Health and Safety Flashcards
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) require the responsible person to notify any death, reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence to the HSE ( on line or by phone for death and serious injuries). The responsible person is the employer or, for the self employed, the contractor or principle contractor.
What incidents are reportable?
Death, major injuries (loss of consciousness, of limb) and injuries over 7 days( work related , must be reported within 15 days)
Occupational diseases
Dangerous occurrences
Gas incidents
Who must report them?
‘The responsible person’ = the employer, person in charge of the site and self-employed.
Members of the public, injured people, staff etc. should report incidents to the responsible person.
They can contact the HSE if they are concerned it has not been reported but they cannot report it themselves.
What are the new RIDDOR requirements?
6 April 2021 only accidents resulting in incapacitation for more than 7 days must be reported, and employers will have 15 days to do so. Previously, accidents resulting in 3 days incapacitation had to be reported. The day of the accident does not count.
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (regulations 2002)
Aim to avoid exposure to hazardous substances, or if not possible, to control exposure by measures that are proportionate to the health risk. (involves risk assessments)
How many different types of Asbestos survey are there?
Type 1: Presumptive- visual inspection, looking at the likely locations for asbestos
Type 2: sampling- standard sampling, sampling of easily accessible areas to determine likely extent and types and types of asbestos present – industry standard.
Type 3: Intrusive- pre refurbishment or demolition, intrusive into building fabric, access to all areas for sampling and determine types of asbestos present.
What are the regulations around asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Asbestos which is contained in a safe manner can be left in-situ but there is a duty to manage asbestos.
Training is compulsory for workers engaged in asbestos removal.
Asbestos removal can be licensable, notifiable non licensed works or non licensed.
By 2015 even workers engaged in non-licensed asbestos removal will have to be under medical surveillance at 3 year intervals, albeit not a strict than for those in licensed works.
What is the period of notification prior to any asbestos removal works?
14 days – to the HSE, the local authority or the office of rail regulations.
What H&S precautions do you take when going on site?
Ensure that I have PPE, ensure that I have taken a site induction.
Who do you inform that you are going on site?
Sign in on site. Own company.
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What PPE would you wear when visiting a site?
Hard hat, boots, goggles, hi-vis vest, ear defenders.
If you were to disregard all H&S and cause damage and/or injure yourself on site, who would be liable?
My own employer who would cover the cost for insurance.
You have passed the CSCS test, how did it benefit you?
Made me aware of health and safety issues. Allowed me on construction sites
What does CSCS stand for?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
On the project described in your critical analysis, what measures did you or your company take to ensure good standards of health and safety when undertaking your work?
Assessing risk of property
Testing equipment (ladders) prior to use
Adhering to company’s health and safety
Have you had experience of compiling a health and safety assessment?
Each inspection I go through the appropriate health and safety checks, regular basis equipment checks.
What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm.
The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as ‘reasonably practicable’
What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
Step 1 – Identify the hazards
Step 2 – Decide who might be harmed and how
Step 3 – Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
Step 4 – Record your findings and implement them
Step 5 – Review your assessment and update if necessary
What is the role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)?
To prevent work related death, injury and ill health.
Provide support to public and businesses, guidance, statistics and research.
Local authorities are responsible for distribution, retail, offices and catering premises. Aviation and rail have their own regulations.
What is the Health and Safety at Work a1974?
Places a statutory duty on all employers to provide and maintain equipment and systems of works that are safe and without risk to the health and safety of employees, or others who may be affected by their undertaking.
The act aims to:
Secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work
Protect others against risks to health and safety arising from work activities
Control dangerous substances
Control certain emissons into the atmosphere
Employers with 5 or more employees must have written health and safety documents, detail the organisation health and safety structure.
What other regulations exist?
The workplace (Health and Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
The management of Health and Safety at work regulations 1999.
What is the Health and Safety (offences) Act 2008?
Received Royal Assent on 16 October 2008, and came into force Friday 16 January 2009.
The statute seeks to broaden the penalties available to the court when sentencing health and safety offences, by providing for increased fines and introducing imprisonment as a sanction.
What does “RICS Surveying Safely” focus on?
- Personal and Corporate responsibility
- Legal considerations and duties
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Property professionals’ places of work
- Occupational health
- Visiting premises and sites
- Procurement and management of contractors and construction work
What are the five steps to risk assessment?
Identify, Who, Risks, Record Review (IWRRR)
1) Identify the hazards
2) Decide who can be harmed and how
3) Evaluate risks and decide on precautions
4) Record findings and implement them
5) Review your assessment and update if necessary
What other regulations are applicable to a Residential Valuer?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (RIDDOR)
The 6 pack of H&S Regulations from 01 January 1993
1) Management of Health and Safety at Work
2) Display Screen Equipment
3) Manual Handling Operations
4) Personal Protective Equipment
5) Provision and Use of Work Equipment
6) Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Disability Discrimination and the Equality Act 2010
Can you identify Asbestos?
Yes, naturally occurring fibrous mineral silicates, Obtained by mining.
What types of Asbestos are you likely to encounter?
3 Significant types that have been used commercially in the UK: -
* Crocidolite – blue
* Amosite – Brown
* Chrysotile – White
Where is Asbestos commonly used?
- Anywhere that could be damaged by heat e.g. insulating boards etc.
- Bacolite fuse box
- Garage corrugate roofs
- Soffit boards
Please describe when a risk assessment should be carried out during your work environment?
- When entering and exiting a roof void/sub floor area. Is it safe to do so?
- When carrying out a repossession valuation is it safe to go alone?
- On a new build site is it safe to enter the dwelling? Do you have sufficient PPE?
What PPE should be worn on site?
- Hard hat
- Hi-vis vest
- Rigger boots
Who is responsible for H+S on a project?
Under HSE legislation both you and the contractor are.
What role does the principal designer have?
They take the lead in the planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating health and safety during the pre-construction phase.
What has changed in the CDM regulations issued in 2015?
- No longer excludes domestic clients
- The role of the CDM co-ordinator has been removed
- Simplified structure
- Clients’ responsibilities have been strengthened and broadened
- The role of principal designer has been introduced
- The requirement for “competence” has been removed and replaced with “skills, knowledge, experience and training”.
What would you do if you spotted unsafe working practices on site?
I would report it to the Health and Safety Executive.
Provide an example of when you have carried out good health and safety practice?
- In office, I ensure my workstation is correctly adjusted
- When on inspections I advise colleagues of the times I will be out and when I am expected to return, informing them of any delays.
- When I came across Asbestos I have left it undisturbed and advised the owner occupier to do the same and seek specialist advice.