Health Promotion Of The Infant Flashcards
Brain development
Brain weight increases 2.5%
Head size increases 33%
Primitive reflexes disappear by 1 month and neurologic reflexes develop
Labyrinth Righting
Labyrinth is the place behind the ear.
*picking ear up off of the ground
Starts at 2 months, strongest at 10 months because head control is needed with walking
Body Righting
Turning hips & shoulder to one side causing the rest of the body to follow.
*rolling over
Appears at 6 months
Suspended Horizontally in prone position. *Planking
Head is raised, legs extended
6-8 months of age
Haven’t recognized that they can fall yet.
Parachute Reflex
When a baby is pushed forward their ands and fingers extend forward to catch themselves
Appears at 7-9 months of age, lasts indefinitely until death
Sensory Changes
+Binocularity: 2 images become one (@4 months)
+Visual perception: preference for human face
(Can’t recognize other animals faces)
•notice eyes, eyebrows, then mouth because they move
+ Notice Familiar faces by 3 months, can recognize familiar faces by 6 months
Depth perception.
Appears at 7-9 months
Allows kids to walk, but stairs are still hard, takes time to develop
Moro Reflex
Appears at birth (make a loud noise, scares kids, startle)
Turns head to noise
Responds to/knows own name
2 months
6 months
Tongue is huge
Infantile swallow Reflex:
They Can’t swallow unless there’s so much fluid in the back of the throat that they have to swallow (introducing food at 2-3 months is an aspiration hazard)
Santmyer Swallow Reflex:
Blow in face, baby will swallow
• 3 months protection; that’s why if babies under 3 months have a high fever, take to ER immediately, b/c they should have the immunity from mom
High Risk for infection:
6-12 months; losing immunity from mom’s breast milk, and kids are teething/ putting everything in their mouths
Fine motor skills
Hands closed: 1 month
Hands mostly open/grasp objects: 3 months
•if not mostly open by 3 months, worry about CP or neurological issues
Voluntarily grasps objects: 6 months
Pincer grasp: 10 months
• rudimentary pincer grasp= all 4 fingers to the thumb
• a good pincer grasp is index finger to thumb
Gross motor skills
No head lag by 4 months
Roll abdomen to back by 5 months
Roll back to abdomen by 6 months
Convex cervical curve= C-shape (3 months)
Lumbar Curve: top of spine is straight, bottom is curved (L-Shape)
Propped w/ hands on ground: 6 months
Sit unsupported: 7 months
Prone to sitting by self: 10 months
Push backward, when they first try to crawl they push on their arms, so they go backward, don’t put toys in front of them but all down the side of them.
Crawling: 7 months
Pulls to standing 9 months
Walking along furniture 11 months
Independent steps 1 year
2 components:
•ability to identify mom
• object permanence; if something is hidden, it’s still there.
Reactive attachment disorder • noted prior to 5 years old • poor impulse control • destructive to self and others (no empathy) • no eye contact • fail to develop conscience
Separation anxiety:
• 4-8 months (if you take your child to daycare start at 3 months because they don’t have this yet)
• by 1 year, they know parents are leaving or getting ready to leave for work &a throw a fit
Stranger danger:
• 6-8 months
Crying: To meet needs. They need love, pick them up.
Throaty noises: 6 weeks, can’t swallow or drool
Vowel: 2 months
Constanants: 4 months
No, dada, mama:
Dada is easier to say, 10 months, don’t associate meanings to words
3-5 words by 1 year
Smile: 8 weeks (means to smile)
Laugh: 4 months
Games: 6 months (peek-a-boo)
Imitate Games: 10 months
Follow simple direction: 1 year
Spoiled child
Can’t spoil a baby.
Excessive self-centered &a immature behavior resulting from parents who give their children everything
Limit setting
Negative voice
Stern eye contact
Time out (4-5 y.o.) needs to have a concept of time
Instead of reprimanding constantly, out them in a safe/good playing zone appropriate for age.
Thumb sucking & pacifier
Non-nutritive, normal
Malocclusion can happen if thumb sucking past 4-6 years
First 2 years of life
• lower central incisors
• upper central incisors
- 28 teeth
Human milk: best, but need vitamin D supplement
Formula: great substitution, needs to be room temp, if cold, out bottles in bowl of warm water.
Cows milk: 1 year, but if a hefty child, 2%
No extra water in formula, could become malnutritioned, cause seizures, and death
Solids introduced: 4-6 months
• cereal first, iron fortified
Baby food: 4-6, start with whatever food you want but only introduce a new food once a week, b/c helps to identify food allergies
Dental Health
First appt 1-2 years
Use toothpaste
No bottles in bed!
Once teeth are decaying, every decayed tooth needs to be root canaled and capped
Need to fall asleep on their own
•by 4-6 months, no longer night feeding, so let them cry
Bed time rituals help
Back to sleep! Decreases SIDS
cosleeping, okay. But obese, people who use alcohol/ drugs/ sleep aides are more likely to roll over on their baby
Test bath water!
Sunscreen on babies as old as 1 Month of age. But shouldn’t be in the sun until 6 months
Cover electrical outlets, use furniture
Make sure cars aren’t too hot
Lead paint
Plants: choking hazard! Especially when playing in leaves. Can get wet leaves out of the lungs= death
Cleaners: chemical&meds locked up &I high
Syrup of ipecac is no longer used b/c if you throw it up, will burn esophagus again
Side rails up!
Car seats adjusted properly
Injury prevention
Plastic bags No cribs near windows Bathrooms closed/ lid down Mobiles in crib, okay until they can lift heads Aspiration: food, items Parts of toys age appropriate, not too small Drowning Firm mattress, so no suffocating