1 when intending to depart, if this is not possible a “follow me” vehicle must be used to guide the aircraft and verify the above to the tower.
- Only one movement is permitted at a time.
- If an aircraft calls to join whilst one is taxing then that aircraft is to hold until the taxing aircraft has departed.
- If one aircraft calls for taxi whilst one is inbound then that aircraft is to hold until the inbound the aircraft has parked.
- No aircraft or vehicle shall be allowed to enter or cross the runway after an aircraft has turned “base leg” or completed the “base turn” or reported at the “final approach fix”.
- The runway and taxiway shall be inspected prior to the visibility falling to such an extent that the runway or part of is not visible from the VCR. It shall also be inspected prior to each movement whilst it is not visible if there have been no other movements in the preceding 30mins.
- All access points to the manoeuvring area will be locked or blocked by the RFFS. No vehicle shall be allowed to enter the manoeuvering area other than the RFFS, ATS vehicles engaged in essential aerodrome maintenance but only under direct RFFS escort.
- All “works in progress” on the manoeuvring area (and apron if not visible) will cease and the work areas will be barricaded off and marked with red obstruction lights.
When do LVPs cease?
- When the visibility increases to greater than 1000m and the improvement is forecast to continue, LVPs will terminated by ATS.
What are the frequencies for TWR, APP, GND and the ATIS?
- TWR-125.400 MHz
- APP-123.150 MHz (also used as air/ground and tower & approach combined).
- ATIS-130.975 MHz