Head, Neck, Torso Muscles Flashcards
What are the 2 groups of bones of the adult skeleton?
axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton
What are the basic types of bones?
long, short, flat, irregular, and sesamoid
How many bones are in the skull?
22 bones
What is the part of the skull that provides a case for the brain, meninges, nerves and associated structures?
What is also called the viscerocranium or splanchonocranium?
Facial skeleton
What is the anterior part of the skull containing the orbits, nasal cavities, maxilla, and mandible?
viscerocranium or splanchonocranium
Which foramen has the medulla oblongata and membranes, CN XI, and the vertebral and spinal arteries passing through it?
Foramen magnum
Which foramen has the inferior alveolar nerve and blood vessels passing through it?
mandibular foramen
Which foramen has the mandibular branch of cranial nerve V passing through it?
Foramen ovale
Which foramen has the maxillary branch of cranial nerve V passing through it?
Foramen rotundum
Which foramen has the internal carotid artery and sympathetic nerves for eyes passing through it?
Carotid foramen
Which foramen has cranial nerve XII and a branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery passing through it?
hypoglossal foramen
Which foramen has the internal jugular vein, cranial nerves IX, X, and XI passing through it?
jugular foramen
Which foramen contains a branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery?
foramen lacerum
Which foramen has cranial nerve VII and the stylomastoid artery passing through it?
stylomastoid foramen
What is the dome-like roof of the cranium made up of the superior portions of the frontal bone, occipital bone, and parietal bones?
What is the floor of the cranium, or the cranial base called?
Which bone forms forehead,roof of orbits, and anterior cranial floor?
Frontal bone
Which bone forms the side and roof of cranial activity?
parietal bone
Which foramen in the temporal bone does CN VII go through?
stylomastoid foramen
Which area of the temporal bone does CN VIII go through?
petrous portion
What is located in the middle part of the base of the skull, called the keystone bone?
sphenoid bone
What is the passageway for oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, and ophthalmic nerves?
Superior orbital fissure
The maxillary branch of the trigeminal (CN V2) passes through what?
foramen rotundum
What foramen transmits the mandibular nerve (CN V3)?
foramen ovale
What area of the sphenoid holds the pituitary gland?
sella turcica
What is the name for the anterior ridge of the sphenoid?
Tuberculin sellae
What is the name for the central depression of the sphenoid?
Hypophyseal fossa
What is the name for the posterior ridge of the sphenoid?
dorsum sellae
What are the attachment points for some muscles that move the mandible on the sphenoid?
pterygoid processes
What transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery in the sphenoid?
optic foramen
What forms part of the anterior portion of the cranial floor, the medial wall of the orbits, the superior portion of the nasal septum, and most of the superior side walls of the nasal cavity?
ethmoid bone
How many cranial bones are there?
8 bones
How many facial bones are there?
14 bones
What attaches to the flax cerebral from the ethmoid bone?
crystal galli
What area of the ethmoid bone does the olfactory nerve pass through?
olfactory foramina
Areas of the ethmoid bone containing sinuses?
lateral masses
What is the upper part of the nasal septum of the ethmoid bone?
perpendicular plate
These structures causes inhaled air to swirl and impact mucus; also called turbinates
superior and middle nasal conchae
What forms the skeleton of the upper jaw that is fixed to the cranial base?
What forms the skeleton of the lower jaw that articulates with the cranial base at the temporomandibular joints and is moveable?
What hold the upper teeth in the mandible?
alveolar processes
What are the lateral wall of the orbit along with sphenoid?
zygomatic bones
What are the bones that make up part of the medial wall of the orbit?
lacrimal bones
What is the “L-shaped” bone that has one end that is the back part of the hard palate and the other end is part of the orbit?
What is the posterior part of the nasal septum?
What is the vertical partition that divides the nasal cavity into left and right sides?
Nasal septum
What are the bones that make up the roof of the orbit?
frontal sphenoid
What are the bones that make up the lateral wall of the orbit?
Zygomatic sphenoid
What are the bones that make up the floor of the orbit?
maxilla, zygomatic, palantine
What are the bones that make up the medial wall of the orbit?
maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, and spenoid
Which suture unites the parietal and occipital bones?
lambdoid suture
Which suture unites the 2 parietal bones?
sagittal suture
Which suture unites the frontal and both parietal bones?
corona suture
Which suture unites the parietal and temporal bones?
squamous suture
What are the dense CT membrane-filled spaces between the cranial bones of fetuses at birth called?
What are the cavities in bones of the skull that communicate with the nasal cavity?
paranasal sinuses
What are the muscles that move the mandible?
masseter, temporalis, and pterygoids
Which muscle retracts the mandible?
Which muscles elevates the mandible?
Which muscle protracts AND depresses the mandible?
lateral pterygoid
Which muscle elevates and protracts the mandible?
medial pterygoid
What are the four muscles that insert into the tongue?
What are the five branches of the facial nerve?
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Marginal mandibular Cervical
What is the muscle that closes the eye?
orbicularis oculi
What is the muscle that puckers the mouth?
orbicularis oris
What muscle forms the muscular portion of the cheek and assists in whistling, blowing, sucking, and chewing?
What is the origin of the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis?
occipital bone
What is the origin of the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis?
Galea aponeurotica
Which muscle has the action of elevating the eyebrows and wrinkling the skin of the forehead horizontally?
What is the occipitofrontalis muscle innervated by?
Temporal branch of facial nerve
What is the insertion for the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis?
Fascia and skin superior to the eye and nose
What is the insertion for the zygomaticus major and minor?
Zygomatic bone
What is the insertion for the zygomaticus major?
Skin at the angle of mouth/ orbicularis oris
What is the insertion for the zygomaticus minor?
Upper lip
Which muscle draws angle of the mouth superiority and laterally (smile) and raises the upper lip?
Zygomaticus major/minor
What is the zygomaticus major and minor innervated by?
Zygomatic/buccal branch
Which branch of the facial nerve innervates the levator labii superioris?
Zygomatic branch
The action of the ___ muscle is to raise the upper lip
Levator labii superioris
The action of the ___ muscle depresses the lower lip
Depressor labii inferioris
Which branch of the facial nerve innervates the depressor labii inferioris?
marginal mandibular branch
Which muscle draws the mouth angle laterally and inferiority? (Frown)
Depressor annuli oris
Which branch of the facial nerve innervates the depressor anguli oris?
Marginal mandibular branch
Which muscle closes and protrudes the lips, compressing against teeth and shaping for speech?
Orbicularis oris
The origin of the ___ muscle is the muscle fibers surrounding the opening of the mouth
Orbicularis oris
What branch of the facial nerve innervates the orbicularis oris?
buccal branch
The insertion of this muscle is the orbicularis oris
What muscle presses the checks against the teeth and lips (whistling/blowing), and assists in mastication by keeping the food between teeth?
What branch of the facial nerve innervates the buccinator?
buccal branch
Which muscle draws the angle of the mouth laterally? (Grimace)
What branch of the facial nerve innervates the risorius?
Buccal branch
The insertion for this muscle is the skin of the chin
Which muscle elevates and protrudes the lower lip and pulls up skin of the chin? (Pout)
What branch of the facial nerve innervates the mentalis?
Marginal mandibular branch
Which muscle draws the outer part of the lower lip inferiority and posteriorly as in pouting AND depresses mandible?
The insertion for this muscle is the mandible, muscle around angle of the mouth, and skin of the lower face
What branch of the facial nerve innervates the platysma?
Cervical branch