Head & Neck Flashcards
All of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are innervated by the ________ nerve, EXCEPT the ________ which is innervated by the EXTERNAL laryngeal.
recurrent laryngeal….crycothyroid
What muscle abducts/opens the vocal chord?
Posterior Crico-arytenoid
What muscle adducts/ closes the vocal cords?
Lateral crico-arytenoid
Which muscle stretches/tenses the vocal cords to increase pitch?
What are the two pathways to supply the larynx with BLOOD?
1.External Carotid->Superior Thyroid->Superior Laryngeal 2.Subclavian->Thyrocervical Trunk->Inferior Thyroid->Inferior Laryngeal
What are the branches of the Thryrocervical Trunk?
1.Supra Scapular 2.Transverse Cervical 3.Inferior Thyroid 4.Ascending Cervical
Innvervation of: Genioglossus
Innvervation of: Hyoglossus
Innvervation of: Styloglossus
Innvervation of: Palatoglossus
Innvervation of: Tensor veli palatini
Innvervation of: Levator veli palatini
Innvervation of: PalatoPharyngeus
Innvervation of: Musculus Uvulae
Innvervation of: StyloPharyngeus
Innvervation of:PalatoPharyngeus
Innvervation of: SalpingoPharyngeus
What is the muscle that wraps around the pterygoid hamulus?
tensor veli palatini
What are the two muscles of the FAUCES?? Which one is anterior? Which one is posterior?
Anterior: PalatoGlossus….Posterior: PalatoPharyngeus
THE NERVE TO THE MASSETTER PASSES thru the _______ and enters on ____ surface of the muscle.
MOST muscles in the larynx receive innervation from the ______ nerve
INFERIOR laryngeal nerve
Posterior digastric innervation ______….Anterior Digastric innervation _______
posterior digastric = VII…..anterior digastric = V3
LETS GET IT!!!! AuriculoTemporal Nerve: a branch of ____ that is the sensory nerve of the ______. It also carries Parasympathitic fibers from CN ____ via the ________ nerve!!!!!
branch of V3…TMJ….CN IX…lesser petrosal nerve
Communication between infra temporal fossa and the PterygoPalatine fossa =
pterygomaxillary fissure
COOL! emergency tracheotomy is best done through the median _______ ligament
cricothyroid ligament
What two muscles form a mediolateral ‘sling’ around the angle of the mandible?
masseter & medial pterygoid
Which lymph nodes drain the maxillary teeth?
submandibular nodes