Head, including ears, jaws and teeth Flashcards
Almond eye
Basically of oval shape eye, but with well defined corners giving it an almond shaped appearance.
(Eyes almond, oval, round)
A nose downward curving in the cartilage area.
Bat ear
An erect ear, rather broad at the base, rounded in outline at the top, and with opening directly to the front.
Eg French Bulldog
Broad skull base and short length of foreface, as typified by the Pekingese and the Pug.
Not all Brachycephalic dogs are repandous.
Button ear
The ear flap folding forward, the tip lying close to the skull so as to cover the orifice and pointing toward the eye.
The fleshy regions at the sides of the head, commencing at the lip junction, and extending backwards into the muscles area, a little below the eyes.
Narrow skull, coupled with great length of foreface.
Drop ear
Ear hanging down from its “set on”.
The front part of the head, before the eyes. Muzzle.
Of the ear. The skin and cartilage, external part of the ear. Also refers to bare nasal bridge of Australian Terriers.
Level bite
When the front teeth (incisors) of the upper and lower jaw meet exactly edge to edge. Pincer bite.
Lower jaw bone.
Upper jaw bone.
Intermediate head of medium proportions between Dolichocephalic and Brachycephalic.
Milk teeth
First teeth
Nasolabial line
Groove at the junction of the left and right upper lip halves.
If crooked the mouth will be wry.
Upper, back point of the skull
The formation of the mouth where the teeth of the upper jaw extend beyond the teeth of the lower jaw to form a gap between the outer edge of the lower teeth and the inside edge of the upper teeth.
Oval eye
Appreciably longer than high, with ends gently rounded rather than angular, giving an oval appearance.
(Eyes almond, oval, round)
Pincer bite
Level bite
When the front teeth (incisors) of the upper ams lower jaw meet exactly edge to edge.
Planes of head
The top surfaces of the skull and foreface, when seen in profile.
Pricked ears
Carried erect
An underjaw with the chin curved upwards.
Not all Brachycephalic dogs are repandous.
Rose ear
One folding backwards exposing the inner burr of the ear.
Leather will be fine and not heavy.
Scissor bite
Jaws strong, with a perfect regular and complete scissor bite, ie the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Semi-erect ear
Top part of ear tipped forward.
Bony regions of the head, usually meant as section of head from stop to occiput.
The step up from the muzzle to skull; indentation between the eyes where the nasal bone and skull meet.
The lower incisor teeth projecting beyond the upper incisor teeth.
Wry mouth
Type of mouth twisted so that upper and lower jaws are out of alignment.
Zygomatic arch
The bony ridges forming the lower edges of the eye sockets on each side of the skull - and extending to the base of the ear.
Number of teeth in a full set
Number of teeth in the upper set
Number of teeth in the lower set
Number of incisors
Number of upper incisors
Number of lower incisors
Upper = 6 (3 either side) Lower = 6 (3 either side)
Number of premolars
Number of upper premolars
Number of lower premolars
Upper = 8 (4 either side) Lower = 8 (4 either side)
Number of molars
Number of upper molars
Number of lower molars
Upper = 4 (2 either side) Lower = 6 (3 either side)
Number of canines
Upper = 2 (1 either side) Lower = 2 (1 either side)
Contact between teeth.
Relationship between the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth when they approach each other, as occurs during chewing or at rest.
Abnormal teeth alignment.
Two types: Skeletal and Dental
Skeletal - abnormal jaw alignment which causes the teeth to be out of normal orientation.
Dental - (or malposition) one or more teeth are out of normal alignment but the jaws are normally aligned.