Health Psychology And Behaviour Flashcards
Health Behaviours
Health Behaviour = Aimed to prevent disease e.g. regular exercise
Illness Behaviour = Aimed to seek remedy e.g. going to the doctor
Sick Role Behaviour = Aimed at getting well e.g. taking medication
Weinstein 1983 - Unrealistic optimism
Individuals continue to practice health damaging behaviour due to inaccurate perceptions of risk and susceptibility
Perceptions of risk influenced by
- Lack of personal experience with problem
- Belief that it is preventable by personal action
- Belief that if it has not happened by now, its not likely to
- Belief that the problem is infrequent
Points at which interventions are thought to be more effective
Transition points:
- Leaving school
- Entering the workforce
- Becoming a parent
- Becoming unemployed
- Retirement and bereavement
Models of behaviour change
- Health belief model
- Theory of planned behaviour
- Stages of change/ transtheoretical model
- Social norms theory
- Motivational interviewing
- Social marketing
- Nudging (choice architecture)
- Financial incentives
Health Belief Model
Individuals change their behaviour if: (Perceived barriers have been demonstrated to be the most important factor in addressing behaviour change in patients) :
1. Belief are susceptible to the condition
2. Belief in serious consequences
3. Believe taking action reduces susceptibility
4. Believe that taking benefits of action outweigh the costs
+ A cue to action
- Does not consider outcome expectancy or self-efficacy
- Does not consider influence of emotions and behaviour
- Does not differentiate between first time and repeat behaviour
Theory of planned behaviour - according to this model what 3 factors determine an individuals health behaviour?
- Attitudes toward the behaviour (behavioural beliefs)
- Subjective norm (normative beliefs)
- Perceived behavioural control (control beliefs)
Proposes the best predictor of behaviour change is INTENTION: All can lead to the intention to change behaviour
Only actual behavioural control can lead behavioural change
CRITIQUE: - Lacks temporal element or lack of direction and causality
- Doesn’t take into account emotions
- Doesn’t explain the 3 factors interact to determine intention
- Doesn’t take into account habits and routines
Stages of the transtheorectical model of change
- Pre-contemplation - no intention of changing behaviour
- Contemplation - Aware of problem but no commitment to action
- Preparation - Intent on taking action to address problem
- Action - Active modification of behaviour
- Maintenance - Sustained change, new behaviour replaces old
- Relapse - Fall back into old patterns
- Not all people move thro ugh every stage linearly
- Change might operate on a continuum rather than discrete stages
- Doesn’t take into account habits, culture, social and economics
- Accounts for relapse and temporal element