Healthcare Admin Flashcards
A concise statement that describes the ideal state to which an organization aspires
- provider of the service
- actual services provides
- target clients
- quality declaration that identifies aspirations for how audiences will perceive the program
vision statement
a written expression of an organizations philosophy, purposes and characteristics
- help AT direct resources
- inspire Ats to do a good job
- action oriented
Mission Statement
Formal recognition indicating that a program meets certain prescribed quality standards
a data collection and appraisal technique designed to determine an organizations “weaknesses, opportunities, threats and strengths underlying planning”
WOTS UP analysis
defines organization activites in the short term, usually no longer than 2 years
operational planning
expresses an organization intended behavior relative to a specific program subjunctive
-not intended to answer detailed questions; road map (basic rules and principles)
a collection of steps designed to direct the most important tasks of an organization
- injury prevention
- injury rehab
- injury recognition
- organization & administration
provided specific direction for members of an organization to follow
-procedure for discharge
the action that takes place in response to administrative problems.
- calibration
- which vendor? time of year?
a method of graphically depicting the time line for interrelationships of different stages of a program
PERT (Program evaluation and review technique)
a graphic planning and control technique that maps discrete tasks on a calendar
Gannt charts
4 parts of the scope of the AT program
Clinical and corporate/industrial setting consideration
Rules from OSHA for AT Facility
- NO cleats/game equipment
- keep shoes off tables
- shower before treatment
- roughhousing and profanity not allowed
- no food or tobacco
requies justification only for those expenses that exceed those of previous budget cycle
-results in falling behind due to prices of supplies rising faster than inflation
spending-ceiling model (incremental model)
financial crisis model; requires reallocation of institutional funds, resulting in reduced spending levels for some programs ( should identify areas that could be cut w/o serious impact)
spending-reduction model
requires justicication for every budget line item without reference to previous spending patterns; requires documentation of actual program needs and development of priorities
Zero based budgeting
expenditures and revenues are projected on a monthly basis, thereby providing an estimate of cash flow; most appropriate for large, well-established sports med clinics during economic certainty
fixed budgeting
requires adjustment of monthly expenditures so that they do not exceed revenues; rarely used by school-based programs (difficult to estimate costs in advance)
variable budgeting
allocates a fixed amount of money for an entire program without specifying how the money will be spent; gives freedom to spend where it is needed
lump sum budgeting
allocates a fixed amount of money for each sub-function of a program
-expendables, equipment repairs, etc
line item budgeting
allocates funds for discrete activities; not commonly used due to expense and difficultly of analyzing specific activity costs
performance budgeting
procedure to set organization or programmatic priorities based on identifies needs
- exploration
- gather info
- decision making
needs assessment
- consider pooled buying for a quantity discount
- tap into booster clubs
- sponsorship
capital improvements
cannot be reused (tape, bandages, etc.)
can be reused (compression wraps, scissors, etc)
usually not removed from AT room (ice machine)
non-consumable capital
crutches, coolers, kits
consumable capital
document that provides vendors with the specifications for the bidding on the sale of goods and services
request for quotation
the process of bargaining (capital equipment)
- price
- supply
- quality
- shipping
- support
formal or informal communication used for requesting authorization to purchase goods/services
a document that formalizes the terms of purchase and transmits the intentions of the buyer to purchase goods or services from a vendor
- only do for over 200
- individual item
purchase order
process of accepting delivery goods; should be immediately checks to make sure packing slip match contents; check for damage
what should be included in risk management plan:
- security issues
- fire safety
- electrical and equipment safety
- strategies for managing risks
- risk identification
avoid risky activity (esp when neg consequences have high cost)
activities associated with high financial risk but low frequency (catastrophic sports injury) or lower financial risk but high frequency (fractures, joints needing surgery)
- get insurance
- waivers signed by athletes
activities with an acceptable level of risk that are viewed as part of the cost of doing business
-program must account for risks in the program budget and establish reserve funds
careful development, implementation, monitoring and eval of policies and procedures can reduces risks
making inferences regarding the risk of certain activities based on clinical practice and experience
real world observation
method is difficult to implement (time intensive, costly and frequently impractical)
inference from controlled experiments
plans should cover practices, games, and conditioning sessions, should be reviewed ANNUALLY
- List of personnel involved:
(roles, responsibilities, chain of command for decision making)
- procedures to be followed in event of an emergency
communication and transportation procedures
- phone numbers
911, ATs, physicians
What to say during emergency call info:
- type of emergency situation
- type of suspected injury
- present condition of athlete
- current assistance being given (CPR)
- location of telephone being used
- exact location of emergency
- make sure keys to gate are accessible, inform members of team, assign roles, carry contact info for athletes, eap should include procedures for spectators injury/illness
the process of planning for human resource needs and identifying potential candidates to meet those needs
criteria that predict how well a candidate will perform in a role
consistency of staff selection procedures
a formal document that describes the qualifications, work content, accountability and scope of job
position description
a written description of the specific responsibilities a position holder will be accountable for within the organization
job description
a written description of the requirements or qualification a should have to fill a particular role in an organization
job specification
the process of direct observation of an employee’s work, with emphasis on measurement of specific behaviors, and the subsequent development of plans to re mediate deficiencies in performance
clinical supervision
identifies the type of work that ATs do and the amount of time they spend doing it
-logging activities of ATs at randomly selected times and analyzing the nature and quality of work they are doing
work sampling
emphasizes collaboration between supervisors and supervisees to help them solve problems and develop professionally
developmental supervision
emphasizes the use of formal authority and managerial prerogatives to improve employee efficiency and efficacy (focus on achieving goals and attainment of program missions); industrial setting
inspection production supervision
Joint committee on standards for education evaluation of 21 standards in 4 categories:
- Propriety
- Utility
- Feasibility
- Accuracy
standards intended to help ensure that process is legal and fair;
- service orientation
- formal evaluation guidelines
- conflict of interest
- access to personnel evaluation reports
- interactions with evaluatees
standards intended to ensure usefulness of appraisal to workers, employers and others;
- constructive orientation
- defined uses
- evaluator credibility
- functional reporting
- follow up
standards intended to help foster practicality in the evaluation process;
- practical procedures
- political viability
- fiscal viability
standards intended to improve the validity and reliability of the process;
- defined role
- work environment
- documentation of procedures
- valid measurement
- reliable measurement
- systematic data control
- bias control
- monitoring evaluation systems
temperature and humidity control:
max 0.75 ft/sec draft factor, 8-10 changes of air/hour, 40-50% humidity
lighting: foot candles?
illuminated at 30-50 foot candles at 4 ft above floor
taping table height
minimum of 36 inches
general treatment area requirments
30 inches between tables, electrical outlet, fluorescent light, and sliding drapes for every table