Anatomy Flashcards
What do you call a white rabbit with pink eyes?
What do you call the longer wool appearing at the front base of the ears and top of the head in some wool breeds?
What do you call ears that have large, heavy tips with a distinctive fall or lop?
Bell Ears
What is the term used to describe the skeletal structure of a rabbit?
What is another name for wolf teeth?
Buck teeth
What do you call protruding or elongated incisors in either the upper or lower jaw, caused by malocclusion?
Buck teeth
What is a form of malocclusion where the incisors meet evenly, without the upper incisors overlapping the lower incisors in proper structure?
Butting teeth or Pegged teeth
Where are the cheeks located?
On the sides of the face, below the eyes
What do you call the strong basal ridge of cartilage at the top of the head, forming the ear base on some lop eared breeds?
What do you call an extra toe or functionless digit on the inside of the front legs?
What do you call a pendulous fold of loose skin that hangs from the throat?
What do you call the area where the ears attach to the skull or head?
Ear base
What do you call the side of the rabbit between the rib and the hip, above the belly?
What is the portion of the skeleton on which the rabbit walks or stands?
What is the front part of the head between the eyes and the base of the ears, also known as the brow?
What is the portion of the body starting with the neck, back to, and including the last rib?
What body part consists of the foot, hock, stifle and hip joint?
Hind leg
What is the rear portion or section of the body from the last rib composed of the loin, hips, hind legs and rump?
What does the hindquarters consist of?
Loin, hips, hind legs and rump
What is the joint that attaches the hind leg to the trunk of the body?
What is the area of the foot carries the weight of the rabbit called?
What is the colored portion of the eye surrounding the pupil called?
What is the portion of the back on each side of the vertebrae from the last rib to the hip joint called?
What is the portion of the body from the 6th rib to the rear legs called?
What is the lower part of the face and nose of the rabbit called?
What are the two openings of the nose leading to the internal structures of the head called?
What is the prominent portion of the abdomen called?
What are the two small residual incisors just behind the normal top incisors called?
Peg Teeth
What do you call the hide of the animal after it is removed?
What is a distended condition of the abdominal cavity, usually found in young rabbits?
Pot Belly
What are the curved portions of the sides, immediately behind and under the shoulders called?
What do you call the upper, rounded portion of the hindquarters?
What is that portion of the body from the neck back through the 6th rib and the upper joint of the foreleg called?
What do you call the profile of the shoulders, back and hindquarters when viewed from the side?
What is a nail without pigmentation showing only the pink cast of the blood vessel called?
White toenail
How many eyelids does a rabbit have?
Three (on each eye)
What do you call a short, broad, bold head, with a definite masculine appearance?
Bull dog head
How many teeth does the rabbit have?
How much does the incisors grow each month?
1/2 to 3/4 inch per month
Name the first anatomical parts of the digestive system?
Lips, teeth and mouth
How many ribs does a rabbit have?
How many cervical vertebra does a rabbit have?
How many thoracic vertebra does a rabbit have?
How many lumbar vertebra does a rabbit have?
How many sacral vertebra does a rabbit have?
How many caudal vertebra does a rabbit have?
How many total vertebra does a rabbit have?
What percent of total volume of the digestive tract does the stomach of the rabbit hold?
What percent of total volume of the digestive system does the small intestine of the rabbit hold?
What percent of total volume of the digestive system does the cecum of the rabbit hold?
What percent of total volume of the digestive system does the large intestine of the rabbit hold?
What is the primary function of the large intestine?
To reabsorb the water from the ingesta and form the feces.
What is the term for the thin outer portion of the backside of the ear?
Cecotropes are directly excreted from where?
Major portion of the ingesta passes to the cecum for further digestion, remaining ingesta passes into what?
Large intestine
What is the term for the lateral half of the mandible?
The cecum in combination with the large colon is known as what?
Hind gut
What feces are excreted in the first four hours after feeding?
Hard feces
What feces are excreted in the second four hours after eating?
Soft feces
Name three types or forms of feces.
Cecotropes, Soft Feces, Night Feces
What joint in rabbits is equivalent to man’s ankle?
Is the rabbit’s stomach acidic or alkaline?
How do you check for a deviated spine?
Gently feel the vertebrae along the top line of the rabbit
What are pinched hindquarters?
Hindquarters tapering towards the tail, giving a pinched appearance.
Where does ammonia form?
Intestinal tract and the collection area for urine and feces
What is the second joint of the hind leg which connects the thigh to the leg?
Where is a deviated sternum usually found?
Lower end of the rib cage
The rabbit eliminates two basic types of fecal material, what are they?
Hard feces and Soft feces
What do you call the front portion of the body between the forelegs, belly and neck?
What is the term for that part of the rabbit connecting the head to the body?
What is the term for the upper portion of the back?
What is the term for the abdomen, from the last rib to the pelvis, containing the organs of digestion?
What are the names of the first two vertebrae’s of the rabbit?
Atlas and Axis
How many canine teeth does a rabbit have?
What do you call the vertebra from the neck to the rump?
Rodents are in the order Rodentia and have 4 incisors. Rabbits are in the order Lagomorpha, how many incisors do they have?
6 incisors
What term describes the ankle of the rabbit most often referred to on the front legs?
Where is the cecum located?
Between the small intestine and the large intestine
Why is it important for teeth to continually wear off?
Ensure proper alignment
What is a way to keep a buck from spraying?
Neuter young rabbits around 12 weeks of age
What are butting teeth?
A form of malocclusion where the incisors meet evenly instead of the upper incisors overlapping the lower ones
Name the 3 terms for feces that are a direct excretion from the cecum.
Cecotropes, Soft Feces, Night Feces
What causes the pink cast in white toenails?
Blood vessels
Why does a meat rabbit need a deep, well sprung rib cage and wide chest floor?
Properly house heart and lungs
Where is a cataract located in the eye?
In many foreign countries butting teeth is called what?
Trap Teeth
Which area of the digestive system does chemical digestion take place?
Small Intestine
Name the three stages of hair growth.
Anagen, Catagen, Telogen
Rabbit fur is prime in what hair growth phase?
Telogen phase (resting phase)
Where is a good place to check the hide thickness on a meat rabbit?
Over the shoulder