Healtch Care Delivery Flashcards
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
provides health related info; administers programs concerned with health care for the homeless, people with HIV and AIDS, organ transplants, rural health care and employee occupational health
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Protect the public from unsafe drugs, foods and cosmetics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Prevent the transmission of communicable diseases
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Conduct research and education related to specific illnesses
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Improve quality and availability of substance prevention, alcohol and drug addiction treatment, and mental health services
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Maintain registry of certain diseases; provide information on toxic agents; conduct mortality and morbidity studies on defined population groups
Indian Health Service (IHS)
Provide health care services to Native Americans, including health promotion, disease prevention, alcoholism prevention, substance abuse prevention, suicide prevention, nutrition, and maternal-child health care
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Primary source of federal support for research related to quality and safety of health care delivery
Nursing Roles- caregiver
traditional and most essential role; functions as nurturer; provides direct care; is supportive; demostrates clinical proficiency; promotes comfort of pt
Nursing Roles- teacher
provides information; serves as a counselor; seeks to empower pt for self-care; encourages compliance with prescribed therapy; promotes healthy lifestyle; interprets information
Nursing Roles- advocate
protects the pt; provides explanations in pts language; acts as a change agent; supports pts decision
Nursing Roles- manager
makes decisions; coordinates activites of others; allocates resources; evaluates care and personnel; serves as a leader; takes initiative
Nursing Roles- expert
advanced practice clinician; conducts research; teaches in schools of nursing; develops theory; contributes to professional literature; provides testimony at government hearings and in court
Nursing Roles- case manager
tracks pts progress through the health care system; coordinates care to ensure continuity
Nursing Roles- team member
collaborates with others; possesses highly skilled communication methods; perfoms therapuetic measures to assist with respiration
Professional Roles- RN
procides care to individuals who are unable to care for themselves; with a holistic approach, nurses assist pts to cope with illness or disability; addresses the needs of the pt (individual, family, community); emphasizes health promotion
Professional Roles- APRN
diagnoses primamry health care problems; prescribes therapuetic modalities; promotes continuity of care; may specialize in a variety of areas
Professional Roles- MD
makes medical diagnosis and prescribes therapeutic modalities; performs medical procedures; may specialize in a variety of areas
Professional Roles- PA
provides medical services under the supervision of a physician
Professional Roles- unlicensed assistive personnel
assists in provision of pt care activites under the direction of the RN; may include CNA, personal care assistant, nursing assistant, orderly or certified phlebotomist
Independent Practive
fee-for-service; consumer choice of provider; disease-oriented philosophy
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
fee is preset and prepaid; provide services to a group of enrolled personls; service is provision limited
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)
fees are preset and prepaid; networks of providers that give discounts to sponsoring organization; members are not mandated to select a specific primary care provider but must use a provider in the network
Exlusive Provider Organizations (EPO)
plans pay no benefit if member is treated oustide the network; usually regulated by state insurance laws
established in 1965; individuals over 65; does not pay for all health care expenses (ie prescriptions); long term care and catastrophic illnesses are not covered; modivied in 1972 to include those with disabilites and end stage renal disease; run by federal government
shraed between federal and state; each state can modify who is elligible; reimburses NPs and CNMs if the state has authorized the APRN to provide services specified under the Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS)
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
established in 1997 as part of the Balanced Budgent Act; nurses play essential advocacy role to parents of economically disadvantaged children; each state makes decisions about it’s financing
Levels of Care- Primary
promotes wellness and prevents illness or disability; society has begun to engage in health-promoting behaviors