Communication & Negotiation Flashcards
What do you consider to be an example of good communication?
My weekly updates to fund client.
How do you ensure that the frequency of communication is acceptable?
Different clients appreciate different levels and methods of communication.
I give all vendors and purchasers an update once per week, in addition to feedback after viewings and additional communication at times of progress being made.
What are the different ways you can communicate with clients?
Written - reports, letters, emails, social media, books, magazines, online articles, blogs
Graphic - maps, drawn plans, sketch notes, designs, logos, branding, visualisations
Verbal - telephone calls, meetings, tenders, presentations, managing people, negotiationsN
Non-verbal - body language, appearance, posture, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures
When would you choose to use written communication over verbal communication or a face to face meeting?
When the content is detail orientated i.e. different units sizes, orientation and price point.
When writing a report that will be passed on to other team members.
Why do negotiations break down?
There are many reasons for why negotiations might break down across the wide range of professional disciplines, e.g. landlord & tenant, building surveying, construction, agency:
Money - unpaid rent, construction contract payments, unpaid invoices, incorrect amounts billed
Delays - construction delays, parties not engaging in negotiations, taking too long to respond
Defects - snagging issues, structural issues not detected for a substantial period of timeProfessional negligence
Objectives - parties have differing objectives and cannot find common ground
Historic context
Difference of professional opinion - evidence interpreted in different ways, opinion of market forces
What barriers to effective communication have you come across?
Verbal - tone of voice, clarity, language barriers, what we don’t say (silence!)
Jargon/technical language.
Emotional/cultural barriers
Recipient is disinterested or not paying attention
Timing of the communication
Physical barriers, e.g. arms folded, hand over mouth
Differences in perception/viewpoint
Differing expectationsInterruptions - noise, physical distractions
Location - can’t physically meet in person
Poor listening skills
Why is negotiation important?
Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise, or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute.
In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome.
What is principled negotiation?
Principled negotiation is an approach that resolves disagreements between parties. It is also referred to as a “win-win” outcome. It focuses on bettering the interests of everyone and finding solutions that are mutually beneficial. Principled negotiation can help people achieve objectives and satisfy expectations by removing the “all-or-nothing” attitude. Consider these guidelines to ensure your negotiations go as smoothly as possible.
What can be a barrier to negotiating effectively?
- Negative outlook
- Attitude of winning
- Emotional control
- Price
- Lack of empathy
- Wrong
- Blame game
What would be a good way to facilitate negotiations in your role?
Do your research. Before entering a negotiation, evaluate all sides and consider their goals. …
Know your priorities. Negotiations often require each side to compromise. …
Consider the opposition. …
Know when to walk away. …
Keep your timeline in mind.
Why do you consider that discussing matters in person might be effective?
Verbal communication needs to be appropriate for the purpose of the communication. Often, a telephone conversation or in person meeting will be far more effective than a letter or an email. In some circumstances, you may need to keep a written record of your communication - you may use this to back up your verbal communications or to rectify a misunderstanding.
What are the alternatives to verbal communication?
Email / letter
Why can written communication forms present challenges in negotiation?
It is less personable to send an email, negotations are best done over the phone/ in person. People are more open to compromise in verbal communication forms.
Tell me about how you communicate effectively (and responsibly) using social media.
I only use LinkedIn for professional purposes. e.g. sharing articles online and market commentary news.
What do RICS set out as best practice for the use of social media?
RICS members are required to promote trust in the profession and to treat others with respect. This applies to our online presence and communications. This doesn’t mean, however, that surveyors should not have an online presence and use this to express their own opinions, message and values. However, we need to take responsibility for our online presence and ensure that we remain professional and respectful in what we post.