Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the latest RICS document on Health and Safety ?
RICS Professional Standard: Surveying Safely- Health and Safety Principles for property professionals 2018
What is the key legislation and guidance surrounding Health and Safety ?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurances Regulations 1995
Who is the Health and Safety Act policed by ?
Health and Safety Executive
What is the 6 stepped approach to risk assessments?
“1. Identify the Hazards
2. Identify the people at risk from the Hazards
3. Evaluate the risk (likelihood and severity).
4. Record findings.
5. Review risk assessment regularly
6 Advise all those affected by the outcome of the risk assessment and the precautions to minimise or eliminate the risk.”
How is asbestos obtained?
What are the 3 types of asbestos?
“Brown (amosite)
Blue (crocidolite)
White (Chrysotile)”
When was asbestos banned ?
“White in 1999
Brown and Blue in 1985”
What is the legislation and guidance surrounding Health and Safety
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Who is the duty holder if asbestos is identified?
The owner of the property if vacant or a tenant holding a repairing lease.
What is asbestos ?
A insulating, fire resistant material that can cause serious health problems and fatal disease.
Does the RICS provide a guidance note on asbestos?
Yes - Asbestos: Legal requirements + Best Practice for Property Professionals and Clients 2021
How do you identify asbestos?
“1. Firstly I would consider the age of the building
2.I would refer to the asbestos register if there is one in place or any historic building documents that may suggest potential for ACMs
3. If ACMs are present I would carry out a risk assessment to identify the potential hazards and request information as to its type, location and condition.
4. If the risk is high, I would not enter the building without seeking specialist advice as to confirm wheather the ACMs have been appropriately managed.”
What are the 2 types of Asbestos Survey?
“Asbestos survey - to locate and assess it and advise on its management during normal occupation and use of premises. No sampling of material or analysis is taken.
Refurbishment/demolition survey - required where premises or part of it needs refurbishment or demolition. Samples of materials suspected are to be tested. Recommendations are made regarding their management.”
Where can you find asbestos?
“Loose fill insulation
Asbestos Insulation
Vynl floor tiles
Asbestos cement panels.”
Whats an asbestos managmenent plan?
1) identifies who is responsible for managing the asbestos,
2) plans work for asbestos materials,
3) includes a schedule for monitoring materials, the condition and telling people about your decisions.
What does the RICS guide to surveying safely say about asbestos?
It is necessary to identify ACMs and to produce a management plan for preventing exposure to asbestos.
What are the statutory obligations of a commerical/residential property owner?
“1. Asbestos management
2. Contamination
3. Fire safety
4. Health and Safety
6. EPC
8. Waste management”
What is your employers responsibility under the Health and Safety Act 1974?
“1. Duty so far that is reasonably practical to ensure health and safety and welfare at work for all employees.
2. Must report injuries and dangerous occurances (1995 regulations)
3. Must undertake, record and regularly review a risk assessment (1999 regulations)
4. Detailed H&S information is to be held on site usually in Operations and Maintainance Manual.”
What Health and Safety procedures would you undertake if you were going to inspect a developmnt/construction site?
“1. Carry out re inspection due diligence.
2. Ensure appropriate PPE is taken.
3. Ensure that your mobile is charged.
4. Inform colleages of your inspection (ensure it is in your diary, who you are meeting and the location).
5. Sign in or out of the building or construction site and recieved a site induction. (if going alone need to follow lone working policy).”
What are the penalties for breaching the H&S at Work Act?
Criminal Offense - fine or imprisonment
What is a Hazard ?
Anything that has the potential to cause harm
What is a risk ?
The probability/liklihood that someone will be harmed is called a risk
What is a risk assessment?
“A process of identifying hazards and evaluating any associated risks within a workplace than implimenting reasonable measures to remove or reduce them.
A legal requirement for organisations employing more than 5 staff to carry out documented health and safety risk assessments of all their significant hazards.”
What is a method statement?
“A document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed (prior approved)
Outline the hazards involved”
Why is Public Liability Insurance relevant?
It proects businesses against claims for injury or damage made by third parties such as clients, customers and visitors.
When is a written health and safety policy document required ?
Required for employers if they employ more than 5 employees.
What must a written health and safety policy document include?
- Details of the organisations health and safety structure with roles and responsibilities.
- A risk assessment setting out the risks within the workplace and the preventative measures in place.
- Details of the planning, implimentation of the H&S policy control measures.”
What does RIDDOR 1995 outline?
“1. The trigger date for reporting injuries is over 7 days incapacitation.
2. Such an injury must be reported to the HSE within 15 days from the date of the accident.
3. All employers much also keep record of all 3 day injuries
4. This infomration can be kept in an accident book with must be kept for a minimum of 3 years after the occupational injury. “
What act relates to corporate manslaughter ?
Corporate Manslaugnter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
What does the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act outline?
Relates to gross breaches of duty of care by a corporate body leading to a persons death.
What are the penalties under the Coporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act ?
Unlimited Fine or imprisonment and disqualification as a company director by member of the senior management team.
What act relates to fire risk management?
Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform Order 2005
What does the Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform Order 2005 outline?
Applies to non-domestic property in England and Wales - Risk assessment and fire prevention precautions
What is the recent fire safety legislation?
Fire safety act 2021 - relates to multi-occupied residential buildings.
Why did the Fire Safety Legislation Act 2021 occur?
Hackitt review 2018
What does the Fire Safety Act 2021 highlight ?
Requires reponsible persons to assess, manage and reduce fire risk posed by structure, external walls and common parts of a building.
What does EWS stand for ?
External Wall system
Why has EWS1 forms been introduced?
Following reviews of building safety, subsequent to the Grenfell fire, many tall residential buildings, external wall systems were found to be unsafe.
What properties is the EWS1 designed for ?
Block of flats, student accomodation, assisted living and care homes, HMOs
What is an EWS1 process/form?
The EWS1 process form involves a qualified professional conducting a fire-risk appraisal on the external wall system before signing an EWS1 form which is valid for the entire building for 5 years.
Why should a EWS1 be done every 5 years?
To capture maintainance and renovation works
What is an External Wall System?
The external wall system is made up of the outside wall of a residential building inlcuding cladding and insulation, fire break systems etc.
What are Construction Design Management (CDM)
Government rules that set out to improve the health and safety of the construction industry.
What is Surveying Safely about?
- How to assess hazards and risk as well as the concept of managing the risk.
- It covers general activities associated with places of work, occupational health and safety, what to do when visiting jobs, fire safety, residential surveys and procurement of contractors.
What is the safe working concept?
Each individual assumes individaul responsibility for themselves and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
What is the structure of the RICS Professional Statement Surveying Safely ?
“1. Personal responsibilities for the RICS members and firms
2. Assessing hazards and risks
3. Workplace health and safety
4. Occupational hygiene and health
5. Visiting premises and sites
6. Fire safety
7. Residential property surveying
8. Procurement and management of contractors.”
What 4 things must RICS regulated firms ensure they provide?
“1. A safe working environment
2. Safe work equiptment
3. Safe systems of work
4. Competent staff”
What is the RICS concept of a safe person ?
An individual assumes behavioral responsibility for their own, colleagues and others health and safety while at work.
What legislation is relevant to asbestos?
The control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 non-compliance is a criminal offence.
What is the six pack of H&S regulations?
“1. Management of H&S at work
2. Display screen equiptment
3. Manual Handling Operations
4. PPE at work
5. Provision and use of work equiptment
6. Workplace health and safety and welfare.”
What were the findings from Grenfell Tower?
Many tall buildings’ external wall system have been found to be unsafe.
What is the most recent building safety regulation ?
Buidling Safety Act 2022
What does the building safey act outline ?
Set out clear safety responsibility for building owners of tall residential buildings during construction and occupation
What act relates to Occupiers Liabiltiy ?
Occupiers Liability Act 1957
What does the Occupiers Liability Act outline?
This act regulates the liability of occupiers and others for injuries cause to lawful visitors as well as for damages caused to any goods as a result of danger due to the state of the property.
Who is the HSE?
Health and Safety Executive - UK government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare.
What is Defence in Asbestos ?
That the person took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence.
What are the penalties for Asbestos?
Under the Health and Safety Act 2008 enables a maximum fine of £20,000 and a possibility of 12 months imprisonment.
What are the different levels of PPE?
Simple, Intermetaite and complex - All depends of the level of contruction required - Ranges from safety boots to a full body harness.
How frequent are inspection levels for man riding equiptment ?
6 months
What PPE might you normally take when visiting a building site ?
“Hi Vis
Steel toe cap boots
Hard Hat
Hand sanitizer”
What are the PPE Regulations 2022?
States that where risks cannot be controlled by other means, PPE should be correctly identified and used. Employers must provide appropriate PPE to their staff and places a duty on employees to use PPE appropriately.
What does the UK PPE standards abbreviation CE stand for ?
Conformity European
What are the 5 steps for a risk assessment ?
“1. Identify the Hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate the risks and take action to prevent them
4. Record your findings
5. Review the risk assessment “
How did/do you carry out a risk assessment ?
I reviewed the documents online and available in the project file to identify what works had been carries out to the unit to make an educated assumption on the likelihood of asbestos being used. This lead me to assess weather or not an asbestos survey should be undertaken.
Can you give me an exa,ple of a substance that is hazardous to health ?
Brick acid and dust
What is legionnaires disease ?
Potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by lehionella bacteria disperseased into the atmosphere
What is an O &M File ?
Operation and Maintainance Manual is a file that contains all information required for the operation, maintainance, decommissioning and demolition of a building or structure.
What is the Heirachy of Hazard Control ?
“Heirarchy of hazard control is a system used in industry to minimize or eliminate exposure to hazards.
1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Engineering Controls
4. Administrative Controls
5. PPE”
What is AYs Lone Working policy ?
“1. Operational Line managers have a responsibility for ensuring that all Avison Young employees follow lone working procedures.
2. Lone workers must have an active buddy system before starting an activity
3. All lone workers must have appropriate lone working training.
4. Lone workers must have a charged phone and the number must be noted within the buddy system.
5. If a risk assessment shows that it is not possible for the work to be done safely by a lone worker then arrangements should be put in place to mitigate the risk or cancel the work.”
Who was Suzie Lamplugh ?
British estate agent who disappeared on a viewing in 1986.
What is a health and safety policy document.
A document that sets out an organisations commitment to health and safety