Health & safety Level 2 Flashcards
What is a Risk Assessment?
A Risk Assessment is a systematic examination of hazards, examining the likeliness they will occur, and the impact they will have.
The law requires every employer to carry out a risk assessment for the workplace.
The aim of Risk Assessment is to reduce the risk of injury and illness associated with work.
What do you consider when writing a Risk Assessment?
- Identify all hazards.
- Assess the risks.
- Put control measures in place.
What is is free online tool developed by the H&S Authority..
Purpose: to generate your own workplace risk assessments and safety statement.
It will guide you through the entire risk assessment process using simple instructions. On completion you will have a workplace-specific safety statement that can be saved and implemented.
What is a Method Statement?
A document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried out.
It should detail the possible risks/dangers, and the methods of control established to show how the work will be managed safely.
What is included in a method statement?
Method Statement contents:
• Working systems to be used.
• Arrangements for access.
• Arrangements for protecting the safety of members of the public.
• Plant and Equipment to be used.
• Procedures to ensure compliance with Regulations etc.
Does the RICS publish any guidance on Health & Safety for a Surveyor?
Yes, Surveying Safely, which was updated to its second version effective November 2018.
What is covered in ‘Surveying Safely’ guidance note?
- Personal and Corporate responsibilities.
- Relevance to RICS professional groups
- Assessing hazards and risks
- RICS members’ places of work
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises or sites
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- General procurement and management of contractors
What does Surveying Safely 2018 set out?
Basic, good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS-regulated firms and RICS members.
Principles for those engaged in the built environment as property professionals and includes health and safety responsibilities:
- At a corporate level
- At the level of the individual RICS member.
What does surveying safely state that RICS Regulated firms must ensure they provide? (4 things)
RICS Regulated Firms must ensure they provide:
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
Key points of advice from Surveying Safely, 2018?
- RICS considers the concept of a ‘safe person’ to mean that each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work
- It seeks to ensure that individuals accept responsibility for their own actions and they have the tools they need to do their job safely.
- A requirement for updated personal and corporate responsibilities for property professionals (including relevant law, employers’ liability insurance and public liability)
- Legal considerations and duties for employers and employees to include advice on asbestos
- Advice on health, well-being and mental health
- An audit template is provided to assist Members
- Property professional’s places of work (to include emergency arrangements and building services)
- Occupational health (to include stress and bullying)
- It places greater emphasis will be placed on Members having correct operational practices in place
What does Surveying Safely 2018 say in relation to construction and sites?
- Wear appropriate PPE e.g. a high visibility jacket, protective footwear, hard hat, protective goggles, gloves and ear defenders.
- Sign in and out of a building or construction site and receive a site induction.
- Consider whether safe to inspect alone and observe special lone working.
- Check dated tag if going on scaffolding.
- Wear non -slip sole shoes/ boots when going up a ladder
What is the Hierarchy of risk control in Surveying Safely 2018?
- Elimination – redesign activity so hazard is eliminated
- Substitution – materials/proposed work for less hazardous one.
- Isolate – restrict access to the equipment/ work.
- Engineering controls – place a barrier between people and hazard e.g. to prevent falls
- Administrative controls – E.g. reducing lone working or ensuring good day light
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)– where previous methods are found ineffective in controlling risk PPE should be used.
What are some of the organisational responsibilities in the safe person section of surveying safely, 2018?
1) Selection (of capable staff)
2) Training ( on the job role and potential hazards)
3) Information (teach staff about risks and control measures)
4) Equipment (provide this to staff, and train on usage)
5) Safe systems of work (implement protocols and systems)
6) Supervision (support and communicate)
7) Personal protective equipment ( provide PPE)
What are some of the individual responsibilities under the safe persons section of Surveying Safely, 2018?
1) Performance: being competent to perform their work safely (know competency limits).
2) Control: follow rules.
3) Adaptability.
4) Vigilance: be alert to safety of yourself & colleagues.
5) Awareness: recognise abilities and limitations.
6) Teamwork.
What safety considerations when arriving at site/ property?
- Structural stability
- Timber glass and sharp objects
- Roofs
- Danger from live and unsecured services
- Slip and trip hazards
- Falls from height
- Impact of other people/animals on the property
- Contamination
What is an accident?
Undesired circumstances that give rise to
1) ill-health or injury
2) damage to property/plant/products/environment
3) production losses or
4) increased liabilities.
What is an incident?
Undesired circumstances and ‘near misses’ that could cause accidents.
What is a hazard?
Anything that may cause harm or injury, e.g. chemicals, electricity, working from ladders.
What is risk?
Risk is the chance (high or low) that someone could be harmed by hazards.
What is the difference between a hazard and a risk?
A hazard is something that may cause harm and the risk is the likelihood of that happening.
What is a control measure?
Control measures are the precautions taken to ensure that a hazard will not injure anyone
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
What should you do if attending a derelict site by yourself? Inspections/ Auction.
- Carry out a pre-assessment of the likely hazards on the site.
- Consider how you are going to travel to and from the site.
- Take the appropriate PPE
- Tell others you are going to site and the likely time you will return.
- Assess the condition of the site, if unsafe do not enter.
- Assess if the site is occupied, if so you may have to inform them of your visit.
- Is there the likeliness of any Dangerous substances, COSHH etc.
- Only enter if there is no risk to your safety and wellbeing.
What would you do if you saw an unsafe practice on site?
Report it to the site manager.
What practical application of health and safety issues did you have to comply with?
- Working from home ergonomics with desk and chair.
- Working from home limits on working hours.
- Covid response plan.
- Fire safety plan.
- Workplace & inclusive environments plan.
- Safe pass training.
What is the Primary piece of legislations covering workplace health and safety in Ireland?
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
What does the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 set out?
It sets out the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. It also provides for substantial fines and penalties for breaches of the health and safety legislation.
What are the employers duties under the Safety, Health and Walfare at work Act,2005?
- Provide and maintain a safe workplace which uses safe plant and equipment
- Prevent risks from employees using any article or substance, and from exposure to physical agents, noise and vibration
- Prevent any improper conduct or behaviour likely to put the safety, health and welfare of employees at risk
- Provide instruction and training to employees on health and safety
- Provide protective clothing and equipment to employees
- Appoint a competent person as the organisation’ safety officer
What are the employees duties under the Safety, Health and Walfare at work Act,2005?
- Take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and of other people in the workplace
- Not engage in improper behaviour that will endanger themselves or others
- Not be under the influence of drink or drugs in the workplace
- Undergo any reasonable medical or other assessment if requested by the employer
- Report any defects in equipment or the place of work which might be a danger to health and safety
Primary functions of Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005?
- To secure the Health, safety and wellbeing of all people at work.
- To protect people against risks from work activities.
Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005 – PPE?
The employer should tell employees about any risks that mean they need to wear protective equipment (such as protective clothing, headgear, footwear, eyewear or gloves). The employer should provide protective equipment for free and training on how to use it.
Computer screens should be tested for reflection and glare. Screen breaks should be provided.
Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005? – Reporting Accidents?
Employee must report the accident to employer.
An employer must report any accident that results in an employee missing 3 consecutive days at work (not including the day of the accident) to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).
Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005 – Bullying
An employer should have procedures for dealing with complaints of bullying in the workplace and should deal with such complaints immediately.
An employer ignoring complaints of bullying could lead to a claim for damages/ compensation.
An employee that is a victim of bullying can refer to the ‘Workplace Relations Commission’.
Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005? – Harassment
By law, all employers have a duty to prevent harassment in the workplace. Employees are entitled to bring a claim to the Workplace Relations Commission and the employer may be obliged to pay compensation if you are harassed because of your gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, religious belief or membership of the Traveller community.
Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005? – Violence
Workplace violence occurs where people, in the course of their employment, are aggressively verbally abused, threatened or physically assaulted.
The possibility of violence towards employees should be covered in the safety statement.
Assault is a criminal offence. Report to An Garda.