HEENT MDT Flashcards
•Vision returns to normal within 24 hours, usually within 1 hour
•Sudden, painless loss
Acute vision loss
•Eyes are “redrimmed” and scales or granulations can be seen clinging to the lashes
- itching, burning, mild pain, foreign body sensation, tearing.
- ** erythema of the lids, and crusting around the eyes upon awakening
- Blood underneath the conjunctiva, often in one sector of the eye and the entire view of the sclera may be covered by blood
- caused by Valsalva maneuver; coughing, sneezing, vomiting
Conjunctival hemorrhage
- Itching, burning, tearing, gritty or foreign body sensation; history of recent URI or contact with someone with viral conjunctivitis
•Watery discharge, red and edematous eyelids, pinpoint subconjunctival hemorrhages
- Itching, watery discharge, and a history of ALLERGIES.
•Occurs bilaterally
Viral/Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Redness, foreign body sensation,
discharge; - itching is much less prominent
- Purulent white-yellow discharge or mild to moderate degree
Bacterial nongonoccol conjunctivitisq
- Severe purulent discharge,
- hyperacute onset
- marked chemosis, preauricular adenopathy
- Sexual history relevant
Gonococcal Conjunctivitis
Disposition for gonoccocol conjunctivitis?
MEDEVAC if corneal involvement
Foreign body sensation, tearing, history of trauma; with or without a rust ring
Ocular Foreign Body
- Erythema and edema of lid and conjunctivae; discharge, ocular pain or foreign body sensation, photophobia and/or blurred vision
- Visual acuity is decreased possibly
- Cornea reveals a round or irregular ulcer, with a hypopyon (white, hazy base)
- Common with contact lens wearers
Corneal ulcer
Disposition for corneal ulcer
MEDEVAC - corneal perforation or scarring. Permanent vision loss
ANTERIOR UVEITIS - Pain, redness, photophobia, visual loss, hypopyon (WBC pool) and fibrin within the anterior chamber, KPs seen on the corneal endothelium
UVEITIS - Blurred vision in a mildly inflamed eye, “mutton fat” KPs and iris nodules
•POSTERIOR UVEITIS - Gradual loss of vision in a minimally inflammed eye, vitreous opacity
- periorbital swelling, nasal congestion/discharge, sinus
- headache/pressure/congestion, tooth pain,
- infra- and/or supraorbital pain
- Eyelid edema, erythema, warmth, and tenderness, Conjunctival chemosis, injection, proptosis and restricted extraocular motility
- Severe pain, tearing, and photophobia
* History of trauma to the eye, commonly involving a foreign object (fingernail, piece of paper, or contact lens)
Corneal abrasion
TX for corneal abrasian
Stop wearing contacts
- Flashes of light, floaters, a
- curtain or shadow moving over the field of vision
- peripheral or central visual loss, or both
Retinal detachment