Headaches Flashcards
A sharp pain indicates what type of headache?
Throbbing pain indicates what type of headache?
More vascular in pain
Inside pressure pushing outward indicates what type of headache?
Vascular and possibly life threatening
Outside Inward pressure indicates which type of headache?
Tension headache
-may have hat band type pain
Aura type headache indicates what?
A dull pain is characteristic of?
Positive Valsalva’s maneuver indicates a possible space occupying lesion such as?
Quiet, dark room will remiss what type of headache?
Migraine type headache
What type of headache will get worse as the day progresses?
Tension headaches
What are the mechanisms that produce headaches?
- Tension on veins and/or displacement of the Dural venous sinus
- Tension/distention of meningeal arteries or large arteries at base of skull
- Inflammation/pressure by masses upon pain sensitive structures within cranium or outer surface of cranium
- Spasms of cervical musculature
Migraine, cluster, exercise or diet related, post concussion or hypertension are related to what type of recurrent headaches?
Vascular recurrent headaches
Tension, inflammatory disorders of the cervical musculature are related to what type of recurrent headaches?
Muscular recurrent headaches
What thins are related to non-recurrent headaches?
Subarachnoid hemorrhage: acute head trauma
A positive brudzinski or Kernig’s test and a fever present indicate what type of headache?
-life threatening
A life threatening headache presenting an internal pressure pushing outward indicates?
Brain abscess
What are four causes of a life threatening headache?
Brain abscess
Subdural hematoma
Short onset, acute/sever pain, positive Valsalva’s and Triad of Dejerine and exacerbation during recumbency, while being more sever upon waking but may be more tolerable during the day is characteristic of what type of headache?
Life threatening
Hat band distribution or localized to occiput with onset during the day and increase in severity as day progresses, presenting for “awhile” and may display anxiety or may be chronically depressed characterizes what type of headache?
Tension headache
What type of tension headache has a general short duration, aching may begin in neck and become generalized throughout cranium and stretching or gentle massage may relieve it?
Acute tension headache
What type of tension headache would occur for days, often disabling enough to disrupt daily activities, pain in generalized throughout the cranium, nausea and vomiting?
Sub-acute muscle contraction headache
What type of tension headache is related to physical or emotional trauma, pain is usually present when going to sleep and may be there upon waking, generalized in the head and may include shoulders, Dull ache in an outward to inward direction?
Chronic muscle contraction headache
What are the three types of migraines?
- Classical
- Atypical
- Cluster
What are the basic characteristics of migraines?
Nausea or vomiting Vascular throbbing/pounding type pain Retro-orbital and/or temporal location Can be familial Onset usually begins in childhood Mainly unilateral Possible warning (AURA)
What type of migraine is bilateral with one side being more severe, relentless dull ache or stabbing pain in or behind eye area, occur upon waking hours or may occur later in the day, exacerbated by bright lights, noise, tension and remission from rest and a darkened room?
Atypical migraine
What type of migraine is located in the frontal or temporal region unilaterally, throbbing or pounding nature, begins upon waking and experiences AURA, exacerbated by alcohol, bright lights, and positional stress. Relieving factors rest, sleep and a darkened room, may have visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting?
Classical migraine
What type of migraine is unilateral with sudden pain onset, in the orbital area radiating to the temple, nose, upper jaw or neck. With a brief stabbing/knife like pain occurring in clusters frequently during sleep causing patient to wake, more prevalent in males 6:1 and affects middle aged people?
Cluster migraine
Redness of the eye on the affected eye, increase in lacrimation, rhinorrhea, or stuffiness of nostril and swelling of the temporal vessels on the affected side are associated with which type of migraine?
Cluster migraines
What headache occurs occurs in individuals in 55 or older, pain located in temporal artery unilaterally, knife-like, shooting, stabbing and may prevent sleep. Tenderness in scalp area and exacerbated by combing hair, pain might shoot down cervical spine and touching area of pain?
Temporal arteritis
What are the associated signs and symptoms of temporal arteritis?
Muscle ache of affected area
Head injury, local pain with tenderness at the site of impact, and pain lasting a few hours to several days and then symptom free indicates what type of headache?
Post concussion
What are the signs or symptoms of a post concussion headache?
Impairment of memory and concentration
Possible skull fracture
What type post concussion syndrome is the most common, with dull, aching, pressure like sensation, location is entire scalp, and patient might be anxious?
Type 1 post concussion
What type post concussion has pain local to injury site and tender zone at point of pain?
Type 2 post concussion
What are the general characterizations of headache pain?
Sharp pain Throbbing Dull Pressure Aura type