Health Protection Flashcards
what is public health?
it is the science and art of promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing, preventing ill health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society
what approach is the public health approach?
population based
what are the three domains of public health?
health improvement, health protection and healthcare public health
what comprises health improvement?
housing, employment, inequalities, education, family, community, lifestyles and surveillance and monitoring of specific diseases and risk factors
what comprises health protection?
outbreaks, emergency response, environmental health hazards, chemicals and poison, radiation and infectious disease
what comprises healthcare public health?
service planning, clinical effectiveness and efficiency, audit and evaluation, equity and clinical governance
what measures are in health protection?
interventions to reduce infections such as exclusion, screening and immunisation, advice, guidance and communication about risk, outbreak control and coordination
who carries health protection measures out?
PHE in UK or CDC in USA
what is PHE?
public health england was established in 2013 and has 8 offices outside of london and health protection team within these as well a local centre directors who are part of local healthcare system. It was set up with the mission to protect and improve the nations health and to address inequality, working with the national and local government, NHS, industry, academia and voluntary, public and community sectors.
what are healthcare protection teams?
they are based within PHE centres and provide specialist support to prevent and reduce the impact of infectious disease, chemical and radiation hazards and major emergencies
what are activities of HPTs?
local disease surveillance, maintaining alert systems, investigating and managing health protection incidents and outbreaks, delivering and monitoring national action plans for infectious diseases at local level, response to chemical and environmental hazards, and food and water and environmental labs
what classifies as acute responses?
response to individual cases and outbreaks and chemical incidents
what are notifiable infections?
they are the infections where there is legal responsibility to inform health protections teams - infection risk to public
what are some examples of notifiable disease?
encephalitis, anthrax, botulism, cholera, malaria, MMR, tetanus, scarlet fever, rabies, whooping cough, TB, yellow fever
what are three components of surveillance process?
surveillance, outbreak detection and epidemiological analysis on time person and place
what are the characteristic of whooping cough?
B pertussis is an exclusively human pathogen that is transmitted through close direct contact. The clinical presentation varies with age although those young unimmunised children will have more severe and older immunised have atypical mild infection. There are continual outbreaks, where vaccination is most effective way to prevent severe infection.
what is the pertussis vaccination?
the primary course is three doses of a pertussis containing product with an interval of one month between each dose given to the infant
what types of infection have airborne communication?
respiratory infections
direct - fecal oral
direct contact - STIs
what are public health measure to control factors?
clean water and sanitation awareness and health promotion access to healthcare vaccination diagnostics
what is vaccination for?
it is to reduce mortality and morbidity of vaccine preventable infections using vaccination strategy adapted to the epidemiology
what is the strategic im?
selective protection for the vulnerable
elimination using herd immunity
what is programmatic aim?
prevent: deaths infections transmissions clinical cases cases in certain age groups
what is reported annually in foodborne outbreaks?
trends and sources of zoonoses
zoonotic agents
antimicrobial resistance
foodborne outbreaks
what are food pathogens commonly associated with and what pathogens do these present with?
raw mean/poultry/eggs - salmonella or campylobacters
burgers or mince - e coli
rice - bacillus cereus
gravy or stews - clostridium perfringens
meat - staphylococcus aureus
soft cheese - listeria