Health and Safety - Level 2 Flashcards
What is the HSWA 1974?
- Primary UK legislation governing health and safety.
- Sets out duties of employers, directors, self-employed, person in control of a premises, suppliers.
- They must safeguard the health and safety of public and employees who may be affected by their works.
- Enforced by the Health and Safety Executive
What are the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999?
Requires employers to carry out risk assessments, make arrangements to implement necessary measures, appoint competent people, arrange appropriate information and training.
What is the significance of Defective Premises Act 1972?
Imposes obligation on the landlord to ensure that the premises comply with its requirements
Section 4 - requires landlord to provide a duty of care.
Give examples of risk
- Asbestos
- Legionella
- Lifts
- Fire risk - compartmentation etc
- Contractors - working at height
What do you consider on inspection?
Lone working Condition of property Travelling to and from site Site rules COVID
What is the RICS guidance for health and safety?
Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely - Health and safety principles for property professionals 2018’
What is included in the RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely - Health and safety principles for property professionals 2018’
- personal responsibilities for RICS members and firms
- assessing hazards and risks
- workplace health and safety
- Occupational health and hygiene
- visiting premises and sites
- fire safety
- residential property surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
What must RICS Regulated Firm?
- A safe working environment
- Safe working equipment
- Safe system of work
- Competent staff
What does RICS considers the a ‘safe person’?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues and other’s health and safety while at work.
What must you do before a site inspection?
- Tell someone where you are going and when you leave site.
- Wear appropriate protective clothing
- Sign in and out of a building site.
- Consider whether it is safe to inspect alone.
- Wear non-slip shoes
What does the HSWA 1974 state?
The duty of every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees’
Who is the HSWA 1974 policed by?
HSE Health and Safety Executive
What is the five step approach for risk assessments set out by HSE?
- Identify the hazards present
- Identify the people at risk from the hazards e.g. employees, contractors
- Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood and severity of any accidents. Existing controls in place should be identified and evaluated.
- Record the findings
- Review the risk assessment regularly.
What is Public Liability Insurance?
it covers firms against damages brought against them if a member of the public is damaged/injured.
When is a workplace HSRA required?
When there is more than 5 employees
What should be included in a HSRA?
- Policy setting out organisation’s commitment to h&s
- Details of organisation’s h&s structure
- A risk assessment for the workplace
- Details of planning and control measures
What is the ‘six pack’ of H&S regulations?
- Management of H&S at work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling operaitons
- Personal protective equipment at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
What are the key principles of the Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005?
- applies to non-domestic property in england and wales
- based on risk assessment with emphasis on fire preventation
- defines ‘Responsible Person’ as the employer, occupier who controls the property, or owner if vacant
- requirement for risk assessment and records
- requirement for fire precautions and detections systems
What are the IFSS?
International Fire Safety Standards.
These are supported by RICS to ensure consistent high-level principles for fire safety.
What is the RICS action and advice following Grenfell?
RICS issued guidance on existing high-rise buildings fire safety in October 2017
RICS responded to the government’s call for evidence on the effectiveness of the Fire Safety Order 2005 to provide a suitable framework for the management of fire safety in non-domestic premises and the common parts of multi-occupied residential buildings
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
What does RIDDOR say about Covid?
- if someone contacts or dies of covid in a workplace you should report it to HSE
Explain the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
The trigger date for reporting injuries is over 7 days incapacitation
This injury needs to be reported to HSE within 15 days of incident
All employers must keep a record of injuries of 3-days plus
Accident records must be kept for 3 years
What is the Occupiers Liability Act 1957?
The Act regulates the liability of occupiers and others for injuries caused to lawful visitors as well as for damage caused to any goods as a results of ‘dangers due to the state of the property’
A common duty of care is imposed to lawful visitors.
What is covered in the OLA 1984?
What is the key legislation for Asbestos?
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
non compliance is a criminal offence
What are the three types of asbestos?
- Brown - amosite
- Blue - crocidolite
- White - chrysotile
What is asbestos?
It is an insulting material, that when disturbed it can cause health problems or death.
HSE estimate that is it found in 4 million UK properties and causes around 5000 deaths a year
What are the different types of asbestos survey?
- Management Survey
- to locate and assess it and advise on its management during normal occupation and use of premises
- no sampling of materials in undertaken - Refurbishment/demolistion survey
- required where the premises, or part of it, needs upgrading, refurishment or demolition.
- samples are taken
What are the steps that a duty holder must take for asbestos management?
- Assess if asbestos is present - if yes then where and the condition. If in doubt presume it contains asbestos.
- Assess the risk and produce a plan to manage the asbestos - encapsulate or remove?
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make the register available to all parties who might disturb it
- Review the register bi annually.
What is required for new build in relation to asbestos?
If a building is newly constructed an architect will provide a certificate confirming asbestos is not present
What are the key principles of the Smoke-free (Premises & Enforcement) Regulations 2007?
- Illegal to smoke in enclosed and substantially enclosed public spaces
- ‘no smoking signs’ must be displayed
- Local authorities enforce the law
- Penalities can range from £250 to £2500
What are the key principles of the Defective Premises Act 1972?
- Act imposes an obligation on the landlord to ensure that the premises complies with requirements
- Section 4 of the Act states owes all persons who might be reasonably affected by a defect, a duty of care as is reasonable.
- Landlords are not required to make a building safe and but to repair defects.
What are the key principles of CDM?
Construction (Design and Mangement) Regulations 2015.
- Criminal offence to breach CDM
- Policied by HSE
- The aim is to improve the management and coorindation of H&S at every stage of the construction project.
- The main duty holders are; The Client, Principle Designer and Principle Contractor
- All projects with more than one contractor must have a PD, PC and a H&S file
- HSE are to be notified in a F10 form if a proect lasts longer than 30 construction days with 20 or more workers. Thus 500 person days of construction.
What are other statutory obligations of a residential property owner?
- Asbestos
- Fire safety
- Electrical Condition safety
- Legionella
- Energy performance certificates
- H&S
- PAT testing
- Gate maintenance
- Occupiers Liability
What is a responsible person is under the Fire Safety Order 2005?
A ‘responsible person’ is the employer, or occupier who controls the property or owner if vacant. They need to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the occupier.
How do you fulfil responsbilities under FSO 2005?
Annual HSFRA and complete reccommended actions in the specific time period.
How often do you get the fire alarm system checked?
- Regularly maintained by a competent person biannually.
2. Article 17 of FSO requires weekly fire alarm testing. A record of this is kept on site.
What advice does the RICS Surveying Safely give you when visiting site?
Lone Working and precautions to take when attending site.
- tell people where you are going, when you arrive and leave site. Put it in your diary and leave a mobile number.
2. Safety equipment
What should you do if you finish after hours?
Call the out of hours number, manned by Aduvio.
Does the client pass liability when appointing a managing agent?
It is important that the client realises just because they have appointed a managing client does not mean that they are indemnified.
Name some ways to ensure your personal safety
- Take a charged mobile and personal alarm
- Plan an escape route
- Implement a call back system with office (e.g. a safe word)
- Make your daily schedule available to colleagues
- Be careful in roof voids and when using ladders
- Park your car close by and keep your keys on you
- Make sure you know who you are meeting
- Follow your gut instinct
- Understand the site rules for construction sites
- Be aware of aggressive occupants and dogs
What are the key principles of RICS Health and Safety for Residential Property Managers?
Guidance Note - Best practice - Advisory
Assists those who are responsible to ensure the property under their control meets statutory obligations.
What are the future changes to the RR (FS) Order 2005?
sprinklers in apartments
What are the key principles of HSWA 1974?
- places a duty on employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and other affected persons.
What are the IFSCP?
DEPOC International Fire Standards Common Principles; 1. Prevention 2. Detection and Communication 3. Occupant protection 4. Containment 5. Extinguishment
What is asbestos?
A fiberous material used in buildings which is now banned as it causes health issues.
What are different types of asbestos?
- Amosite - Brown
- Crocidolite - blue
- Chysolite - white
What is the risk assosicated with asbestos?
The fibers cause cause irritation and illnesses such as lung cancers if they are inhaled.
What is key legislation around asbestos?
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
What year did asbestos get banned from developments?
White in 1999 / Brown and Blue in 1985
What are the corporate requirements under RR (FS) Order 2005?
- Clear accountability and records
- Risk assessments
- Training
- Insurance
- Take account of wellbeing
What are the CDM trigger points?
- more than 500 man hours
- more than 30 consecutive working days
- more than 20 men on site at any one time
- more than one contractor
What is the role principle designer?
In charge of wellbeing of on site staff