Breeds & Types Flashcards
What is the soft, crimped, intermediate wool fibers ending with a straight tip called?
Awn Fluff
What is the strong, straight, guard hair protruding above the undercoat in the Giant Angora called?
Awn Hair
What is an unbroken vertical circle of marking color around the body of the Harlequin called?
What is the longer wool appearing at the front base of the ears and top of the head in some wool breeds called?
What is a semicircle of marking color, running vertically on the sides or body of the Harlequin called?
What is the white marking found on the face of a Dutch called?
What do you call a class of domestic rabbits that reproduces itself with distinctive characteristics such as fur, markings, shape and size?
What is a round marking found on the Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander, Tan and broken varieties that surround the eye?
Eye circle
What do you call the increase in the size of the spots in the side pattern/sweep of an English Spot?
What is the narrow white line running between the ears connecting the blaze to the neck marking on a Dutch called?
What is the serrated edge to the spine marking in the English Spot called?
What is the average length of strands of wool pulled from an Angora called?
Staple length
What is the marking on each rear hock of a Dutch called?
What is the belly marking on a Dutch called and is the continuation of the saddle marking to the underside of the rabbit?
Wool appearing along the side of the head on some wool breeds is called what?
Side trimmings
The tassels, fringes on the ears, bangs and the head side trimmings on some wool breeds are called what?
The pelt stain found on Himalayans and Californians is called what?
Name the 7 body types. (sometimes called profile types)
Semi-Arch, Compact, Full Arch, Commercial, Cylindrical, High Head Mount, Upright Cylindrical
Name the breed with the cylindrical body type.
Name two breeds with the semi arch body type.
American, Beveren, English Lop, Flemish Giant or Giant Chinchilla
Name four breeds with the compact body type.
American Fuzzy Lop, English Angora, Standard Chinchilla, Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, Florida White, Havana, Lilac, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Mini Satin, Polish, Silver or Thrianta
Name four breeds with the commercial body type.
French Angora, Giant Angora, Satin Angora, Blanc de Hotot, Champagne d’Argent, Californian, Cinnamon, American Chinchilla, Creme d’Argent, French Lop, Harlequin, New Zealand, Palomino, Rex, American Sable, Satin, Silver Fox, Silver Marten, Argente Brun
Name two breeds with the full arch body type.
Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite, Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander or Tan
What do you call the arrangement of the spots on an English Spot, running from the neck to the midsection?
What is the term used on French Angora, Satin Angora, Jersey Wooly and Fuzzy Lop head, ears, feet and legs, denoting the presence of normal fur (absence of wool)?
What do you call the marking connecting the triangle and the chest on a Tan?
What do you call a thin marking that forms a complete outline of the eye? Found in the Blanc de Hotot and Dwarf Hotot.
Eye Band
What is the term for any drag in the coloration of a Hotot, or Dwarf Hotot, eye band?
What do you call a wedge shaped marking that is a portion of the collar, behind the ears, on a Dutch?
What do you call the markings on the ears, tail, nose, front feet, rear feet and leg in Californians, Himalayans, or Pointed Whites?
Pointed Pattern
What do you call the marking on a Dutch where the white fur ceases and the colored fur begins on the upper part of the body?
What is the term for the distinct even line separating the body color from the tan color on a Tan?
Side Demarcation
What is the term for the spots or group of spots on the side of Checkered Giants, English Spots, and Rhinelanders?
Side Marking
What is the term for the nose marking found on Himalayans?
What is the term for the strip of color beginning at the ear base and running in an unbroken line along the back to the tip of the tail found in Checkered Giants, English Spots, and Rhinelanders?
Spine Marking
What is the only breed that has standing fur?
Silver Fox
What do you call the longer wool on top of the ears of some wool breeds?
What do you call the wool appearing on the ears of some wooled breeds? Falls between the tassels and the bangs.
What is the purpose of holding on to the rabbit’s ears while grooming with a blower?
Secure the rabbit in place and protect it’s ears from the power of the blower.
What is the ideal length of ears for Netherland Dwarf?
2 inches
What is the maximum ear length for Polish?
3 inches
Which Harlequin group’s color alternates with orange?
Which Harlequin group’s color alternates with white?
While grooming an Angora rabbit with a steel comb, why should you use your fingers to secure the base of the wool?
Keeps the wool on the rabbit instead of the comb, preserving the wool density
This type is medium in length with depth equaling width, showing roundness of body and firmness of flesh?
Commercial Body Type
Harlequin is bred in what colors?
Black, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac
What pattern has six markings that alternate on the ears, face, chest, forelegs, rear legs and body?
How many showroom classes does the Palomino have?
What is the maximum ear length for the Britannia Petite?
2.5 inches
How many showroom classes does the Champagne D’Argent have?
What are the groups of the Jersey Wooly?
Agouti, AOV, Broken, Self, Shaded, Tan Pattern
What are the varieties of the Rhinelander?
Black and Blue
How many showroom classes does the Satin Angora have?
How many showroom classes does the American Sable have?
What are the varieties of the English Spot?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Gold, Gray, Lilac, Tortoise
What are the varieties of the Checkered Giant?
Black and Blue
How many showroom classes does the Silver have?
What is the maximum ear length for the Mini Rex?
3.5 inches
How many showroom classes does the Checkered Giant have?
How many showroom classes does the Rhinelander have?
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the New Zealand?
Bucks - 10 pounds; Does - 11 pounds
How many showroom classes does the Satin have?
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Mini Lop?
6 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Rex?
Bucks - 8 pounds; Does - 9 pounds
This type is referred to as having mandolin type?
What is the weight for senior bucks and does of the Flemish Giant?
Bucks - 13 pounds or over; Does - 14 pounds or over
This type is considered to possess commercial possibilities but are lighter in weight and shorter in length?
What wool breed should be as dense as possible with a silky texture and should be as uniform as possible over entire body?
English Angora
What breed was once called the “French Silver”?
Champagne D’Argent
Which wool breed should possess more undercoat than guard hairs?
English Angora
Which wool breed should possess more guard hairs than undercoat?
French Angora
Which Angora breed tends to not release their wool, therefore, needs to be clipped?
Giant Angora
This breed underwent challenging times and barely survived World War II?
What wool breed should be as dense as possible with a coarse texture with as uniform length as possible over the entire body?
French Angora
What breed made its first appearance in Germany as the “Kleine Widder”?
Mini Lop
This type shows an arch starting at the nape of the neck, running over the shoulders, mid-section, loin and hips to the juncture of the tail?
Full Arch
This type has an arch starting back of the shoulders and carrying through to the base of the tail?
What is the minimum length and width of English Lop ears?
21 inches from tip to tip and a width of 1/4 the length of the ear
What is the body type of the French Angora?
What are the varieties of the Tan?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
What is the maximum ear length of the Netherland Dwarf?
2.5 inches
What are the varieties for the Polish?
Black, Blue, Broken, Chocolate, Lilac, Blue Eyed White, Ruby Eyed White
What are the varieties for the Dutch?
Black, Blue, Chinchilla, Chocolate, Gray, Lilac, Steel, Tortoise, Golden Yellow
What are the groups of the Netherland Dwarf?
Self, Shaded, Agouti, Tan Pattern, AOV
Which breed was originally called the “Heavyweight Chinchilla”?
American Chinchilla
Silver Gray rabbits, ancestors of the Silver, of varying shades are known to have existed thousands of years ago in what country?
This breed was known at one time as the “Japanese”?
What breed has earned the title of the “Fire of the Fancy”?
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Florida White?
5 pounds
Four class rabbits should not be over what range of weight?
9 pounds
This fur type remains upright when stroked from rump toward the head and must be stroked from the head toward the rump to return to its normal position.
Standing fur
How many cylindrical breeds are there?
One - Himalayan
What is the requested judging order of the Tan?
Lilac, Blue, Chocolate, Black
This breed is known as the Silver Fox Rabbit in England?
Silver Marten
Which breed became the 47th breed recognized by the ARBA at the 2006 Convention in Fort Worth, Texas?
Mini Satin
What does the words “Beaver King” represent in a color and breed?
Which breed has ideal length of fur of 5/8 inch, and is to have a lustrous appearance, good body, and a plush-like effect which offers a distinct springy resistance to the touch?
Mini Rex
What country did the Checkered Giant originate in?
What is the maximum weight of Britannia Petite?
2 1/2 pounds
How many showroom classes for the Havana?
How many showroom classes for the French Lop?
Which of the wool breeds need to be groomed?
All of them
If the rabbit does not have Rex, Satin or Wool fur, what type of fur is it?
What is the allowable length of Satin fur?
7/8 inch to 1 1/4 inch
What is the body type of the Beveren?
Which of these angora breeds; French, Giant, Satin or English; produce less wool?
What is the body type of the American?
How many showroom classes for the Belgian Hare?
What are the groups of the Holland Lop?
Agouti, Broken, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Tan Pattern, Ticked, Wide Band
What is the weight range for Mini Rex junior bucks and does?
2 pounds to 3 3/4 pounds
What breed was introduced with the original fawn variety of the Silver?
Crème D’Argent
This breed was known until the 1929 Convention as the American Heavyweight Silvers?
Silver Fox
This breed can be best described perhaps as “Orange Silver”?
Crème D’Argent
This breed is called the French “Lapin Papillon Angalias” or English Butterfly rabbit?
English Spot
This breed is a sport from the Havana.
How long should it take to groom an angora rabbit with a comb and a brush once you have experience?
About half an hour
What is the body type of the Silver Fox?
What are the varieties of the Beveren?
Black, Blue, White
Where did the English Angora originate?
Ankara, Turkey
Which variety was the first of the New Zealand?
Where did the Crème D’Argent originate?
What breed is known as one of the oldest established breeds with a wider distribution throughout the world than any other breed?
Why does the Giant Angora’s wool need to be sheared and not plucked?
They do not have the ability to release the wool naturally
Which rabbits are very gentle, bred to accept grooming, handling and wool harvesting, make excellent pets and 4-H projects?
Where did the Rhinelander originate?
What effect does the wide band have on the intermediate ring of agouti patterned rabbits?
Almost double in width
How many showroom classes does the Beveren have?
What five varieties have rust?
Blue, Black, Chocolate, Sable, Lilac
The English Angora, French Angora and Satin Angora are to be entered and shown in what two classifications?
White and Colored
The lop breeds are to be entered and shown in what two classifications?
Broken Pattern and Solid Pattern
What is the ideal length of wool for the English Angora?
3 1/2 to 5 inches
Where did the Belgian Hare originate?
Flanders in Belgium
What is the ideal length of wool for the French Angora?
3 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches
What is the ideal length of wool for the Giant Angora?
4 inches
What is the ideal length of wool for the Satin Angora?
3 inches
What is the ideal length for satin fur?
1 inch to 1 1/8 inch
What is the ideal length for rex fur?
5/8 inch
Where did the Dutch originate?
What are the showroom classes for the Silver Marten?
Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe
What are the points for English Spot markings?
Which are the two newest breeds of Angora rabbits?
Satin Angora and Giant Angora
What are the showroom classes for the English Lop?
Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Intermediate Buck, Intermediate Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe
What is the allowable length of rex fur?
1/2 inch to not more than 7/8 inch
How do you encourage a Belgian Hare to pose?
Place one hand under the belly and the other below the jaw line, then gently coaxing the animal to stand on its toes and tucking its belly.
Which of these rabbit breeds are semi-arch; English Lop, Flemish Giant, Giant Chinchilla?
All of them
What is the only 6 class angora breed?
Giant Angora
This is the only full arch breed without a maximum weight.
Checkered Giant
Which six class breed comes in lynx and golden variety?
Which is the only breed with a brown variety?
What are the four fur types?
Normal, Satin, Rex, Wool
This old British breed is known in Britain as “Polish”?
Britannia Petite
Which lop breed is believed to have been developed by crossing the English Lop and the Flemish Giant?
French Lop
Which breed came about from a chance mating of a wild rabbit with a Dutch in the grounds of Culland Hall in England?
What are the showroom classes for the Rhinelander?
Jr Buck, Jr Doe, Sr Buck, Sr Doe
What are the showroom classes for the Checkered Giant?
Pre-Jr Buck, Pre-Jr Doe, Jr Buck, Jr Doe, Intermediate Buck, Intermediate Doe, Sr Buck, Sr Doe
What are the points on English Lop ears?
33 points
Which fault in the Belgian Hare is hard to eliminate?
Prominent hip bones
What is the newest rabbit breed accepted into the ARBA?
Blue Holicer
What breed quickly became the most popular BLUE breed in America?
What breed did the American Fuzzy Lop originate from?
Holland Lop
The French Angora has a coarser wool, the English Angora’s wool is what?
The Giant Angora possesses a unique coat structure, in that the wool is comprised of three distinct hair types, what are they?
Underwool, Awn Fluff and Awn Hair
This breed is one of the rarer breeds in America, with their blue eyes distinguishing them from all other white breeds.
Young of the Champagne D’Argent are born what color?
Black - they gradually turn the silver color from four months of age onward
Which variety of the Himalayan was the original variety?
What is the ideal length of wool for the Jersey Wooly?
3 inches
What breed was known by its originator as the “Netherland Dwarf Lop”?
Holland Lop
The Silver comes in three varieties: black, brown and fawn; which one is the most popular?
What are the two methods of grooming Angoras?
Blower or Comb and Brush
Why did George West create the Californian?
To produce a better all-around commercial rabbit
Fastest growing breed in popularity due to its blue variety?
Which angora wool has the most resemblance to yarn?
What rabbit looks like a round ball of fluff when properly posed?
English Angora
What breeds produces the most wool?
Giant Angora
How much wool does a French and English Angora rabbit produce in a year?
8 ounces to 1 1/2 pounds
What breed has the colors Castor and Amber?
Rex and Mini Rex
Which of the following is not a compact body type and what is the body type? Havanna, Standard Chinchilla, Dutch, Silver, Cinnamon
Cinnamon - Commercial
What is the ideal weight and range for senior Rex does?
Ideal - 9 pounds; Range - 8 to 10 1/2 pounds
The Netherland Dwarf’s shoulders should equal in what?
Width to the midsection and hindquarters
At what age do the ears of an English Lop complete their growth?
Approximately 16 weeks (4 months)
What 5 breeds have a round head type?
Holland Lop, Mini Lop, French Lop, Dutch, Netherland Dwarf
The terms blaze, stop, hairline, saddle, undercut and neck refer to what breed?
What should the undercolor of the Argente Brun be?
Rich Chocolate
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Belgian Hare?
8 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Polish?
2 1/2 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the English Spot?
6 pounds for bucks, 7 pounds for does
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Satin?
9 1/2 pounds for bucks, 10 pounds for does
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Silver?
6 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Dutch?
4 1/2 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Palomino?
9 pounds for bucks, 10 pounds for does
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Silver Fox?
9 1/2 pounds for bucks, 10 1/2 pounds for does
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Silver Martin?
7 1/2 pounds for bucks, 8 1/2 pounds for does
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Himalayan?
3 1/2 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Mini Satin?
4 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Harlequin?
Bucks - 7 1/2 pounds, Does - 8 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Creme D’Argent?
Bucks - 9 pounds, Does - 10 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Beveren?
Bucks - 10 pounds, Does - 11 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the American Sable?
Bucks - 8 pounds, Does - 9 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the English Angora?
Bucks - 6 pounds, Does - 6 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the American?
Bucks - 10 pounds; Does - 11 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Californian?
Bucks - 9 pounds; Does - 9 1/2 pounds
How many showroom classes does the Argente Brun have?
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Champagne D’Argent?
Bucks - 10 pounds; Does - 10 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Standard Chinchilla?
Bucks - 6 pounds; Does - 6 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Dwarf Hotot?
2 1/2 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the French Angora?
8 1/2 pounds for both
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Giant Chinchilla?
Bucks - 13 1/2 pounds; Does - 14 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the American Fuzzy Lop?
Bucks - 3 1/2 pounds; Does - 3 3/4 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Lilac?
Bucks - 6 to 7 pounds; Does - 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Cinnamon?
Bucks - 9 1/2 pounds; Does - 10 pounds
The unique quality of the Rhinelander is based on what three considerations in order of importance?
Type, Coloration, Markings
Which breed is the only one to have a striking tri-color?
What are the show groups for the Harlequin?
Japanese and Magpie
What are the breed wool classes?
White and Colored
What is the weight for Lionhead senior bucks and does?
3 3/4 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Satin Angora?
8 pounds for both
What color are the guard hairs on an Argente Brun?
Dark brown
What are the points for the mane on a Lionhead?
What are the points for Dutch markings?
What are the points for markings on a Harlequin?
What are the points for fur on a Rex?
What are the points for color on a Silver?
Name two breeds that have equal points for the markings and the body type.
Himalayan (41 points each) and Tan (30 points each)
How long must the mane on the Lionhead be?
2 inches
What are the 3 distinct hair types of the Giant Angora?
Underwool, Awn Fluff, Awn Hair
Which breed is from the original cross between a Copper Satin and a Fawn French Angora?
Satin Angora
Which breed’s crowning feature is the fiery, brilliant red color with intensity carrying to the base of the hairshaft?
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Havana?
Bucks - 5 1/4 pounds; Does - 5 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Blanc de Hotot?
Bucks - 9 pounds; Does - 10 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Mini Rex?
Bucks - 4 pounds; Does - 4 1/4 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Rhinelander?
Bucks - 8 pounds; Does - 8 1/2 pounds
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does of the Jersey Wooly?
3 pounds for both
What breed of rabbit originated in late 19th century in the City of Beveren, near Antwerp?
What breed is the peer of exhibition rabbits?
English Spot
Which is the only normal coated breed that has a standing coat?
Silver Fox
Name the two paramount features of the Silver Fox.
Long, standing fur which is evenly silvered and ability to produce meat
In Jersey Woolies, what must juniors have evidence of in their coat?
Guard hairs
What are the groups of the Mini Rex?
Self, Shaded, Agouti, Tan, Any Other Variety (AOV), Broken
American and Beveren belong to which body type group?
Which two breeds have names that describe their size and fur type?
Mini Rex and Mini Satin
What is the minimum junior weight and maximum senior weight of Holland Lop bucks and does?
Minimum junior weight 2 pounds and maximum senior weight 4 pounds
What is the term for the chest wool on the Lionhead which is also considered to be a part of the mane?
What are the varieties of the American breed?
Blue and White
What body type profile is extremely short and deep at the shoulders?
High Head Mount type
What varieties are accepted in the Otter Tan Pattern of the Holland Lop?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
Name three breeds that should have solid floored cages because they are particularly prone to sore hocks.
Belgian Hare, Flemish Giant, Rex
What term describes the rounded color head marking that forms the blaze and carries down along the jawline of the Dutch?
Name 4 Full Arch running breeds.
Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander, Tan
In what breed is a very small dewlap permissible on bucks?
English Lop
What is the term for a Rex coat that is open and starting to molt, creating pits in the fur?
Pitted Coat
The butterfly, eye circles, cheek spots, and ear markings of the Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander, and broken varieties are referred to as what?
Head Markings
How many showroom classes are there for the Giant Chinchilla?
How many showroom classes are there for the Blanc de Hotot?
What is the term for the wedge-shaped white marking on the face of a Dutch and where is it located?
Blaze - covering the nose, whisker bed and tapering up to the ears
How many showroom classes does the New Zealand have?
In the rufus variety of the Belgian Hare, what color must deeply and distinctly lace the ears?
What are the showroom classes for the Argente Brun?
Pre-Jr Buck, Pre-Jr Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe, Intermediate Buck, Intermediate Doe, Senior Buck, Senior Doe
How many showroom classes are there for the Californian?
6 - Pre-Juniors are not to count in show display
How many showroom classes does the Cinnamon have?
How many points for general type for the Checkered Giant?
How many showroom classes does the American Chinchilla have?
In Beveren fur, what two items should share equal importance?
Density and Texture
How many showroom classes does the Silver Fox have?
How many showroom classes does the Creme D’Argent have?
What are the varieties of the Silver Fox?
Black and Chocolate
What is the schedule of points for the body of the Silver Fox?
What are the accepted varieties of the Dwarf Papillon?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Tortoise Shell
Why is it important to not push or force the Lionhead’s head down?
Because the head mount and stance cannot be correctly evaluated
In the Dwarf Papillon, why should judges allow the rabbit to move naturally?
To observe uniformity of markings and body type.
What is the body type of the American Sable?
What is the schedule of points for body of the Florida White?
What variety has rich smoke gray on the head, ears, back and top of tail and gradually fading to blend into pearl gray on sides, chest, belly, legs and underside of tail?
Smoke Pearl
On breeds with High Head Mount body types, what governs the head mount?
Structure of the Shoulder
When judging the Silver Marten, which of these are scored last? Color, Marking, Type, or Fur
What are the varieties of the Silver Marten?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Sable
What are the varieties of the Giant Angora?
Ruby Eyed White, Chestnut
Which breeds include Pre-Juniors for showroom classes?
Argente Brun, Beveren, Blanc de Hotot, Champagne D’Argent, Checkered Giant, American Chinchilla, Giant Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Creme D’Argent, New Zealand, Palomino
(**Californians have pre-juniors BUT they are not to count in show display)
Name three breeds with the High Head Mount body type.
Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Lionhead, Netherland Dwarf, Dwarf Papillon
Name four breeds that are Compact body type with low headsets.
English Angora, Standard Chinchilla, Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, Florida White, Havana, Lilac, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Mini Satin, Polish, Silver, Thrianta
Name four breeds that are eligible to compete in the Commercial Fur classes.
American, Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite, Californian, Champagne D’Argent, Checkered Giant, Giant Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Creme D’Argent, Dutch, English Spot, Florida White, Harlequin, Havana, Himalayan, English Lop, New Zealand, Palomino, Polish, Rhinelander, Silver, Silver Martin, Tan
What is vital for the mandolin type?
At what age should you begin to groom an Angora rabbit with a blower?
3 months old
At what age should you begin to groom an Angora rabbit with a comb and brush?
8 to 11 weeks old
What term is defined as significantly shorter wool on the hips or face of the Lionhead?
Transition Wool
In what year did Bob Whitman, of Texas, import the first Hotot to the USA?
In which U.S. state was the Lionhead breeding stock first introduced?
What portion of the face on the Lionhead breed may be heavily wooled?
Cheeks extending into the whisker bed
What are the two types of animals in the full arch group?
Posed and Running
Name the two posed full arch breeds.
Belgian Hare and Britannia Petite
Name a compact breed with a medium headset.
American Fuzzy Lop
What is the point schedule for markings for the tan variety of the Belgian Hare?
2 points on head, 2 points on triangle, 4 points on chest & collar, 2 points on demarcation line
What are the two breeds that have a maximum weight of 2 1/2 pounds?
Britannia Petite and Netherland Dwarf
How far down does the black go on the Lionhead?
All the way down the hair shaft
When do you see the colors on a Dutch appear?
Right away
The head of the Britannia Petite is to be wedge shaped and widen slightly from the base of the ears; what may make the forehead to have a concave appearance?
Bolder eyes
This breed was first established in 1917 and quickly became the most popular BLUE breed in America?
What are the groups of the English Angora?
Agouti, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band
What are the groups of the Satin Angora?
Agouti, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band
What are the groups of the French Angora?
Agouti, Broken, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band
Which breed was mentioned as early as 1765 in the French Encyclopedia of Sciences?
English Angora
Prizes were offered during the years 1780 to 1791 by the Prussian government for this breeds wool?
English Angora
The aim for this breed is length & density of wool, coupled with the brilliant sheen produced by the satinized coat?
Satin Angora
In the Argente Brun, what is the required toenail color?
Dark brown
Young of the Champagne D’Argent are born black and gradually attain the silver color at what age?
4 months
This breed found its way into England in 1864 and today they are one of the most popular fancy rabbits in America.
Which breed is the only Giant breed judged primarily for its commercial value?
Giant Chinchilla
Which breeds meat producing qualities is to be given first consideration?
Giant Chinchilla
Holland Lops General Type has 84 points, what percentage goes toward Body?
Head, Ears, Crown = 42 points; Body, Bone = 42 points
Lionhead should be posed with front feet resting lightly on the table with the stance high enough to show full chest and what?
What on the Lionhead is to be comprised of wool which is strong and full of life with a medium soft texture and an evident crimp?
The unique quality of the Rhinelander is based on three considerations.
Type, Coloration, Markings
On the broken group for Satins what should the toenail color be?
The brown variety of the Silver was obtained by introducing what?
Belgian blood
The Silver rabbit is a strictly fancy rabbit since what percentage is judged for color, silvering and ticking?
Which two high head mount breeds are posed lightly on their front feet?
Holland Lop and Lionhead
How many points does General Type have for the Holland Lop?
What is required for the Lionhead mane?
What breeds blue color is probably the darkest of the blue rabbit variety and is to be a rich, clear, dark slate blue?
Name two breeds that cannot be moved up to a higher showroom class if they are over minimum junior weight.
Britannia Petite, Flemish Giant, Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Mini Lop
How much wool does the Satin Angora produce per year?
Less than 1 pound
What is the ideal length of fur for the French Lop?
1 1/4 inches
Which breed won the first ARBA official picking of Best In Show?
Silver Marten
As the name “Giant” implies, this breed should be as large as possible, have powerful, massive build, but must be properly proportioned and well-balanced throughout?
Flemish Giant
How many showroom classes are there for the Czech Frosty?
What is the ideal weight for senior bucks and does for the Czech Frosty?
7 pounds
How should the Lionhead be posed?
Front feet resting lightly on the table
Which breed’s coat is silky with least amount of guard hairs thus requires more grooming?
English Angora
The French Lop was developed from a cross of which two breeds?
English Lop and Flemish Giant
Which breed and variety’s surface color is to be a rich blend of chocolate brown and coppery orange on the top and sides of the body?
Chocolate Agouti Mini Satin
On the broken Mini Satin what is the preferred nail color?
White toenails
Where did the American breed originate?
What is the desired headset of the American Fuzzy Lop?
Medium headset
Name two other varieties of the Satin besides black, blue, broken or chocolate.
Californian, Chinchilla, Copper, Himalayan, Lilac, Otter, Red, Siamese, White
Name three other varieties of the Rex besides black, blue, chocolate or lilac.
Amber, Broken, Californian, Castor, Chinchilla, Himalayan, Lynx, Opal, Otter, Red, Sable, Seal, White
Which breed became the first new breed passed in 2005 by the ARBA Standards Committee since 1988?
What are the varieties of the Silver?
Black, Brown, Fawn
What are the groups for the American Fuzzy Lop?
Agouti, Broken, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Tan Pattern, Wide Band
The prominent, fiery, reddish-tan guard hairs on the Belgian Hare are to be evenly distributed along where?
Sides and lower hindquarters
What are the varieties of the Lionhead?
Black, Chocolate, REW, Seal, Siamese Sable, Smoke Pearl, Tortoise
What are the varieties of the Himalayan?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
What are the varieties of the Flemish Giant?
Black, Blue, Fawn, Light Gray, Sandy, Steel Gray, White
What are the groups of the English Lop?
Agouti, Broken, Otter, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band
What province of France did the Champagne D’Argent originate?
What are the varieties of the Britannia Petite?
Black, Black Otter, Blue Eyed White, Broken, Chestnut Agouti, Ruby-Eyed White, Sable Marten, Siamese Sable, Himalayan, Tortoiseshell, Otter
What are the varieties of the Palomino?
Golden, Lynx
What are the groups of the French Lop?
Agouti, Broken, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band
What are the varieties of the Belgian Hare?
Rufus, Tan
This Lionhead tends to carry more wool through the separation between wool and normal fur area.
Junior Class
What are the groups of the Mini Lop?
Agouti, Broken, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band
What are the varieties of the New Zealand?
Black, Blue, Broken, Red, White
What is the weight range for senior bucks and does of the Blue Holicer?
5 1/2 to 7 1/4 pounds
What are the varieties of the Dwarf Hotot?
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac
How many showroom classes does the Blue Holicer have?
Which breed was created for the purpose of maximum wool production on an economically housed and fed rabbit?
Giant Angora
What are the varieties of the Havana?
Black, Blue, Broken, Chocolate, Lilac
Name three other varieties for the Mini Satin besides black, blue, chocolate or broken.
Chinchilla, Chocolate Agouti, Copper, Himalayan, Lilac, Lynx, Opal, Otter, Red, Sable, Siamese, Silver Marten, Smoke Pearl, Squirrel, Tort, White
The Cinnamon breed was officially accepted to the ARBA in what year?
The ideal color of this breed is to be a uniform, medium, dove-gray with a pink tint on the surface.
How many upright cylindrical breeds are there?
Two - Czech Frosty, Blue Holicer
Which breed’s pelt commanded high prices and to fur buyers in the fur trade was known as “Millers” pelt?
Champagne D’Argent
Which breed was simply known for no apparent reason other than the nice rich chocolate color associated with the color of cigars?
On the Blanc de Hotot, an abundance of visible what causes a frosty sheen on the coat?
Guard Hairs
What is the ear length of the Blue Holicer?
3 inches to 4 3/4 inches
What is the under color of the Czech Frosty?
What is the significantly shorter, dense wool located in the area of the face of the Lionhead called?
Face Wool
What is the maximum ear length of the Czech Frosty?
4 1/4 inches
What is the preferred length of fur on the Czech Frosty?
1 inch
What is the maximum ear length of the Lionhead?
3 1/2 inches
Name the 6 markings judged on a Dutch.
Cheeks, Blaze, Neck, Saddle, Undercut, Stop
What is the preferred length of fur on the Blue Holicer?
1 inch
Which class allows a small dewlap on the Blue Holicer?
Senior Doe
What areas must the broken pattern of the Satin have qualifying color?
Both ears, around eyes, on the nose, and evenly balanced pattern on body
When viewed from the front, the Lionhead stance should be high enough to show what?
Full chest and mane
The Argente Brun body must carry firm and solid flesh throughout but especially where?
Over the hips
When referring to the Rex and Satin breeds what does the broken group consist of?
Any recognized variety combined with white
When judging color on the Lionhead it is important to remember what area may be more diffused in color?
Wooled areas
The shoulders and hindquarters of the Netherland Dwarf are to be what?
Equal in width
What is the amount of wool a Giant Angora produces a year?
1 to 2 pounds
The seal variety of the Lionhead is to be rich sepia brown on the saddle, from the end of the mane to the tail, shading to a just slightly lighter tint on what?
Flanks, chest and belly
Which variety of the Lionhead’s surface color is to be rich sepia brown on the head, ears, back, outside of legs, and top of the tail with surface color fading to lighter sepia on the sides, chest, belly, inside of legs, and underside of tail?
Siamese Sable
New colors of the Mini Lop were originated in the U.S., what were the originals?
Two Agouti’s and a White