Health and safety Flashcards
What should the poster that’s being displayed say?
-It states that all workers have a right to work in
places where risks and their health and safety
are properly controlled.
Health and safety is about stopping you from
getting hurt at work or ill through work.
–The employer is responsible for health and
safety, but you must help.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA)
-Requires employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees and visitors to the workplace.
-Includes the need to comply with health and
safety regulations.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
Requires the employer to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of:
-The risks to the health and safety of his employees,
whilst they are at work
-The risks to the health and safety of others
(people visiting the salon/barber shop)
This is referred to as a Risk Assessment.
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
Employers have a general duty under Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations
When working in a salon you may be required to lift and move objects; this is called manual handling. -An example of an area covered under this regulation: -Be aware of how to position yourself to avoid injury when lifting.
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE)
-Refers to the use of protective
clothing and equipment such as
gloves, aprons and masks
-Examples of areas covered
under this regulation:
-Using PPE during chemical services
-Wearing gloves when shampooing
to help prevent contact dermatitis
Due to hairdressers’ frequent contact with water and chemicals,= there is a higher than normal risk of contracting contact dermatitis.
-Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin, which can occur due to: -Contact with products that irritate the skin -An allergy -Constant shampooing and not rinsing and drying the skin after each service -Not moisturising regularly
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
Everyone has a responsibility to follow the COSHH regulations and instructions, which can be found on:
-Manufacturer’s product data sheets
-COSHH assessment sheets
Areas covered under this regulation include the identification of:
-Product hazards
-People at risk
-Action required to reduce risk
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
Hazards relate to Storing, Handling, Using and Disposing of products and are referred to as SHUD.
S - Store
H - Handle
U - Use
D - Dispose
Electricity at Work Regulations
Covers the use and maintenance of electrical equipment in the salon
An example of an area covered under this regulation:
-Any faulty or damaged equipment must be reported to the
relevant person and withdrawn from use
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
Covers the requirements of
equipment used in the workplace
Under this regulation employers are required to provide equipment that is: -Suitable for use -Fit for the purpose for which it is used
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
Relates to the reporting of any serious accidents, work related diseases and dangerous occurrences to the local Environmental Health Officer
Areas requiring reporting under this regulation include:
- Death
- Major injury
- More than 24 hours in a hospital
- Unable to work for more than three calendar days
All accidents need to be reported to the relevant person and recorded in the accident book.
First Aid: The size of the workplace
will determine the number of qualified
first aiders and facilities required.
First Aid Kit: All workplaces are
required to have a first-aid kit.
All employees should be aware of who is responsible for first aid and where the first-aid kit is kept.
Employee inductions should include workplace fire evacuation procedures that include:
What the evacuation procedures are
Where the fire extinguishers and blankets are located
What types of extinguishers should be used on different types of fires
What fire extinguisher would you use for electrical fires?
Carbon Dioxide
What fire extinguisher would you use for solid combustibles and flammable liquids?
What fire extinguisher would you use for solid combustibles?
What fire extinguisher would you use for combustible liquid fires?
What would you use to extinguish small contained fires before they spread?
Fire blanket
Why is it important to clean and disinfect tools and equpiment
To minimise the risk of cross-infection and
infestation it is:
Essential that all tools and equipment are cleaned, then disinfected or sterilised after every client.
- A disinfectant will kill germs (micro-organisms)
- Micro-organisms are caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses
- Sterilisation will kill micro-organisms and living organisms
Cleaning equipment
It is important to clean tools and equipment before disinfecting or sterilising.
Tools should be cleaned, disinfected or sterilised following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Cleaning may include using hot soapy water or wiping with an alcohol solution.
Disinfecting equpiment
-Ideal for brushes and combs
-Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the length of time the tools
are left in the product
Ultraviolet Radiation Cabinet :
Can be used for most tools, following the manufacturer’s instructions
Sterilising equipment
Sterilising Sprays and Wipes (chemical)
Ideal for metal tools such as scissors and clippers
Autoclave (moist heat)
Suitable for most tools except for wood handled or rubber-based brushes and some plastics
Disposing of waste
Dispose of salon waste correctly:
Follow salon procedures
Follow local authority policies
Follow manufacturer’s instruction
What to ensure when disposing of waste?
- Hair cuttings are swept up following the cutting service
- Excess chemicals are diluted with water and rinsed down the sink
- Empty containers are rinsed before placing in a covered bin
- Product packaging is placed in a covered bin or recycled
- Aerosol cans are not pierced or burnt
- Disposable blades (sharps) are
- disposed of in a sharps bin
What is a hazard?
something with the potential to cause harm.
What is a Risk?
Is the likelihood of the hazard’s potential being realised.
What is Control?
is the means by which risks that have been identified are eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels.