Health & Diseases Flashcards
What do you call an inflammation of the inner membrane of the eyelid and sometimes the portion of the membrane that covers the white of the eye?
What is the inflammation of the mammary glands?
What venereal disease is indicated by a scabby, reddened sex organ, often exuding pus?
Vent disease
What is an abnormal discharge from the eye, resulting in severe matting in the area below the eye?
Weeping Eye
What is an infection localized in the nose, usually characterized by repeated sneezing and the discharge of a white purulent fluid from the nose called?
Cold or snuffles
What is a protrusion of an organ or part through connective tissue or through a wall of the cavity in which it is normally enclosed?
What is metritis?
Inflammation of the uterus
What is pneumonia?
Inflammation of the lungs
Name a disease caused by a fungus.
Name five bacterial diseases.
mastitis, vent disease, conjunctivitis, metritis, pneumonia, listeriosis, salmonellosis, abscesses, pasteurelosis (snuffles), tyzzer’s disease, enterotoxemia, sore eyes
Name two external parasites.
botflies, fur mites, mange mites, ear mites, lice, fleas
Name three internal parasites.
Pin Worms, Tapeworm, Whipworms, Nosema, Coccidiosis
What is coprophagy?
Eating of dung
What is the term for an organism that lives on or within the host animal?
What is slobbers?
Excessive salivation creating wet or moist and unsightly fur around the mouth, lower jaws and forelegs.
What is another term for coprophagy?
What is another term for night feces?
What is VHD?
Viral Hemorrhagic Disease
What is the most important nutrient of the rabbit?
What is the minimum amount of time you should quarantine new rabbits brought into your rabbitry?
3-4 weeks
When is Tyzzer’s Disease most common?
3 to 8 week old rabbits
What should you do with a rabbit that has infectious myxomatosis?
What disease is caused by the bacteria of Listeria?
What is the prevention for mucoid enteritis?
Keep stress low, high fiber diet
What bacteria causes Salmonella?
What do you call inflammation of the uterus?
What disease has these clinical signs - acute diarrhea, dehydration, death? Upon necropsy an enlarged cecum with a red discoloration is sometimes seen.
This is a fungal disease that can affect humans?
When does young doe death syndrome occur?
1-2 weeks after kindling
Why don’t you lend out your herd buck?
Could contract vent disease
What are the causes of early nestbox fatality?
Failure to lactate, metritis, nestboxes fouled with urine and feces, milk enterotoxemia (excessive milk production)
What are the clinical signs of Tyzzer’s Disease?
Acute diarrhea, rapid wasting of flesh condition and death may occur within 1-3 days. Upon necropsy, an inflamed cecum and small white spots on the liver may be observed.
What can also cause weepy eye, wry neck and inflammation of other organs?
How is vent disease spread?
Through mating and at kindling
How are foot abscesses prevented?
Strict sanitation and look at cages for sharp protruding objects
What is another term for keratitis?
Corneal Ulcer
What is another term for pregnancy toxemia?
Name four causes of fur chewing.
Low fiber, boredom, development of enteritis, vice
What are the clinical signs of nosema?
There are none
Where on the rabbit is ringworm commonly seen and at what age?
On feet and legs of young rabbits
Infectious Myxomatosis Virus is transmitted by what?
Arthropod host (mosquitoes, flies, gnats or fleas)
How do you treat wet dewlap?
Clip the hair and apply antibiotic ointment to the area
How do you treat fur mites?
Cat flea powder
What is another name for Dermatophytosis?
What is another name for Torticollis?
Wry neck
How do you prevent sore eyes?
Keep nest box clean, take nest box out at 12-16 days after kindling
What age does Tyzzer’s Disease affect?
All ages
The rabbit is an intermediate host for how many tapeworms for dogs and cats?
Dogs - 2, Cats - 1
What should you do with a rabbit suspected to have VHD?
Contact vet and local officials
What is the cause of glaucoma?
Genetic defect or drainage problem that leads to increased pressure within the eye
Which rabbits are most susceptible to hemorrhagic septicemia?
Fryer rabbits
How often should you clean trays in cages?
At least once a week
What type of wood shavings should never be used in pans?
What is a skin disease that is caused by parasitic mites?
This disease is characterized by itching, lesions, scabs and loss of hair.
What disease is caused by the botfly?
What are the differences between Intestinal Coccidiosis and Hepatic Coccidiosis?
There are none
Breeds with “Bulldog” head type are predisposed to this problem?
Weepy Eye (conjunctivitis)
What is the prevention for enteritis complex?
Keep stress low, high fiber diet and limit feed intake
This disease is caused by a local intestinal insult such as a bacterial or viral infection, coccidia, or nutritional problems?
Enteritis Complex
The myxoma virus is a member in what family?
How do you prevent ketosis?
Do not let replacement does get overly fat
How do you prevent fur blockage?
Administer small amount of mineral oil or Vaseline, Papaya tablets
What is the treatment for caked breast?
Withhold feed for 72 hours, only provide hay and water, and strip any milk present in the affected gland
Too much fresh fruit and vegetables added to a rabbit’s diet can cause what?
Fatal diarrhea
What are the two types of Coccidiosis and how do you treat them?
Intestinal and Hepatic - same treatment for both, use a coccidiostat
This may be caused by an alteration in the normal bacterial flora of the intestinal tract?
Non Specific Diarrhea
What are the clinical symptoms of hutch burn?
Chapped or scalded area around the external genitalia, and the inside of the hind legs. Secondary bacterial infections are common.
What is the prevention for ringworm?
Herd isolation, disinfection of cages and equipment, and rodent and predator control.
What is aglactia?
When a doe fails to produce milk
What is the cause of young doe death syndrome?
Enterotoxemia or Mastitis
What are clinical signs of warbles?
Swelling or lumps around neck or shoulders, but may be found anywhere on the body. Look for breathing hole for the larvae.
What is another term blue breast?
What is another term for rabbit syphilis?
Vent disease
What is the drug of choice for both intestinal and hepatic coccidiosis?
Wry neck, abscesses and respiratory diseases are associated with what?
Excess ammonia in the air
What does ammonia in the air of a rabbitry cause?
Respiratory diseases
What extract can reduce the ammonia formation to be released in to the air?
Yucca plant
What are the clinical signs of caked breast?
Swollen, hard, painful, and milk filled breast
What do you offer a rabbit that has diarrhea?
What was the main ingredient for the original rabbit ration?
Alfalfa hay
What are the clinical signs of corneal ulcer (Keratitis)?
Increased tearing, squinting, and a bluish color on surface of the eye
What is the cause of corneal ulcer?
Trauma such as a scratch to the corneal surface or lack of moisture on the surface of the eye
When and where was Viral Hemorrhagic Disease first reported?
1984 in China
What are the clinical signs of dystocia?
Doe sits in nestbox for long periods, straining and at times passing a large amount of blood. One or more kits partially eaten or cannibalism of young.
What is dystocia?
difficult birth or kindling
What are the clinical signs of malocclusion?
Elongation of upper and/or lower incisor teeth
What is the prevention for Tyzzer’s Disease?
Prevent exposure to the organism through excellent sanitation, herd isolation and rodent control.
What is the prevention for Whipworms?
Strict sanitation and isolation of the rabbitry from pets, rodents and predators.
If your doe should go off of feed after kindling, what is the first thing you should suspect?
If your doe should go off feed during pregnancy, what should you suspect?
What are the clinical signs of Pinworms?
Infestation may lead to slow growth rate, poor condition, and decrease in resistance to other enteric disease. They may be difficult to get in fur condition.
Snuffles is caused by what bacteria?
Pasteurella multocida
Otitis media is inflammation of what?
Middle ear
What is a simple cure for ketosis?
Provide a crock of water that is sweetened
What is the natural cooling system for the rabbit?
Their ears
Myxomatosis is caused by what?
The myxoma virus
What is the plural of louse?
Isolated animals should be fed and watered when?
After the rest of the herd has been cared for.
VHD has caused mortality rates as high as what percent in some areas?
Viral Hemorrhagic Disease is caused by a calicivirus and is transmitted how?
Through the fecal/oral route
This is due to a dislocation and/or fracture of the spinal vertebra?
Paralysis of the hindquarter
Kits found dead with bellies full of milk is a clinical sign of what?
Milk Enterotoxemia
What is the prevention for Milk Enterotoxemia?
Bring doe to full feed gradually to control milk production.
What should animals with ringworm be treated with daily?
Iodine on affected area
Clinical signs of what disease include difficulty breathing and a bluish color to the lips, tongue and ears? At necropsy inflammation of the lungs and thickened fluid filled tissue may be observed.
Clinical signs of what disease include sudden death, abortion, failure to eat, and weight loss? At necropsy gray-white spots may be observed on the liver and spleen.
How do you treat weepy eye?
Apply ophthalmic ointment 2-4 times per day for 3-4 days
How do you prevent pinworms?
Use of dewormer and sanitation
What is the prevention for Salmonellosis?
Good disease control techniques, isolation of herd additions
What is the treatment for warbles?
Enlarge the breathing hole and remove the parasite. After removal apply antiseptic ointment.
What happens if you overfeed a rabbit?
Gets too fat
What is the treatment for milk enterotoxemia?
Reduce feed intake
What happens if a rabbit is startled while eating cecotropes?
Drop them
Spaying a doe can prevent what disease?
Uterine Cancer
Increased incidences of respiratory diseases, wry neck and abscesses are caused by what?
Increase in ammonia levels
Infectious Myxomatosis is primarily seen where and when?
Coastal area of California and Oregon during May to August
What is the prevention for aglactia?
Observe lactating does closely
When does aglactia occur?
Kindling time
What are the clinical signs of early nestbox fatality?
Kits dead in nest between days two and ten
What are the clinical signs of young doe death syndrome?
Does die suddenly 1-2 weeks after kindling
What is a precursor of mastitis?
Caked Breast
What is the prevention for paralysis of the hindquarter?
Proper handling
At what age does VHD affect rabbits?
After 8 weeks
Hormones have a vast effect upon what?
Fur and Flesh
How old should a female rabbit be to get spayed?
5 to 6 months
At what age can you have a male rabbit neutered?
12 weeks
Why should animals above twelve pounds be kept on solid floors?
Prevent sore hocks
Why would you provide a solid platform for rabbit to rest on?
Prevent sore hocks
Why should you apply cat flea powder three weeks after first treatment?
To ensure total control of life cycle
What is the treatment for Tyzzer’s Disease?
No specific treatment has been identified
What can overcrowding cause?
Increase in disease and stress
Why should you never use cedar shavings?
May cause upper respiratory problems
What condition is similar to that observed with vent disease?
Hutch Burn (Urine burn)
Water makes up as much as what percent of the living body?
Name 3 ways the body uses water
Transports nutrients to cells, returning waste to lungs and kidneys, carries waste from the body, lubricates joints, helps maintain body temperature, keeps eyes moist
What is essential to wear the daily growth off of rabbit’s teeth regularly?
Upper incisors overlap the lower incisors
An ample supply of good, clean water is essential for what?
Maximum growth and best quality of fur
What organ does pneumonia affect?
What weather do you need to protect rabbits from?
Extreme heat and cold
What condition is caused by dirty wet cages or urine guards that allow splashing of urine back on the rabbit while urinating?
Hutch Burn or Urine Burn
If caught early enough, what can you treat mastitis with?
Clinical signs of this disease include head shaking, scratching at the ears, accumulation of “scabby” material on the inside of the ear due to loss of blood and serum, with resulting secondary bacterial infection.
Ear mites
What is the treatment of ear mites?
Daily application of oil in the ear canal for 3 days, repeating treatment at 10 day intervals as needed to suffocate the mites
Clinical signs of this disease include loss of hair in a circular fashion with a “sore” in the middle.
Clinical signs of this disease include a lump found anywhere on the body, however, commonly found around the head and shoulders.
Clinical signs of this disease include pasty diarrhea, mainly in young rabbits, high temperature and coma usually precede death.
Clinical signs of this disease include a “jelly-like” secretion in the stool, pot belly and water bottle like abdominal cavity. On necropsy the cecum is impacted and intestinal tract is filled with jelly-like material.
Mucoid Enteritis
Odor from the trays can be kept at a minimum by adding one teaspoonful of what after trays are cleaned?
Baking Soda
What small worm is approximately 1/4 inch in length, resides in the large intestine and sometimes can be found on or around the anus?
What is the treatment for malocclusion?
What is the prevention for malocclusion?
Selective culling
What are the advantages of a long, narrow rabbitry building?
Ease of ventilation and disease control
How do you keep water bottles clean?
Clorox solution and a bottlebrush
This condition is normal in some rabbits and is due to incomplete metabolism in some animals, of compounds present in some animal feeds.
Red Urine
Clinical signs of this condition include red colored urine that does not contain “blood clots” or “blood flecks”.
Red Urine
This condition is caused by overcrowding, sexually mature males housed together in grower cages, and lack of adequate food and water?
What is another name for weepy eye?
What disease causes inflammation of the intestinal tract?
Enteritis Complex
What are the clinical signs of Enteritis Complex?
Pot-bellied, sitting with feet in water, diarrhea and death
What is the ideal environmental temperature range for a rabbit?
55 to 70 degrees
What is the treatment for foot abscesses?
Soak foot in an iodine solution 2-3 times per day for 3 days
What is built up if there is excessive moisture in your rabbitry and what does it cause?
Ammonia - respiratory infections
Which medical problem in rabbits can be prevented with improved ventilation?
Pasteurelosis or Pneumonia
What are the clinical signs of sore eyes in kits?
Eyelids stuck shut, eyes fail to open at 10 days old, white pus
Condition in which one or both of the eyelids fold inward is called what?
Metritis is oftentimes associated with a difficult birth and/or what?
Retained placenta or Feti
What type of feeds are associated with Enterotoxemia?
High in energy with low fiber
What is the prevention of heat prostration?
Keep air moving in the rabbitry. Place frozen water bottles in rabbit’s cage.
What is the prognosis for vent disease?
Excellent if all affected and contact animals are treated
What are two other terms for hair blockage?
Wool Blockage, Fur Block, Fur Ball
What is the prevention for slobbers?
Feed a dry ration. Avoid feeding contaminated hay or straw.
An ample supply of good, clean water is essential for what?
Maximum growth and best quality of fur
During the growing stage, it is very important that one does not push the animal to gain weight rapidly to condition for show but allow the animal to do what?
Develop their skeletal structure and muscles before conditioning for show
Any time a rabbit goes “off feed” what could be the cause?
Imbalance of organisms in the cecum
Upset of the balance of the microorganisms in the cecum may increase the incidences of what?
Diarrhea, premature molting, loss of flesh condition and death
Grinding teeth usually indicates what?
What is the prevention for vent disease?
Quarantine new herd additions, don’t loan out herd buck, check breeding animals before mating
Removal of the nest box at 12-16 days after kindling can prevent what?
Sore Eyes
What is the prevention for Glaucoma?
Eliminate animals that carry this genetic defect
What is the prevention for caked breast?
Withhold feed prior to kindling, at weaning and upon death of a litter
Which parasite is a very small insect that can infest rabbits and often all that will be seen is dandruff, usually at the back of the neck, but can be found on other areas?
What are some behaviors a rabbit may express if they are angry?
Growling, lunging, ears pulled back, thumping
Animals who demonstrate stereotypic behavior, such as pacing back and forth; moving of feed and water dishes for no reason; constant chewing at water bottles; pulling at wire; or any other repetitive behavior, are recommended to be given what?
Environmental enrichment (toys)
Mucoid Enteritis is most common in which rabbit?
What will happen to the rabbit if diarrhea is untreated?
What age does Young Doe Death Syndrome usually occur?
First litter does but can be seen in older does
What is the prevention for Weepy Eye?
Control respiratory disease and eliminate any source of trauma in the cage. Quarantine all new stock for 30 days.
Clinical signs of this disease includes doe failing to make a nest for kits and scatters the kits on the wire or floor? Young die due to exposure.
Scattering of Young at Kindling
Where would you find a corneal ulcer; ears, eyes or skin?
Why should you never pick a rabbit up by the ears?
Painful and may damage the cartilage at the base of the ear
When is mastitis most common?
At weaning and right after kindling
What is the cause of sore eyes?
Local bacterial infection
What is the cause of paralysis of the hindquarters?
Dislocation or fracture of spine
The clinical signs of this disease include difficult birth of an extremely large feti, often 3-4 days past normal kindling time. Doe may sit and strain in the nest box for long periods. May have bloody discharge.
Fetal Giantism
What is the pH number of the nursing does slightly acidic stomach content?
5.6 to 6.0
What is the pH number of the normal rabbits very acidic stomach content?
1.6 to 1.9
Why do feeders and water receptacles need to be periodically cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent?
Reduce bacteria, mold and algae buildup
What is the treatment for pneumonia?
Use a broad-spectrum antibiotic
Clinical signs of this disease include the mammary gland being inflamed, swollen, hot and discolored.
What is the prevention for mastitis?
Close observation of lactating does
Clinical signs of which disease include matted fur at the corner of the eye and under the lower lid of the eye. Discharge may be seen on the surface of the eye. The tissue around the eye may appear red or irritated.
Weepy Eye
What is the prevention for pneumonia?
Isolate affected animals, ensure adequate ventilation, minimize stress
Clinical signs of this disease include intermittent or persistent sneezing with a productive nasal discharge that is thin or thick and white in color.
What is the prevention for enterotoxemia?
Feed diet high in fiber and low in total energy
Clinical signs of this disease include failure to eat, high temperature, severe conjunctivitis, inflammation and edema of the genital area and ears, respiratory infection in later stages, and death.
Infectious Myxomatosis
Clinical signs of this disease include pot-bellied, sitting with feet in water, diarrhea and death?
Enteritis Complex
What is the prevention for infectious myxomatosis?
Mosquito and vector control
Clinical signs of this disease include kits dehydrate, become listless, fur becomes rough, and kits eventually die.
What is the prevention for warbles?
Control flies in the rabbitry
Clinical signs of this disease include the rabbit drags the rear legs and does not have motor control or sensory control in the rear legs. Control of bladder and bowel may be absent.
Paralysis of the Hindquarter
What can you prevent if there is good ventilation in your rabbitry?
Common respiratory diseases (Pneumonia, Snuffles), Temperature, Humidity
Clinical signs of this disease include increased respiratory rate, wetness around the mouth, head may be held high so rabbit can mouth breathe, and may be a blue tinge to ears and mouth.
Heat Prostration
What are the three ways to transfer Myxomatosis?
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vectors
What is the prevention for corneal ulcer?
Prevent trauma by keeping cages safe and cull animals with genetic predisposition to eye problems.
What is the treatment for hair/wool blockage?
Administer mineral oil for 3 consecutive days and repeat once a week
Clinical signs of this condition include wet fur on the dewlap with a discoloration of the fur or skin. A foul odor is often associated with it.
Wet Dewlap
What is the prevention for mange mites?
Herd isolation, good sanitation, quarantine new stock
What is the prevention for wry neck?
Adequate ventilation and keep incidences of respiratory infections to a minimum
The clinical signs of this condition include loss of fur around the face, neck and back.
Fur mites
What condition is caused by dragging the dewlap in the water crock and fur mats along with a secondary bacterial infection may result.
Wet Dewlap
What is the prevention for fur mites?
Herd isolation, good sanitation, quarantine new stock
What is the prevention for listeriosis?
Isolation and good sanitation
What is the prevention for young doe death syndrome?
Restrict feed intake for 24-48 hours prior to kindling and gradually increase for 5-7 days post kindling
Name three diseases caused by a protozoan.
Nosema, Intestinal Coccidiosis, Hepatic Coccidiosis
Name two diseases caused by a virus.
Infectious Myxomatosis, Viral Hemorrhagic Disease (VHD)
Clinical signs of this condition include enlarged eye, glazed or cloudiness to pupil or cornea of eye, pupil is slow to respond to light.
What do you call inflammation of the conjunctiva?
Weepy Eye (Conjunctivitis)
What is inflammation of the vent or external genitalia called?
Vent Disease
What is the treatment for vent disease?
Daily application of penicillin ointment or daily penicillin injections
What is the prevention for metritis?
Close observation of does at kindling
What is the treatment for metritis?
What is the treatment for sore eyes?
Gently open eyes and flush any pus, apply eye ointment 2-3 times per day for 3-5 days
What is the prevention for tapeworms?
Do not allow dogs and cats in the rabbitry. Put feed in a container to prevent contamination. Do not feed viscera to dogs and cats.
What is the prevention for wet dewlap?
Elevate water crocks off the floor 3-4 inches. Use water bottles or automatic waterers. Place a rock or rubber ball in the crock so they cannot play or lay in the crock.
Clinical signs of this condition include turning of the head to one side, loss of balance, and continuous rolling when excited.
Wry Neck
Factors such as a tooth abscess or feeding contaminated hay or straw can cause what?
What is the prevention for cannibalism?
Select does with good mothering instincts. Restrict rodents, predators and visitors from the kindling area.
This condition may result from death of a doe or a doe that kindled more kits than she can adequately nurse.
Orphaned Kits
This condition is due to poor mothering instincts due to hereditary causes, as well as rodents or predators in the rabbitry and is seen in very young does and does with incompatible nest material.
Scattering of Young at Kindling
Clinical signs of this condition include ulcerated or elevated area on the bottom of the foot that may have a secondary bacterial infection. Any or all 4 feet may be affected. The animal may sit on a crock or object in the cage to soothe the feet. Loss of condition, failure to mate, and inactivity are common.
Sore Hocks
What is the treatment for paralysis of the hindquarter?
What is the prevention for hutch burn?
Strict sanitation and close attention to angle of the urine guards
What is the treatment for hutch burn?
Thoroughly clean the pen and apply antibiotic ointment to the affected area
What condition is due to engorgement of the mammary gland with milk due to increased production compared to the volume of milk consumed by the young?
Caked Breast
What is the treatment for non specific diarrhea?
Discontinue antibiotics and reintroduce healthy bacteria to the intestinal tract
Name five clinical signs of Intestinal Coccidiosis.
Diarrhea, low rate of gain, poor fur and flesh condition, pot-bellied, decreased disease resistance, and other secondary infections
Name the three prevention items for dystocia.
Do not led does get excessively fat. Make sure the doe is physically mature before mating. Observe each doe closely when due date approaches.
What are the clinical signs of Non Specific Diarrhea?
Diarrhea following treatment with antibiotics, decreased appetite, failure to eat and death within 24-48 hours
When is enterotoxemia most commonly seen?
At weaning time, feed changes, following antibiotic administration, other disease processes
What happens to the rabbit when there is a combination of high temperatures and high humidity?
Heat Prostration
Name three clinical signs of Vent Disease.
Lesions may include scabby inflammation of external genital area in both sexes, may have scabs on nose and mouth, may refuse to mate or conceive, scabs around nose and mouth may contain white-yellow discharge, abortions may be observed
What are the clinical signs of metritis?
Low conception rate, small litter size, and abortions are sometimes seen. Some does may fail to lactate 3-5 days after kindling.
Name five preventative measures for pasteurelosis.
Improve ventilation system, strict culling, development and selection of disease resistant animals, and minimize stress factors. Isolate sick animals. Sanitize drinking bowls and water lines on regular basis.
What is the treatment for abscesses?
Lance the abscess with a scalpel, drain the pus, flush with hydrogen peroxide or iodine daily, use a broad spectrum antibiotic for 3-5 days
What is the prevention for abscesses?
Excellent sanitation, improve nestbox hygiene, early removal of nestbox (14-16 days), and separate young at an early age to prevent fighting
What is the treatment for enterotoxemia?
Replace pelleted diet with straw, hay and rolled oats. Gradually increase amount of pellets daily. Put oxytetracycline in drinking water.
Name three preventive measures for intestinal or hepatic coccidiosis.
Sanitation, self-cleaning hutches, use of automatic waterers and feeders, wire brushing cage floors routinely. Prevent fecal contamination of food, water and environment.
Name the clinical signs of hepatic coccidiosis.
Diarrhea, poor fur and flesh condition, decreased resistance to other diseases. On necropsy large white spots on liver.
Name four clinical signs of hair/wool blockage.
Intermittent diarrhea, poor appetite or periods of no appetite, loss of weight, molting, pulling fur, appearance of above signs in only one animal in the herd, or a “string of pearls” in the stool.