Health & Safety Flashcards
What would you do if you spotted Asbestos on an inspection?
What is a hazard?
Refers to anything that has the potential to cause harm
What is a risk?
The probability/likelihood that someone will be harmed
What is the RICS Guidance Note on Health and Safety?
RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely - Health and Safety Principles for Property Professionals, second edition 2018 (effective Feb 2019)
What does the RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely - Health and Safety Principles for Property Professionals, second edition 2018 (effective Feb 2019) set out?
”- Basic, good principles for the management of H&S for RICS regulated firms and members
- Principles for those engaged in the built environment as property professionals and includes H&S responsibilities at a 1) corporate level 2) level of an individual member”
What is the contents of the RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely’ document?
“1. Personal responsibilities for RICS Members and Firms
2. Assessing hazards and risks
3. Workplace health and safety
4. Occupational hygiene and health
5. Visiting premises and sites
6. Fire safety
7. Residential property surveying
8. Procurement and management of contractors “
What must RICS Regulated Firms ensure they provide?
“1. A safe working environment
2. Safe work equipment
3. Safe systems of work
4. Competent staff”
What is the RICS concept of a ‘safe person’?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others H&S whilst at work
What advice does the RICS Guidance Note Surveying Safely cover for employees and employers?
”- Advice on asbestos
- Advice on health and well being
- How to address Fire safety “
What does RICS Guidance Note surveying recommend in regards to site visits and inspections?
”- Tell someone where you are going and when you leave
- Wear appropriate protective clothing
- Sign in and out of a building site and receive a site induction
- Consider whether it’s safe to inspect alone and observe special lone working arrangements
- Wear non-slip shoes when going up a ladder
- Check dated tag if going on a scaffold”
What is the main Health & Safety legislation?
Health and Safety at Work 1974
What does the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 state regarding employer responsibility?
Duty to every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees
What obligations does the Health and Safety Act 1974 impose and how is it policed?
”- Policed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as a criminal offence, with risk of fines or imprisonment
- Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences
- Must undertake, record and regularly review a risk assessment
- Detailed H&S information is to be held on site (usually Operations and Maintenance Manual)”
What is a legal requirement for organisations employing more than 5 staff?
To carry out a documented health and safety risk assessments
What is a simple outline of a risk assessment? (6 points)
“1. Identify the hazards
2. Identify the people
3. Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood and severity of any accidents
4. Record the findings on a suitable form
5. Review the risk assessment regularly
6. Advise all those affected of the outcome of the risk assessment and methods of work and precautions “
What is a method statement?
“A document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed to be prior approved
- Hazards involved
- Guide of how to do the job safely
- What control measures have been introduced
What insurance cover do you need to see from the contractor?
“Contractors all risks and public liability
When do you need a written health and safety policy document?
If they employ more than 5 employees
What four points must a written health and safety policy document contain?
“1. A policy setting out the organisation’s commitment to health and safety
2. Details of the organisations H&S Structure, with roles and responsibilities
3. A risk assessment setting the risks within the workplace and the preventative measures in place
4. Details of the planning, implementation of the H&S policy and control measures”
What are the ‘Six Pack’ of H&S Regulations and when were they introduced?
“1st January 1993
1. Management of Health and Safety at Work
2. Display screen equipment
3. Manual Handling Operations
4. Personal Protective Equipment at Work
5. Provision and Use of Work Equipment
6. Workplace Health and Safety and Welfare”
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
What does RIDDOR (1995) outline?
“1. The trigger date for reporting injuries is over 7 days incapacitation
2. Such an injury must be reported to HSE within 15 days from the date of the incident
3. All employers must also keep a record of all 3-day plus injuries
4. Information must be kept in an accident book which must be kept for a minimum of 3 years after an occupational accident or injury “
What does the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 relate to?
”- Gross breaches of a duty of care by a corporate body leading to a persons death
- Penalties range from an unlimited fine, imprisonment and disqualification as a company director by a member of the ‘senior management team’”
What does the Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 relate to?
”- Non domestic property in England and Wales
- Dictates risk assessments with emphasis on fire prevention”
What event led to the review of external wall systems (EWS)?
Grenfell Fire - many tall residential wall systems have been found to be unsafe. Lenders have withdrawn their mortgage finance on such properties
What is an EWS1 form?
“A form for a ‘qualified professional’ to confirm that an external wall system on residential buildings have been assessed for safety, in line with government guidance
What is the Building Safety Bill? (2021)
“Draft legislation
Aim: Establish a Building Safety Regulator to implement and oversee a stringent regime for higher-risk buildings and drive improvements in building safety and performance standards in all buildings”
Since when has combustible cladding on residential buildings over 18m tall been banned for?
Developers will be obliged to fund unsafe cladding removal “
What is the Occupiers Liability Act 1957?
“Regulates the liability of occupiers and others for injuries caused to lawful visitors
- imposes a common duty of care “
What Act deals with Trespassing?
Occupiers Liability Act 1957
What is the Defective Premises Act 1972?
Imposes an obligation on the landlord to ensure that the premises comply with its requirements
What is asbestos?
Insulating material which can cause serious health problems. If disturbed it can release very small toxic fibres
What are three types of asbestos?
“1. Brown
2. Blue
3. White”
When were asbestos materials banned?
“Brown/blue 1985
White 1999”
What is the key legislation with Asbestos control?
“The Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012 - non compliance is a criminal offence
- Two separate obligations on Duty Holder and Employer”
Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012 - who is the duty holder?
- Owner of the premises if vacant or tenant if they have a repairing lease
What course of action would you recommend if your client’s building contained asbestos?
Who do you need to notify non-licensed asbestos work to?
What are the two types of Asbestos surveys and what are the differences?
“1. Management survey - locate, assess, advise on management
- No samples
2. Refurbishment/demolition survey
- Premises need refurb or upgrading
- Samples taken”
What are the 5 steps to manage asbestos?
“1. Duty holder - assess whether premises contain asbestos
2. Assess risk & produce an asbestos management plan
3. Produce an asbestos register
4. Make the register available to all parties who might disturb
5. Regularly review register (HSE say 6 months)”
What is the RICS Guidance Note on Asbestos?
“RICS Guidance Note - ‘Asbestos: Legal Requirements and Best Practice for Property Professionals’ 4th Edition, 2021
- Details of common asbestos - containing materials
- How to commission an asbestos survey
- Suggested contents of an asbestos management plan “
What do the statutory obligations of a commercial property owner include?
“1. Asbestos Management
2. Health and Safety
3. Contamination
4. Fire Safety
4. EPCs
5. PAT Testing”
Who is responsible for H&S at your firm?
We have Group Director of HSSE - Health, security, safety and environment
What are the Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM) 2015?
”- Replaced CDM regs 2007
- the law that applies to the whole construction process on all construction projects, from concept to completion
- what each dutyholder must or should do to comply with the law to ensure projects are carried out in a way that secures health and safety
- criminal offence to breach regs, policed by HSE
- onus on client to ensure CDM arrangements
Who are the main duty holders under the CDM regs 2015?
“1. The Client
2. Principal Designer
3. Principal Contractor”
What the issue with EWS1 forms?
Very few fire safety inspectors who can classify the cladding
Occupiers Liability Act 1984?
“Creates responsibility for non-visitors
Tell me about a time you had to deal with a property management problem and give me step by step account of how you advised client
How can you be safe as a surveyor?
What latest Government scheme is happening to support EWS1 forms?
Announced in September that there’d be a state backed insurance scheme to give EWS1 assessors the confidence they need to conduct proportionate EWS1 surveys
Explain your understanding of the term HSE
- HSE - Stands for the Health and Safety Executive
- The HSE is the UK National authority for managing work related Health, safety and illness issues
- They act in the public interest to reduce work related injuries and incidents
- Their aim is to protect people’s health and safety by ensuring that risks are properly managed
- They also support businesses to change and adapt in order to remain compliant with occupational health and safety legislation
What would you do first if you find an injured person on site?
- Assess the situation first without putting yourself in danger
- Call the emergency services if serious
- Raise the alarm and call for help